Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 466 Named Feng

These small things exist as attendants in the sect and play the role of cleaning the environment.

After cleaning, these little things jumped out again.

About ten minutes later, some bigger Yunlings jumped in and brought Qin Ming a piece of food at the same time.

A glass of clear cloud water, a piece of Lingbao fruit, and a piece of top-grade sixth-grade python meat.

This was the first meal Qin Ming got after coming to this sect.

How is the food?

That would be great!

If there is such a set meal every day, nothing else, just that Lingbao-level fruit is enough for Qin Ming to stay here for a long time.

Not to mention the vigorous spring water and the sixth-grade ghost meat.

The daily food provided for the disciples is simply outrageously extravagant.

There are probably few places in the world that can provide such meals to his disciples. It must be said that Qin Ming was really lucky to meet this Lord of Nature.

After Qin Ming ate this set meal, his whole body began to heat up quickly, and the spiritual energy repeatedly washed his limbs and bones.

It took half an hour to calm down, and Qin Ming's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Although he failed to break through the first rank in one fell swoop, it was still a big leap forward, so he was not too far away from the fifth rank.

After finishing the digestion after the meal, the sun is already rising outside.

Qin Ming walked out of the room, he planned to walk around the sect.

When he came here yesterday, he hadn't looked at it carefully, and the old man's next summons would not come so soon, and he had to do something in the meantime.

Outside the sect, at this moment, hundreds of cloud spirits are floating or rolling in groups, heading towards various places.

They are responsible for the care of the entire sect's disciples, and they have a strong sense of presence in the sect.

Yun Ling itself is a kind of small spirit bred in nature, with no combat power.

It floats in the sky on weekdays, and it is easy to collapse and die if it encounters extremely bad weather.

Working in this sect, with the protection of the old man, these cloud spirits can survive.

In Qin Ming's sight, a ball-shaped cloud spirit about one person's height was floating a few centimeters above the ground, with a heavy battle ax on its body, and it was struggling towards the attic not far away. fly away.

In that attic, a burly man was coming out, wearing only a vest and trousers, his bare arms were dark, as thick as thighs, full of strength.

He was waiting for Yun Ling to send him the battle axe.

"Thank you." When Yun Ling floated over, he took the battle ax that Yun Ling was carrying.

The cloud spirit's body, which had been crushed by the tomahawk, finally regained its roundness.

After getting his weapon, the man turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sect.

The group of clouds drifted slowly away again.

Qin Ming could sense the invisible pressure emanating from that man, which was the oppressive feeling that only high-level spirits could bring to him.

Apparently, the ghost level of this metamorphosis must be very high, and it is estimated that there are about seven or eight levels, or even higher.

And the strength of the Lord of Nature, who is their master, is even more unpredictable.

Spreading his wings, Qin Ming also flew into the air, and looked down at the entire peak and the sect after taking off.

This move of his did not attract anyone's attention.

After all, he is not the only ghost disciple who is also flying in the sky, so it is not surprising.

On the contrary, some disciples who have been here for a long time will look curiously at Qin Ming, an unfamiliar guy.

Qin Ming doesn't know how high this peak is.

Anyway, the ground cannot be seen at a glance, and if you want to go out, you need to open the enchantment of the sect to go to the outside world.

The sect on the top of the peak is even standing above the clouds, and the aura around it is overwhelming. It is really not an exaggeration to say that it is a fairyland.

There are a total of nine halls, four towers, and countless pavilions.

The largest hall is the residence of the master of the sect, and generally there will be few disciples to disturb it, unless the old master himself summons it.

the next day.

The food for Qin Ming is still the same luxury set meal as before, but the sixth-grade python meat has been replaced with the same sixth-grade dark fish meat, which is more tender and nutritious.

Having had another good meal like this, Qin Ming has taken another big step towards breakthrough.

On this day, the old man still didn't summon Qin Ming, and Qin Ming stayed for another day with nothing to do except practice.

It wasn't until the third day that the old man's summons came.

Came to the hall for the second time.

Inside the hall, the old man was floating cross-legged in mid-air, falling into a mysterious state of mind.

Qin Ming didn't bother, and just stood by the side obediently.

At this time, the old man seemed to be the only existence in the world, ruling everything, which attracted Qin Ming to look and look.

After waiting for several hours, the old man got out of that state of mind, fell from mid-air, and sat back on the futon.

"How's life in the gate these two days?" The old man saw Qin Ming and asked.

Qin Ming didn't care if the old man could understand or not, so he started chirping.

It means that if you eat well, live well, and your sect is prosperous, he likes to wait for words.

"That's good." The old man nodded, "Today I will name you as my disciple."

Qin Ming bowed his head in agreement.

"From now on, I will call you Feng, and as a teacher, I hope you can achieve great success in the way of wind." The old man seemed to have already thought of Qin Ming's name, so he said.

Qin Ming bowed his head. After the old man gave him fame, he felt his whole body was bathed in a warm feeling, and the spiritual energy from all directions flowed into his body consciously, which made him complete the promotion in one fell swoop, which was the level he was about to break through.

The whole body is filled with strength.

Name: Qin Ming (wind)

Ghost: Flood Bird

Combat power score: fifth-level low-level

Growth Potential: Eighth Grade Top Grade

Half an hour later, Qin Ming opened his attribute interface, and the first rank has become the fifth rank.

In the column of names, apart from Qin Ming, there is also a name of wind bestowed by the old man.

The name given by the old man does have a sense of some kind of invisible power empowerment, and because of this, his rank has actually been promoted.

He even felt the sense of oppression in his blood fluctuate at a certain moment.

The old man's naming also had an impact on the curse attached to his blood, as if it had been erased a little.

But the old man still shook his head and said: "This curse is really difficult to get rid of. You are still weak and your blood power has not been well stimulated. If I force it, I'm afraid it will be harmful to you, so I can only talk about it later."

Obviously this was the old man's first test of the curse in Qin Ming's body, but it sealed the curse of the whole family, and it was really not that easy to lift, so he had to give up temporarily.

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