Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 419: Connecting to the Sky and Sea Wall

Perceiving the wind in the air, he is much more sensitive with the affinity of the wind element.

The climate here has indeed changed a bit, and the wind in the sky is also a bit messy, with faint energy interfering in it.

A few hours later, Qin Ming, who was far away, could already see a large haze in the distant sky.

The sea breeze is also gradually increasing.

As he got closer, the sky began to drizzle again.


Suddenly, on the bottom of the sea not far from Qin Ming, an undercurrent spewed out and rolled towards the sky.

The twisted and meandering appearance is like a water dragon going out to sea, which is quite eye-catching.

Qin Ming used the wind element to adjust the bow of the boat to avoid the sweep of this water column.

However, it was as if he had entered a specific area, and water jets shot up into the sky one after another, without warning, very suddenly.

"Is this considered entering the Land of Storms?"

Thinking of this in his heart, Qin Ming felt that there should be no mistake.

His current location is probably the outermost edge of the stormy sea area.

As he went deeper into this sea area, the environment became more and more harsh.

The water column seems to be connected to the black clouds in the sky, and there are even lightning flashes in it. It is amazing what kind of doomsday scene this is.

Compared with this, the storm that I encountered when I first went to sea was nothing at all.

The howling wind even set off huge waves, and even the layer of protective bubbles built by the Spirit Devouring Demon Fish couldn't withstand the impact, and became unstable.

Each layer of waves seemed to drop a super bomb in Qin Ming's ears, and the roar continued.

No matter how difficult the boat was to support in such an environment, it fell apart.

Qin Ming landed on the Spirit-swallowing Demon Fish, and after the bubbles collapsed, the rain soaked him instantly.

Sword Grass on the side was also quite embarrassed, screaming there.

In his heart, Qin Ming could sense the fear in the spirit-swallowing demon fish's heart, obviously he was afraid of this place.

Being able to make it like this is enough to explain the degree of danger here.

"Master, I don't like this place at all." Sword Grass said, wiping the salty sea water on her face.

Qin Ming's eyes fell on the front, this is not the most chaotic place, as it goes deeper, it is like a dark abyss hell, with a strong visual impact.

To be on the safe side, Qin Ming chose to detour and slowly go deep into this sea area, while looking for the safest possible entry channel.

Summon the Celestial Jade Tiger together to jointly resist the storm here.

After they came to the spiritual energy world, their combat power also increased a lot. In the original world where the spiritual energy was scarce, their combat power was actually suppressed.

Only when they can attract the aura of the outside world when they get here, can they display their true strength.

After such a detour for a long time, Qin Ming himself does not know how far he has penetrated into this sea area.

Looking back, it was full of giant water columns, like cages connected to the sky.

Fortunately, the Spirit-swallowing Demon Fish is super vigilant in the sea, almost every time it can detect the undercurrent of the deep sea at the first time, leading Qin Ming to avoid a lot of dangers.

"Wow." Sword Grass stared forward suddenly, and whispered, as if seeing something extraordinary.

Qin Ming also looked at it immediately, and the frenzied wind in the distance rolled up a large amount of sea water, forming a huge storm.

It looks like a towering sea wall.

He couldn't see what was inside, but he knew that he had officially found his destination.

"Is this the core of the Sea of ​​Storms?" Qin Ming stood on the back of the Spirit Devouring Demon Fish and muttered to himself.


A thick thunderbolt landed on this layer of sea wall, but the light disappeared in a flash, making no waves.

At this moment, Qin Ming had some doubts about how the village chief got into it. He couldn't think of anything other than a miracle.

The destructive power of the wind that set off the sea wall must be extremely terrifying, like a meat grinder, and countless spirits and monsters die here every year.

Qin Ming didn't want to be the next one, so he turned his eyes around. After he didn't find the passage to enter, he turned around the sea wall again.

Since the village chief was able to enter it, presumably there must be a way to enter the sea of ​​​​storms, but he just didn't find the time.

After turning around for a while, the Sword Grass on the side couldn't bear it anymore.

"Master, why don't you let me chop this sea wall." Sword Grass gritted her teeth and said, looking ready to move.

Qin Ming thought for a while and nodded in agreement. Even if he couldn't break it, he could still escape with the strength of the sword grass.

Seeing that Qin Ming agreed, Jiancao rushed out with a hey.

A cyan ice sword was condensed in his hand, with awe-inspiring sword intent all over his body.

Wanting to cut through this barrier-like boundary wall with a single sword seems as difficult as climbing to the sky.

In fact, after feeling the storm up close, he didn't think that the sword grass could really cut through the sea wall, otherwise he would have let it try.

Jiancao's figure suddenly turned into a rainbow light in mid-air, and came to the edge of the sea wall in an instant.

Compared with this sea wall, Sword Grass is as small as a drop of sea water.

"Cut the sky!"

The huge cyan sword light seemed to tear apart the black clouds in the sky, so dazzling that it even covered up the thunder and lightning in the clouds.

The sword light was tens of meters long, and the sword slashed on the sea wall.

The next moment, the small body of Sword Grass was thrown directly, and the ice sword in his hand and the sword light both shattered away.

Not to mention that the sea wall was cut open, there was no sign of breaking open.

Such a powerful sword style is still like this, which completely cuts off the idea of ​​using force to break open.

Qin Ming beckoned, the wind element wrapped the sword grass and retreated.

Sword Grass coughed out a few mouthfuls of seawater, like a fallen cabbage leaf, her face full of frustration.

"You don't have to force it." Qin Ming pinched Jiancao's fat, round face and said a few words of comfort.

Let the Spirit Devouring Demon Fish continue to walk around.

With the speed of the spirit-swallowing demon fish, it took Qin Ming two days to go around in such a circle.

The sea area enclosed by the sea wall is at least a thousand kilometers in diameter.

However, back to the origin, he still didn't find any way to enter.

The sea wall is rolled by the wind like a perpetual motion machine, and there is no gap at all, and it is airtight.

But Qin Ming came here all the way, and he didn't want to give up just like that, so he went around again.

This time, he observed more carefully and cautiously.

However, they got together with one person and three ghosts, and they still couldn't find a way to enter.

After wandering like this for a few more days, Qin Ming felt that he was about to adapt to the stormy environment outside the sea wall.

Even he felt that these soaring water jets didn't seem to be spewing out of order, as if there was some kind of law in them.

:. :

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