BJ Swordmaster

Chapter 59 Austin Rodrick (1)

[Fan ID] donated 2,000,000 won!>

Oopop was a person who couldn't resist curiosity.

To borrow the viewers' responses, it was "a personality that couldn't control itself from the moment the switch was turned on."

Also, Henry.

From the moment it took 4 million won, I had decided that I must do this job.

"I'm not an Austinian, I don't even know him. I just figured it out in a different way.”

The method chosen was the orthodoxy.

Henry confessed his honest facts from the start.

No, it was more of a confirmation process than a confession.

Austin can see through lies.

"I can't tell you how. There's a reason to do that, and it's not a reason that's

"The sun goes down?"

"Something you don't like won't happen."

"You mean Rodrick's, right?”


It was true, it was true, it was also true.

Austin relaxed the tension he had raised to the fullest.

He paused, then burst into laughter.

"Who did he think you were? Henry."

"What are you talking about?"

"I forgot that Henry Camilton couldn't do that. What's creepy is, I don't know what I would have done to you if it weren't for my eyes.”

"If I had, I would have bought time."

Didn't you just see that?”

"I've seen you overpower those shakers. It's ambiguous to judge as a knight, but based on assassins, it's five stars.”

"You're saying you can subdue him?”

Henry nodded, and Austin smiled absurdly.

"You keep surprising me, Henry."

"There's still time."

"I'm just glad, but it's not a very good place to have a long conversation. Shall we move it?

"Let's clean up first. I did my best."

"I'll have to stop by Durandal first.”

"No, not these things. Of course I'm going to sell these too, but the friends who are resting on the roof over there.”

"Organize? No way.….”

"You're wrong.”

Henry smiled and shook his head.

Austin had eyes asking if he was going to kill those thieves.

"Why kill your precious men? You can be a good friend enough.”

"…Are you going to be a good friend?”

"Cromwell, Durandall, and those guys. If only three types of people know, there will be no inconvenience in using this place.”

A janitor, a wealthy merchant, and friends of thieves who roam freely on the roof.

Austin, who had been calculating for a while, nodded.

"If you're going to be a regular customer."

"It's gonna be okay, right? Let's get this straight. Keep those guys in one place. I'll be back after seeing Durandal."

"What about Ken? He'll be right back.”

Ken, the guide to the black market.

He was headed for Cromwell, saying he would report a day's income.

"Now that I'm done, I can ask you to go in. I'll do it."

"All right."

After nodding, Austin disappeared again.

A situation that has already been revealed.

It was because he decided that he did not have to hide his skills from now on.

Henry left his seat and headed for the entrance to the black market.

He had a casual conversation with Cromwell, who rushed in, and even told Ken that he could leave work.

The next stop is Durandal's exchange.

"What a surprise you are!”

He admired Henry, who offered him a huge deal twice a day, and set a decent price before he could say anything.

Did you make a ransom out of this?’

two bills

The note bearing the name Lycos Parbuch said 5,200 gold and 9,600 gold, respectively.

The level of money that the dean threatened is still remaining.

It's so easy to make money.’

Henry exhaled at the unrealistic number.

Of course, I know it's because of the broadcast.

Nevertheless, it was too much money to earn in just one day.

Henry took the bill deep in his arms.

And then he hesitates.

"…Did I choose the location?”

He said with a foolish face.

Come to think of it, it was.

I did ask Austin to sort it out, but he didn't tell me exactly where to sort it out.


[Here he comes]

[He thinks the same thing]

Henry turned his eyes. It was just like what came out of the chat.

Austin was walking in, smiling far and awkwardly.


Zest had a dream.

It was a dream that the safe door of the Royal Central Bank was opened.

There, Zest swept gold in a bundle and was grinning as he recalled the vacation spot he was about to leave.

It was then that the devil appeared.

The black and sharp devil broke Zest's whole body and cut himself.


A new scream roared through the space.

It was a nightmare. As soon as he woke up, Zest breathed. I wiped my wet forehead with a cold sweat.

No, I was going to wipe it.


My hand didn't work. As if he had poured cold water on him, Zest realized the reality.


The hands were tied back. It was with a thick steel pillar.

I could see the ceiling leading to the wooden board.

The floor was no different.

Straws were piled up around them, and every time a blurry light leaked in, flying dust was seen.

Eyes shifted to the right.

Other iron pillars were seen, and people in similar circumstances were seen.


They were my younger brothers. It seemed that the two had yet to come to their senses.

And on the left.


The competitors were tied up in a similar fashion.

Zest gave way to his goal, which made them subdued a few seconds earlier.

I can't believe my dream was in a bad mood.’

Lupin's right hand was a place where common sense did not work.

It was a place where common sense was considered common sense, and as such, Zest had several principles to survive here.

One of them was that he took a break from work when his dream was fierce.

'You look clumsy. A mistake worth making...….’

The expression "golden eyes" was perfect for the day.

Just a year ago, Zest had self-control, but this year's profits were particularly low.

Besides, there was no crisis.

In the meantime, a chunk of money rolled around in front of my eyes, so I can't stand it.

"Rommel, Sinus, open your eyes, Nutella."

Zest woke up around with a low, but strong voice.

We all had to work together to survive.

