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Chapter 416: Violent Fall Palace Invasion

"Strange." Although it was the first time Meng Ming saw the ancestor's black turtle, he soon discovered the problem.

"It stands to reason that even if this mysterious tortoise of the seventh rank cannot be transformed into a human form, it should awaken its intelligence. Why does it still look so chaotic?"

At a glance, he could see the abnormality of Xuan Gui, especially in terms of spiritual enlightenment, which completely didn't match its rank and the information about it recorded by the sect.

But the city lord at the side noticed something, "It should have been severely injured, and its intelligence has degraded."

"It is very likely that the ancestor was robbed."

When he said that, Meng Ming felt that the explanation made sense, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Seeing that Xuangui was still walking towards Donggan City step by step, he didn't know his intention.

After a moment of silence, Pang Zicheng suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Since you escaped with your life and came back here, then follow me back to the sect."

The black turtle seemed to understand Pang Zicheng's words, stopped and raised his head to look at him, his eyes were a little confused and a little strange.

It didn't recognize Pang Zicheng and Meng Ming.

But it still remembers the Zongmen costumes they wore, as well as the aura of the exercises they practiced.

is so familiar.

"Whether there is any news about the ancestor or not, let's take it back first." Seeing this, Pang Zicheng said to Meng Ming.

He is the lord of the city, so it is naturally impossible to leave Donggan city without authorization, and Meng Ming can only lead the way.

Meng Ming nodded, his face had returned to calm and calm, "I see."

"It's the city lord and they seem to be communicating with the giant tortoise." A monk at the city gate saw Pang Zicheng and Meng Ming and pointed to them.

"The giant tortoise is not moving!"

Qin Ming also saw it, and secretly thought that the mysterious tortoise must have something to do with Qiankun Yunzong, so he rushed here all the way.

He thought of the stone temple on Xuangui's back, and the skeleton in the stone temple.

What is the identity of that skeleton?

On the other side, Pang Zicheng continued to communicate with the mysterious turtle, "If you can, you can take human form."

The black tortoise whined twice, and its figure began to shrink rapidly.

Dashan quickly disappeared from everyone's eyes, replaced by a little boy in a dark green gown, with two dark green scales shining on his forehead.

The little boy stood on the ground and looked up at the two people in mid-air.

"Take it away." Pang Zicheng said.

Meng Ming nodded, and with a move of his right hand, a cloud of spiritual energy enveloped the little boy on the ground, and they flew towards the distance together.

Seeing this, Qin Ming thought to himself that it was true, Xuangui must have a deep connection with Qiankun Yunzong.

The giant tortoise was taken away, and the crisis was resolved inexplicably. After watching for a while, everyone left one after another.

Qin Ming was also preparing to go back to his residence. He still had a few spirit elixirs that he hadn't swallowed, and he was going to practice for a few more days.

However, not long after he retreated into the city, the void suddenly twisted in midair on the top of the city.

The strange fluctuation instantly alarmed countless monks below, including Qin Ming.

Qin Ming raised his head suddenly, with a look of surprise on his face.

In that twisting void,

Several black shadows appeared out of thin air.

The reason why he was surprised was because these black figures were dressed in uniform black clothes, like ghosts from hell, their faces were covered with a thin layer of black mist.

Isn't this kind of appearance the same as the group of people from Biluo Palace that I met back then.

It's just that there was only one at the beginning, but now there are seven at a time.

Not only him, but some monks with extraordinary perception sensed something was wrong immediately, and looked up.

"Bi, Bi, it's the people from Bi Luo Palace!" A reincarnated cultivator was about to return to the inner city, when he raised his head inadvertently, his face turned pale with shock, as if he had really seen a ghost.

Even some high-strength monks retreated consciously after seeing this group of people. Although they don't know why the people from Biluo Palace came here, they are afraid of being implicated.

From this, it can be seen how resounding the notoriety of Bi Luo Temple is.


After the people from the Biluo Palace stepped out of the twisted void, they flew towards the inner city below without stopping, turning into a wisp of black smoke and flying.

Qin Ming witnessed this scene from a distance in the outer city.

It seems that the other party came here for a purpose.

His first reaction was to think of the bamboo slip exercise that Meng Ming took away, that set of blood demon magic.

Of course, the other party may not be just for the lost exercises this time, or they may be specifically looking for Qiankun Yunzong to settle accounts.

In this region, they are the only ones who dare to trouble Qiankun Yunzong so blatantly.


After a while, a huge roar erupted in the inner city.

Qin Ming came to a deserted land and jumped to the top of a tall tower to look inside.

"You are deceiving people too much!!"

At this moment, a furious voice shook the entire air.

You don't need to think about it to know that it is the voice of the city lord.

Countless city defense forces in the surrounding area are rushing back quickly, and many disciples of Qiankun Yunzong turned into streamers and flew into the city to deal with the foreign enemies.


The spiritual energy fluctuated and exploded, gushing away like a torrent.

The inner city was the first to suffer, and countless buildings were turned into flying debris without any protection, and there were not even ruins left.

This is probably the biggest invasion and destruction that Donggan City has encountered in the past few years.


Tianbian didn't know whether he had received the notification or he was staying nearby. Some experts from Qiankun Yunzong also arrived in time, shouting and killing the masters of Biluo Palace.

"Ignorant child, accept death obediently!"

For a time, the entire inner city was in chaos.

"Activate the Great Formation of Thousand Spirits!" Pang Zi set up in the sky above the City Lord's Mansion, shouting loudly.

Dozens of Qiankun Yunzong disciples soared into the sky.

They all have the cultivation base of gathering pills, and the aura around them is as conspicuous as boiling hot water.

With their respective hands connected to each other, they quickly arranged a large formation of the sect with them as the core.

The large formation enveloped the entire inner city, and the aftermath of the battle was quickly offset by the large formation.

Without the protection of this large formation, I am afraid that the inner city will be destroyed in a few minutes.

You must know that the seven people from Bi Luo Temple here are all monks of the Divine Fire Realm, and their strength is so high that they are definitely top players.

On weekdays, how can you just think about it casually, and even among the many first-class forces, there are not so many monks in the Divine Fire Realm sitting in command, so one can imagine how strong the force of Biluo Temple is.

"Wow, the fireworks are so beautiful." The little milk baby floated beside Qin Ming, clapping his hands happily.

Not to mention, the battle between the gods and fire realms in mid-air, the aura friction that burst out is really like huge clusters of fireworks, which is surprisingly good to watch.

If you just look at the excitement from a distance, it's really pretty.

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