Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 425 Corpse Refiner

Qin Ming noticed the abnormality in that position, and Lei Xiao and others naturally also noticed it.

The distortion gradually intensified, and then a strange light emerged.

A large amount of seawater was directly absorbed by the gloomy light and disappeared without a trace.

"How can there be spatial turbulence here!" Lei Xiao frowned, with a puzzled look on his face.

This sudden anomaly also made him a little afraid to act rashly, and obviously he couldn't avoid the turbulent flow in space.

If they expand their perception, they will be able to find that at the edge of the storm, space distortions appear in groups, as if this area is about to collapse, which is extremely terrifying.

Not to mention the previous exit path, which was completely blocked.

Qin Ming didn't know what happened, but he already had an ominous premonition in his heart.

I don't know how many tons of water it absorbed.

At a certain moment, the sea water was spit out again by the gloomy light.

However, there were two figures that came out together.

After seeing these two people, Lei Xiao frowned even deeper.

Qin Ming was amazed that this dark light could not only absorb the sea water, but also could suddenly jump out of two figures, it must be said that he was a little surprised.

Looking closely, one of the figures was wearing a black robe, holding a copper bell in his hand, and a black and white flag on his back, and his shape looked a little weird.

The other figure looked even weirder.

The whole body is stiff, the eyes are closed, and there is a cumbersome black brand on the forehead.

What's more important is that Qin Ming can't perceive the aura of this figure at all, including any energy fluctuations.

"Is the method of concealing the breath too clever, or is there another reason?" He thought to himself.

The man with the brand stood motionless beside the black-robed man. Since he kept his eyes closed, Qin Ming didn't know what he was thinking.

On the contrary, Lei Xiao seemed to see the other party's identity, and his complexion gradually became difficult to look.

"Why is there a space tunnel connecting the Nether World here!" Lei Xiao said in a deep voice, staring at the black-robed figure.

"The Underworld!"


Sapphire obviously also knew about the existence of the Netherworld, her eyes widened with an expression of disbelief.

In fact, Qin Ming has also heard about this Netherworld.

There are three realms in this aura world.

They are the Middle Ages Continent where human beings existed forever, the Yuan Realm where spirits and monsters are rampant, and the last place where the avenue is missing, the Netherworld.

According to legend, the nether world is the closest place to the abyss of hell, which is full of evil spirits, thunder from the god of punishment, and lava from hell.

The harsh environment simply cannot allow ordinary people to live in it.

Even some low-ranking spirit monsters can only serve as a meal when they go there.

This is a place abandoned by gods and gods. For various reasons, it was finally defined as such an abandoned place with a lack of avenues.

No one wants to go there.

But in fact, it is impossible for a huge Netherworld to be devoid of life.

Some creatures that rely on extreme evil energy to grow and survive appear, and the netherworld has become their hotbed.

There are also some human beings who also go to the underworld to find ways to become stronger for various reasons.

or other needs.

Gradually, after countless years of time accumulation, the nether world has also formed a nearly complete world, with the establishment of ethnic groups and systems.

The man in black robe in front of him is one of them.

He is a member of the Corpse Refiners in the Netherworld.

The man with closed eyes beside him is actually the corpse he refined.

Qin Ming's perception is not wrong, but the absence of breath is not some extremely clever concealment technique, but that it really has no breath.

It is nothing more than a humanoid puppet refined from corpses.

Corpse refiners are a fairly large and well-known group in the Netherworld, but in the Middle Ancient Continent, corpse refiners are not regarded as a group.

There is no other reason. When you return to your former residence and prepare to cherish the memory of your ancestors, you find that your ancestral grave has been planed out without knowing when, and anyone will be furious.

But the corpse refiners have a soft spot for this kind of thing, they are eager to find the best materials for refining corpses, and those ancestral graves are the places they often visit.

There will be their shadows in some places where the battlefield is fought. You'd better pray that you don't die, otherwise you may become someone's corpse refining material.

In fact, most of the time, the Middle Ancient Continent and the Netherworld are well watered, but there are still many private contacts.

Generally speaking, there are mostly frictions and not very harmonious.

"Corpse refiner, there is nothing you want here." Lei Xiao said coldly.

He also didn't like this group of guys who stole without a bottom line.

"Isn't there what I want in front of me, hehe." The black-robed corpse refiner said with a sinister smile, his eyes wandering back and forth on the few Leiyinbao disciples.

"It's really a rare and high-quality material, especially this little girl, it's amazing..."

The corpse refiner was muttering something, and he always felt a little nervous when he was staring at him.

Cheng Lin raised his brows, and thunder subconsciously erupted from his body.

"Don't worry, you are all mine." The corpse refiner seemed to be in a pretty good mood.

In his eyes, the higher the talent, the higher the level of the corpse of the monk as the material for refining the corpse.

In his eyes, these four disciples of Leiyinbao are rare and top-quality materials.

Especially Liu Xiang'er, which made him full of praise, it was almost a compliment to the sky.

"Hmph!" Lei Xiao snorted heavily, he was naturally deeply displeased that his children were being spied on so blatantly.

"Rampant, think I don't exist!"

He no longer cared about how the space channel got here, after all, his figure moved and turned into a thunderbolt, hitting the corpse refiner directly.

The corpse refiner was used to this kind of scene, so he didn't panic. He moved back and made seals in his hands.

The corpse on the side moved instantly, turned into an afterimage, and rushed towards Lei Xiao at an extremely fast speed.

The two collided in the air, punching each other.

In an instant, the sky flashed and thundered again, and the thunder was tearing the air.

The overwhelming power even suppressed the rising and falling waves.

No matter how you look at it, this Leiyinbao cultivator at the Divine Fire Realm is much better than the snake-playing uncle I saw before.

Even if Qin Ming only has the cultivation base of the reincarnation state, he can tell it.

After the thunder passed, although the corpse was covered in black smoke, it still didn't intend to fall down, and there were not even many wounds on its body.

It is said that these corpse puppets refined by secret methods have exaggerated physical strength, and it is difficult for ordinary monks to break through their defenses.

Qin Ming only heard about it, but now that he has witnessed it with his own eyes, the rumors are really not groundless.

At least this corpse puppet can withstand Lei Xiao's punch without injury, which is already beyond the reach of most monks.

:. :

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