BJ Swordmaster

Chapter 76 Forest of the Black Tree (2)

The forest of black trees.

As Mutai called it a swamp, the forest near Count Li Bai was a place of strange energy.

On the surface, it's normal.

I mean, before you step into the woods.

"Once you step into the forest, it's completely different. Actually, it's the biggest reason I've ever missed bandits. There's also the fact that they know the geography."

"What are the risks?"

"No, it's an ordinary forest without even one monster."

"It's about the way.”

"I'm getting dizzy. Knight…… you'll feel it once you get in there."

Mutai, who said so, looked almost fed up.

The same was true of the twelve soldiers who accompanied him.

They visited this forest several times, and each time they felt exhausted.

"Didn't the bandits attack you?"

"I've never done that before. It's something that goes around without weapons. It's called a bandit, but it's actually like a bunch of petty thieves."

Henry seemed to know the situation roughly.

It's already been checked in the Sponsored Store's Information category.

[In any situation, what scares me most of all is the enemy inside] Especially if you're the one who gained the head's trust!

Hunger and cold help humans make decisions. I think I might die if I stay like this.]

There are two kinds of information Henry purchased.

If the former meant "an enemy inside," the latter contained "the purpose of the bandits."

I meant I became a thief because I was cold and hungry.

in the result

"As long as the cold and hunger are resolved, we don't have to steal anything. It might be a surprisingly simple solution."

Then Henry looked over the forest.

It was definitely a shady atmosphere even though the sun was shining brightly.

"As long as I catch them."

[What are you seeing now?]]

[He said something meaningful as soon as he got here]

[It's a place like this, so I kept missing it]

[Hop, hip, hip, hip, hip again 200. Looks like it's going to be ripped off.

Viewers were talking as if they had already come to a conclusion.

Actually, it wasn't wrong.

Henry was looking at something different.

I'm sure you said there were no Mana users. Was it always like this?’

Originally, the forest is dense and pure.

It was a natural phenomenon.

Manara was the energy of nature.

But now Mana, filling the forest in front of her, was definitely something unnatural.

'There's something.'

Unnatural mana means that it was artificially created.

Of course, the presence involved in this forest may not have been "human," but it is clear that there is something anyway.



"Lead the soldiers and search. From where we stand now, take the right."

"How many people should I take with me?"

"Everyone, if you find an enemy, send three soldiers here. I don't think you should move far from alone. "

Henry took a piece of the map.

Halfway through the area just divided, relatively less densely wooded.

"Are you going alone?"

"It's enough to be alone."

"Okay, we're moving."

Mutai led the soldiers without saying a word.

A situation in which Henry's ability has already been checked with both eyes.

I said it with confidence, so I thought there must be more hidden numbers.

Mutai and his soldiers are gone.

Henry folded up the map and took a step into the forest.

"I don't know what's waiting for me. I'm sure there's something, but...…I don't think they're ordinary bandits."

"Bunny Man" sponsored by 1,000 won!>

"But it's very easy for me."

[It's too much to be nervous]

I'm ready to be surprised. I'm ready to go build up![Laughing]

"I'm not forcing you to say this, but aren't the viewers watching right now? The flow of mana is artificial...….”

[What used to be artificial.

Fortunately, I was able to complete the mission……]

It's been really hard.Lol (Successful in one day)]

The viewers began to go wild. As if Henry would never fail, there was no tension at all.

Henry knew by this point that it was hard to turn back no matter how much he set the mood.


In addition, Henry reversed his attitude 180 degrees.

"Then we'll have a good start. I don't know what's waiting for me, but Henry Camilton, I told you I'd do it, so you have to do it, right? In fact, even if it's an artificial stream of mana, skills are divided according to that degree.….”

The tension up to the moment was thrown somewhere.

His voice and expression as if he were going for a walk nearby.

At once, viewers laughed again at Henry's relaxed response.

"I'd rather this one.’

In fact, the viewers were right.

It was the same when I faced the forest, and even more so when I stepped in.

I thought it would be simpler than I expected.’

If it was a forest with nothing, Henry was in a position where he had earned a milestone to follow from the moment he made a move.


Because I can see Mana.

It was a structure that could eventually reach the end if it followed the flow calmly.

"I actually regretted a little bit. I shouldn't have brought Captain Mutai. If I had known it would be this simple, it would have been enough to come alone. Now, like this."


Henry cut off the twigs that blocked the road with a sword.

"When you break a branch that has become part of the drinking, do you see it? Mana's shaking, isn't she? It means that the level of people who set up the facility is not that high."

[Why did he give up?]

[Hey! I'll be fooled!] Wake up!

[Oh, that'

"No, I was thinking wrong. I should have told you that easy things are easy and hard things are hard! This mission is really easy! If the Oop-Oop Wizard is watching, why don't you lower the price now...….”

[Fan ID] donated 10,000 won!>


"I thought it would be difficult earlier. I didn't mean to deceive you from the beginning, but I'll show you something amazing."

