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Chapter 434: Bloodthirsty Surrounding Mountain

The border of Montenegro is surrounded by bloodthirsty mountains. Here is a piece of overlapping mountains. If you look down from a high place, you can find that the mountains here are wrapped in circles and circles, hence the name Huanshan. It is rumored that thousands of souls of the undead are imprisoned here, and it is one of the ancient battlefields countless years ago.

The bright red mountain rocks seemed to be poured and smeared with blood, which was quite strange, as if the air was filled with the smell of blood.

What is even more strange is that on the mountain, countless rocks and sand grains seem to be affected by some kind of magnetic field, floating in the air for a long time.

Many figures in heavy clothes came and went in and out of the surrounding mountains, as if they were digging for something.

On a low mountainside, two men were flying past, rushing towards the foot of the mountain at extreme speed.

"Damn it, these bastards don't intend to let us go!" One of them gritted his teeth and looked back from time to time.

The other person had some hesitation on his face, and said, "Why don't we give them the things."

"No!" The person before said angrily immediately, "We finally dug this up, it can't just be taken away!"

"But if this goes on, we..."

Before their conversation was over, there was a whistling wind behind them.

The next moment, another five or six figures slowly appeared, as if walking out of nothingness.

Their appearance also made the expressions of the two people change drastically.

"You two, why are you running away? Do you think you can still run away?" Among the chasers, a thin man with long hair fluttering around said, with a playful voice.

"Damn it, you guys are deceiving people too much, even if I destroy the soul in my hand, I won't give it to you!" Li Xing said angrily, gritted his teeth.

For the few people behind him, it can be said that he hates it to the bone.

"It's just two souls. As for taking your own life, if that's the case, then you can't blame us." After the long-haired thin man said, murderous intent suddenly appeared in his eyes.

With both hands making a tactic, the figure at the side suddenly increased in speed and rushed up.

"Pill-gathering corpse!" Shang De was shocked, he saw that the quality of this gathering-pill corpse might be extremely high. Both he and Li Xing are not corpse refiners, and their cultivation bases are roughly in the middle and late stages of the alchemy state, which is not considered weak.

But even so, this gathering pill corpse still made them feel the pressure.

"Hey, let me show you my newly refined corpse." In the chasing team, a small old man who looked a bit old made a strange smile at this moment, and also summoned his own refined corpse.

His is also a Judan Corpse, and its quality alone is very close to that of a Shenhuo Corpse, so it's no wonder he summoned it so proudly.

The other three members of the team were not corpse refiners, but their cultivation bases were also around the completion level in the late stage of Gathering Pill Realm.

One of them raised the big gourd in his hand, aiming the mouth of the gourd at the two people who were fleeing.

A huge suction force was generated, locking on to the two people, and immediately slowing down the two people's speed.

The two corpse-refining puppets took the lead in catching up, punching harder than the punch, and bombarded them like cannonballs, directly knocking the two alchemy monks dizzy.

The fighting power of corpse refining is so powerful that it doesn't even need three other people to step forward to form a crushing battle situation.

A minute later, the two monks in the Judan Realm were directly beaten and lay down on the ground with bleeding from their mouths and noses.

"I pay,

I hand it over, please let me go. "The man named Shang De surrendered first, flipped his wrist, and pulled out a faint blue light ball.

The light cluster floated slowly, like a living thing.

This is the soul.

A mixture of special and mysterious energy media.

It is said that this substance was created by countless sealed souls on the Bloodthirsty Ring Mountain.

As for whether it is specific or not, it is not known.

The reason why countless people come to dig and snatch it is also because this soul is very beneficial to cultivation.

Not only can it improve mental strength, but it can also polish the state of mind.

Especially the second effect is quite precious and rare, almost no monk will not be eager for this thing.

"If I knew this earlier, why bother wasting my efforts." The skinny man sneered, grabbing the soul.

His eyes swept to Li Xing who was still gritted his teeth and said nothing.

Li Xing was also stubborn, and he didn't compromise, he didn't want to hand over his soul.

"Stop talking nonsense, kill and take things away, two souls are not too many, not enough for the five of us." The little old man said impatiently.

The number of souls he wants is more than that, and the purpose of gathering such a powerful team is to plunder other people's achievements.

This is much easier than going up the mountain to search for souls.

"It's true." One person said.

A refined corpse immediately stepped forward, intending to kill these two people and seize the remaining souls.

But at this moment, a black light flew from a distance.

"What!" Several people's expressions changed drastically.

With a bang, the two lying on the ground were blown away by the aftermath, but they survived.

The flying sand scattered, and the Pill Gathering Corpse that the little old man was so proud of in the arena was directly knocked down to the ground, as if it was about to fall apart.

This is a refining corpse that is infinitely close to the Shenhuo Corpse, and it was killed in one fell swoop.

All eyes were on the figure in the field.

The complexions of the short old man and the skinny man changed drastically.

They couldn't be more familiar with the brand mark on the forehead of this figure.

The pervasive monstrous evil spirit shook their minds.

"Shenhuo Corpse! It's Shenhuo Corpse!" The two corpse refiners shouted wildly in their hearts.

This also means that a powerful corpse refiner has come here.

Sure enough, a black-robed figure appeared and walked slowly towards this side. The movement was not too fast, but it made everyone's heartstrings tense.

The Shenhuo Corpse is a puppet corpse that these corpse refiners are eager to refine, but the difficulty is too high, so that most corpse refiners have enough energy to spare.

Now that the Shenhuo corpse was right in front of them, they didn't dare to act rashly.

The skinny man also quickly restrained his original arrogance.

The little old man swallowed, although he was furious that his masterpiece was destroyed, but he was restrained by Shenhuo Corpse, and he didn't dare to vent his anger on the other party.

The black-robed figure approached slowly, glanced at the soul in the skinny man's hand, and waved his hand casually.

The god fire corpse immediately set off.

An acceleration started, and the skinny man was punched hundreds of meters before he even had time to react.

I saw that his complexion quickly lost all color, and his eyes became a little lax, as if he was not far from death.

A round mirror on his chest shattered, and it was this protective treasure that relieved him of a lot of strength, otherwise he really couldn't withstand the blow of the god fire corpse and was instantly killed.

However, although he survived, the soul in his hand also fell out, and was caught by the black-robed corpse refiner.

The power of Shenhuo Zombie is undoubtedly revealed.

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