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Chapter 423: Children of Leiyinbao

Sapphire, as the youngest of the four to build the Naling Body, her aptitude is also relatively inferior.

Xiang Xiaosheng and Liu Xiang'er's reputation in the castle is even louder.

Seeing that the distance between the three people in front was getting farther and farther, she was inevitably a little discouraged.

There are only three Dao aggregates in total, and it seems that she no longer has her share.

Just when she was about to give up, a figure suddenly appeared beside her, making her eyes widen.

"This guy......"

Qin Ming's sudden appearance exceeded her expectations, and what surprised her even more was the speed at which Qin Ming moved forward.

Judging from the aura, it is obvious that they are both in the reincarnation environment, but when Qin Ming resisted the impact of the halo, he was still able to move forward at a constant speed, and he did not look stiff.

It didn't take a moment to overtake her, and he seemed to be able to do a job with ease.

This young boy who looked to be about the same age as them showed an extremely terrifying physical strength.

Cheng Lin in the front was still gritting his teeth and exerting his strength. He also didn't want to be thrown off by those two people. This was related to Dao Yun, but also to his self-esteem.

He vowed to try his best to strengthen his body after going back, until he surpassed Xiao Sheng and Liu Xiang'er.

Just as he was thinking this way, a breath appeared behind him.

"Huh? Is it sapphire? Impossible?"

Cheng Lin's thoughts turned, and he turned his head slightly and glanced behind him.

Someone did catch up, but it wasn't Lan Yu, a disciple of Leiyinbao who was traveling with him, but the young man who had been spotted before.

If it was normal, he might have already sensed Qin Ming's approach.

However, he neglected it because he devoted himself to resisting the impact of the halo, so that he didn't realize that Qin Ming had come to a position less than two or three meters behind him.

Stepping out again, Qin Ming has come to Cheng Lin's side.

Then, under Cheng Lin's staring eyes, he took another step uninterruptedly, surpassing Cheng Lin in an understatement.

Cheng Lin's complexion changed drastically, and he could no longer keep calm in his heart.

Although he felt unwilling because he fell behind Xiao Sheng and Liu Xiang'er before, at least the third Dao Yun still had a chance to be in the bag, and no one was robbing him.

However, now that Qin Ming suddenly appeared on the way, the situation is completely different.

This last Daoyun seemed to pass him by.

After searching for several months, the purpose is to obtain a top-level Dao Yun, so as to condense the Jiuwen Golden Pill.

Never allow such a thing of being cut off halfway to happen!

Cheng Lin let out a muffled roar, and his whole body burst into thunder again, and many of the thunder that had been crushed by the halo were also condensed again and again.

At this moment, Qin Ming has already taken another step, gradually distanced himself from Cheng Lin.

"Huh?" Qin Ming frowned, and a thunder light coiled around Cheng Lin's palm, as if he was accumulating energy, and a strong energy fluctuation burst out.

After all, the other party is an outstanding disciple of Lei Yinbao, and the strength he can display is comparable to that of a monk in the alchemy realm!

"Go to hell!" Cheng Lin was already quite upset, but Qin Ming's halfway overtaking completely ignited the unknown fire in his heart.

Every inch of muscle in his body was stimulated by the electric current to become highly active, and with the impact of the halo, he blasted a palm of thunder at Qin Ming.


The ultimate thunder light turned into thousands of filaments and rolled towards Qin Ming.

After Cheng Lin finished performing, he gasped heavily, his eyes fixed on Qin Ming.

He is confident that even monks in the pill-gathering realm will dodge this attack.

And under the impact of this halo, no matter how strong Qin Ming is, he does not believe that Qin Ming can dodge.

Sure enough, Qin Ming still stayed where he was, and the countless filaments made of electric arcs rushed towards him from all directions.

The moment it stabbed at Qin Ming's body, the thunder light covered Qin Ming's whole body. From a distance, it looked like a big ball of light was flickering.

However, before Cheng Lin could get excited, those thunder lights were scattered away.

Qin Ming was still standing on the spot intact, with occasional arcs remaining on his body, as if to prove that Cheng Lin hadn't gone wrong just now.

Cheng Lin madly shouted in his heart how this is possible, even a cultivator at the alchemy level might not be able to resist the thunder light, but Qin Ming blocked it so easily, it seems that he hasn't done anything yet.

Just relying on the strength of his physical body to resist his style, the key is that like him, he is just a reincarnation.

"Is it just this level?" Qin Ming said casually, as if he didn't expect that the famous Leiyinbao disciple's strength was nothing more than this.

Cheng Lin almost blew his hair when he heard this light and fluffy sentence.

"Who are you!"

Qin Ming ignored him, and even looked away, before stepping forward again.

This kind of silent contempt made Cheng Lin's brain congest even more, and his face flushed red.

But being imprisoned in place by the impact of the halo, even if he wanted to fight Qin Ming, he couldn't do it.

He could only watch Qin Ming drift away, his teeth itching with hatred.

In fact, it wasn't that Cheng Lin was too weak, but that Qin Ming's current physique was too strong compared to a reincarnated monk.

The Nine Condensation Body Art has been cultivated to the seventh rank, and the improvement in it is undoubtedly huge.

There was no good comparison before, but now that he meets a leader of his peers, he has just shown his strength.

The reason why Cheng Lin was ignored was also to save time.

God knows when the Leiyinbao deacon above his head will stop fighting against the sacred tree.

For him, it is still important to obtain the Tao aggregate.

Now that the distance was getting closer, he also saw clearly that there were only three Dao Yuns on the tree.

The quantity is limited, lest there will be changes if it is too late, Qin Ming also began to speed up the pace without hesitating consumption.

Sword Grass continued to stare at Lei Xiao, protecting Qin Ming comprehensively.

On the other side, Xiao Sheng and Liu Xiang'er also spotted Qin Ming who was catching up later.

Xiao Sheng was also slightly surprised, only Liu Xiang'er seemed to have expected this situation, and didn't look back, her eyes were only on the Dao Yun branded on the tree.

Qin Ming is approaching.

Another three minutes later, Qin Ming and Xiao Sheng were side by side.

At this time, the impact of the halo they faced had risen to a whole new level.

Xiao Sheng's whole body was as powerful as Cheng Lin's, while Qin Ming also possessed Jiu Ninggang with a bear on his back, which further strengthened his physique.

At this age, no matter how mature he is, there is still youthful blood in his heart.

Seeing that Qin Ming was about to overtake him, Xiao Sheng refused to accept it, but he was not as extreme as Cheng Lin. At this moment, he made a tactic with both hands, and thunder rolled around his legs, as if covering him with a layer of pure white armor.

The same step was taken, but Qin Ming did not overtake him.

The two of them maintained a long distance and moved forward in sync, secretly competing with each other.

Xiao Sheng's performance made Qin Ming a little impressed, this is the strength he imagined the geniuses of Leiyinbao to have.

After all, the name of Leiyinbao is so resounding in this medieval continent, everyone knows it, and no matter how high the expectations are placed on its children, it is not too high.

:. :

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