[Goes straight to the plate]


[What a turn of the wheel]

Henry swung the sword again.

It was to leave a mark on the big tree in front of us.

"Now, remember this trail. I'm going to go forward from now on. Front. Can you see this? That rock is my goal. Let's go."

Step by step.

Henry walked confidently, as if he had no qualms.

The rock gradually grew closer.

And when I arrived.

"Oh, my God."

Henry looked surprised and pointed forward.

"How can this happen? Apparently, it's the same trace I've just left. I walked straight ahead."

It was a tree that was carved with a sword a while ago.

Henry thought he was walking head-on, but in fact he had gone around the same spot.

Is there some sort of magic?]

[What's this?]

[Oh! What a difficult mission!]

"It's vague to use the expression magic. Actually, I can't tell the difference between me and the wizard. But I can be sure that Mana's flow has created this situation."

The abnormal twist of Mana was shaking human cognitive function. It was clear that he would be in a situation where he could not trust his sensory organs if he did not cope properly.

But Henry was different.

"There are several devices. Here, do you see it? Just a slight change in the arrangement of bushes and stones...….”

Knock, knock.

Henry kicked out the bushes and kicked some stones.

At that moment.


With the feeling of expanding vision, the displeasure that had been tied to Henry until a while ago disappeared.

"We can open the way. I don't know the principle. But now I know the structure. I certainly didn't set up a magic crew or use artifacts."

Frankly, Henry was very surprised.

If I couldn't see Mana, I would have been constantly grumpy, but now it's just amazing.

Just by changing the natural layout a little bit, a strange forest like this has been created.

Turning the angle of the branches, changing the arrangement of the stones, and cutting the bushes in moderation was all that "someone" did.

"We even put the device in a position where there is no reason to touch it, to prevent accidental breakage. First of all, this is not the normal way to go."

It is uncommon for people to return to the side with a clear path.

Even more so in this shady forest.

Soldiers knew there were enemies here, and a few experiences tied them down from hasty action.

[All I have to do is go straight like this?]]

[Cheatkey "500x"]

[It's a real scam to see Mana]

But what are you gonna do to find where you saw it? It's the earth'sprout?

"It's a priority to understand the situation. In the first place, I came here not to wipe out the bandits, but to see why they became bandits."

If you're an ordinary person, you can't win a knight even if a hundred people come at you.

It wasn't a job to clean up as long as we found our home base.

There may be a proper way to complete the request, but there were too many things on my mind to complete it.

"We'll proceed for now…….”


I heard something at the moment. Henry closed his mouth and calmly turned away.

Crunch, rustle.

The sound continued. It was even getting closer.

Very carefully, Henry moved a couple of steps to the side.

It was in a position to hide behind a thick tree.

In that condition, Henry identified Mana moving across the tree.

"There are two people. Based on Mana's movements, there is no special force. I guess they're the petty thieves the soldiers talked about."

Mutai said so.

Bandits are walking around without weapons.

It's not enough to be called a bandit in the first place.

The only problem was that it wasn't caught, and Henry had the ability to solve it.

"For some reason, the movement is blatant. It keeps coming. It's as if you know that I'm here."

This was never a coincidence.

The reason why Henry was so sure was because their direction of progress was exactly toward Henry himself.

"Also, both of them are very nervous. Mana's movements are similar to when she lied. I know someone's here, and I'm worried that things might go wrong."

What's the point of coming here knowing that?]

[Can't we just grab him?]]

I think the other soldiers were similar. Like this is how we lure them out of course.

"I feel the same way. The soldiers may have thought they'd "found" the thief, but they haven't. The bandits showed up on their own."

The situation was understood, and what was to be done was clear.

"I'll go after him for now. I need to experience what the soldiers have been through."


Henry moved with a sound on purpose.

As if he didn't know anything, he purposely appeared looking in a different direction.

In particular, he did not forget to take a posture so that he could see a sword around his waist.

At that moment.


A bandit swallowed his breath. They also had eyes to look at. I realized that Henry Camilton was a knight, not a regular soldier.

Henry's role became simpler because the opponent judged him so.

"You bandits!"

"Do, run!"

"It's a knight!"

"Stop there!"

Pot! Henry hit the ground.

No, I tried to look like Park Chan to be exact.

Mana on her feet was exactly able to keep her distance from the bandits.

At that moment.

"You go first!"

A bandit stopped and turned toward Henry.

"Mac! What do you mean...….”

"You can't get out of both of them! I'm gonna kill time, so run! Go tell him the driver is here!

"This is not good enough.”

Henry was embarrassed. I was going to let him escape in the first place. However, it seemed that Henry was frightened by the fact that he was a knight and decided to leave one behind.

After a brief but intense deliberation, Henry made his decision.

[Why are you running to the right all of a sudden?]

I turned around where Henry was running. At the same time, he shouted in a voice that sounded like he was going to die.

"The road is weird! What the hell have you done? Why are you getting farther and farther? We're going to miss it!"

BJ Swordmaster

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