The Nutella clique was also a competitor on the roof, but in other situations, they were good enough companions.

"Turn it off……."

"…Brother? Where are we?"


There were groans everywhere. It was natural that one place would have been broken.

Zest awakened people's minds again and briefly explained the current situation. So that they can understand the situation clearly.

"It's imperative to warm up this hand first. As it is……."

"Why don't we just cut it off?”

Nutella, the leader of the rival group, said.

Zest laughed as if he were laughing.

"That's why I'm telling you that your experience is still lacking, son of a gun."

"A little taryeong…….”

Clack, clack, clack!

Nutella bent her upper body forward and pulled her arm violently. However, there was no movement in the chain of hands tied.

"…...not working?"

"It's the metal that swallows Mana. You've got all sorts of things. They weren't ordinary people, either."

"Of course not. If I had anticipated it, I would have backed out."

"We took it out. We just miscalculated the range."

"I'm afraid I have to do something about this pillar."

"The floor is better than the pillar.…No, Rommel."




A man named Rommel hurriedly took off his shoes. Move your toes and take out a small bottle from the inside of the pants.

"Should I throw it?"

"Then shall I go get it, you son of a gun?"

"No, it's not."

Zest got the bottle with his foot. The Nutella's face was "just in case," and Zest's body was deformed.


A bottle of glass held by the foot broke near the wrist. Shards of glass were embedded, but I didn't care. Make your wrists as slippery as you can, thud!

"Turn it off……."

I loosened the chain by pulling out the wrist joint.

The chain fell to the floor in a daze.

With his wrists back in place, Zest approached his two brothers without hesitation and untied the chain.


"Yep, I'm coming up."

"Cinus, come with me.


It wasn't meant to be watched by one person.

Based on previous experiences, the difference in skills with the opponent was overwhelming.

"Mr. Zest."


"Please help us, too!”

Nutella said with a bright smile. The fierce look that I had just made was nowhere to be seen.

"What's the time?"

"Brother! I'm sorry!"

"When you apologize……".”

"We've got something in our coat that you'll be satisfied with! Take it with you!”

It is professional to turn crisis into opportunity.

Zest quickly ripped Nutella's top and packed two sheets of paper.

One is a 1,000-gold bill.

The other was information written in crude handwriting.

"No, brother, I meant Goldman."

"It's not enough.

"Then I'll give you both.”

"It's a deal. I'll let you go."

"Let's do it quickly. But where's the guy who's been after us?"

He changed his attitude as soon as he heard that the deal had been made, but Zest also began to loosen the bond with a face that didn't care.

"I don't know if there's anything left to do...…maybe he's taking care of other things. Now, you let one go."

"It's grossly stiff. I was greedy once and then robbed three months' worth of income.”

"You're only a thousand gold."

"Then give it back."

Curl. Curl.

They seemed to chat, but the two broke the chains of their colleagues faster than anyone else.

Both have been rolling around for years on this floor.

The more urgent he was, the more he had the mental strength not to lose his composure on the more he was in such a hurry.

"I've solved it all……" Do you think he's gonna kill us?"

"If it had been, it would not have been."

"If the devil comes out as soon as the door opens...….”

"Let's get out of here, let's get out of here. That way, I'll give you time to cut the tail."

"It's so sad that we're in the tail's shoes, yeah."

"If you break the unwritten rule to live...….”

Then Zest turned the doorknob. There was no sign of feeling around yet.

Rommel and Sinus must have settled separately, so you'll know a step ahead of time if you approach them.

I mean, Zest thought so until he opened the door.

"Nice to meet you, my friends. You're already awake.

A young man with a dagger greeted Zest with a smile.

There was a moment of silence, and Zest finished his agony.

"…I thought you were too late, so I was on my way to help you. Did you finish your work well?… I'll have to go back to my seat first, right?”

Zest smiled brightly and turned back.

He strode and sat in front of the pillar, and hung the chain back on his wrist.


No one opened their mouths, and the young man with two daggers only smiled.

Nutella decided to respect Zest's "time" for the first time since she started working here.

"So am I!"

"Me too!"

"I'll go back calmly!"

"Oh, that's great. Our friends are in good posture. How's the broken part?"

"It's already stuck!"

Nodding. The young man, Austin, looked around the four with satisfaction.

Then he looked back and said,

"What about our two friends?"

"Well, us too!"

"Yes! I'm coming in!"

"They are good friends by nature, so why did they make such a mistake?”

Rommel and Sinus also quickly settled on the right side of Zest.

a sloppy chain of chains

An awkward smile.

Even his eyes flinching to endure the pain.

It was an awkward scene, but what was more awkward was the situation that followed.

"Get out of my way."

"Oh, yeah."

Austin stepped aside. Zest was in an extraordinary situation.

The young man behind him seemed to be able to subdue Zest with only two fingers.

What the hell's the relationship?

I can feel that Mana is 2 stars at the most.

Maybe it's down there.

But what about the young man with the dagger?

All six of us here couldn't beat them even if they all attacked at once in unison.

In addition

More spectacular was what the new young man said as if he had already decided.

"Nice to meet you. My name is confidential, and I will be your employer from now on. Is there anyone who doesn't like the offer?"

BJ Swordmaster

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