Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

132 Bombing Chang Cheng (Subscription Required)

"Yuzi Chai, what are you doing?" Coach Chang Cheng scolded immediately.

Mikoshiba was out of shape for the whole game, and he was out of his mind. You must know that when facing Meitomo Industry last year, even if Morishi Hiroshi was strong, he would not let Mikoshiba like this.

"Coach, is my strength really only that of the ace of the top 16? I really can't defend against Sendoh." Yu Zichai covered his face, he was already at a loss.

"Huh?" Coach Chang Cheng frowned slightly. As a coach, he certainly knew what some players said on the court, but he didn't expect that someone as gentle as Sendoh would have such a dark side.

"You just believe his one-sided words. There is nothing at all. If you really believe it, then you really only have that little strength!" Coach Chang Cheng shouted suddenly.

Yu Zichai was taken aback for a moment, then finally recovered a bit, took a deep breath, and finally showed a trace of solemn expression in his eyes.

Chang Cheng's coach nodded and said, "So, the next thing you have to face is Sendoh's pass. Always pay attention to his movements and the positions of the opponents in the audience. As long as the basketball disappears, you should try your best to defend yourself. Defensive people, don't pay attention to Sendoh, otherwise, you can't prevent his pass at all!"

In the end, the second game started again, and Chang Cheng got the ball.

Sendoh smiled lightly when he saw Mikoshiba who had recovered.

After Mikoshiba served, he came directly to his position, and Sendoh stood beside him.

Changcheng's overall strength is very weak. Facing the current Ryonan, he is not an opponent at all. In terms of defense, Ryonan's Koshino Hiroaki's defense is the same as Uekusa Tomoyuki's defensive strength. Changcheng's point guard can't stand it at all !

However, unable to break through Koshino Hiroaki, the point guard could only pass the basketball into Yufune's hands on the inside, and after receiving the basketball, he chose to break through.

Ikegami Ryoji who defends him will not make him happy at all, Ryonan's overall offense is opened by Sendoh, and everyone's strength, except for Fukuda Kicchou's lack of defensive awareness, everyone else's defense is very strong.

"Damn!" Yufune cursed secretly, unable to break through Ikegami Ryoji, seeing that the 24-second attack was coming, he could only pass the basketball into the hands of Okoshiba inside.

But at this moment, Sendoh suddenly appeared on the basketball route, and the moment he received the basketball, he directly launched an attack.

However, when he came to the center line, he immediately chose to shoot.

"Again?" Miko Chai said suddenly, and finally caught up with Sendoh at this moment, and took off quickly.

The jumping ability is also very high, but the moment Sendoh shot the ball, the basketball flew out, and Mikoshiba couldn't touch the basketball no matter how hard he tried.

In a super-high-arc basketball, only the Vulcan Taiga with super jumps can block this shot, and the current Vulcan Taiga has no awakening ability.


After the basketball reached the commanding heights, it began to land, with an orange tail flame, and it fell perfectly into the net, still with a 100% hit rate!

Miko Chai stared blankly at the basket behind him, the score was already 21 points behind.

"You have to work hard." Sendoh suddenly smiled.

Next, the rhythm of the audience was firmly controlled by Ryonan, and Sendoh seemed to be invincible. Whether it was offense or defense, he beat Changcheng to the point of collapse.

Faced with Sendoh's unannounced pass, Chang Cheng was faced with a bombardment for the entire second game.

In the entire second game, Chang Cheng only scored two goals, one of which was Miko Chai who refused to accept it and chose to shoot under the basket. The luck was relieved and the basketball went in.

The other goal was Tang Boat's three-pointer.

Finally, at the buzzer in Game 2, Fukuda Kicchou's two-pointer also scored.

The atmosphere of the audience was directly brought to the climax by Ryonan, watching the second game.

Throughout the whole game, Ryonan turned into an invincible turret, allowing them to see the scene with Xiude again, but now it is one-sided.

Coach Chang Cheng has no hope now, since Sendoh's three-pointer in the first half of the game, the rhythm of the whole game has been led by Ryonan.

Mikoshiba also couldn't stop Sendoh's leading offense, passing the ball without warning, and the basketball was passed to the perfect open player every time.

Not only that, even if Sendoh does not choose to pass the ball, one person can hit the basketball in, and even if two or three defend Sendoh, they cannot prevent the opponent from sending the basketball into the basket.

Standing on the top stage of the auditorium, Momoi Itsuki and Aomine Daiki stood there watching the game.

"There's no need to watch it anymore. In May, Chang Cheng has no one to stop him." Qingfeng Dahui said immediately, players with talent and strength like them, no one can stop them.

". "Ada, if Tonghuang and Ryonan face off, how much chance do you have of winning?" Momoi Wuyue turned her head to look at Aomine Daiki and asked aloud.

Aomine Daiki pondered for a while, then said: "Sendoh is strong, but I am not weak either. If I fire my full strength, I am confident that I can defeat him. But when I saw the match against Midorima last time, Sendoh should be able to control himself Entering the zone, in this case, I have 60% certainty, but I will not know until I play on the court.”

Momoi Wuyue was overjoyed immediately, Aomine Daiki finally said nothing more, the only one who can defeat me is myself, it seems that now Aomine Daiki has changed, he is no longer so blind and arrogant.

"Go back, Wu Yue, it's meaningless to read on any longer." Qingfeng Dahui said in a lazy tone.

"Okay." Momoi Wuyue wrote and drew in the notebook in her hand, then turned and left with Aomine Daiki.

But before leaving, she turned around and took a look at Xian (Nuo Le's) who was sitting on the bench and smiling slightly.

Throughout the game, the audience's focus was on Ryonan. After the start of the third game, Ryonan still controlled the rhythm and began to bombard the start.

Changcheng defends passively, but even if they have focused on other players, Sendoh will choose to attack alone.

You must know that even three people can't stop Sendoh's attack, and now only Miko Chai can't stop Sendoh at all.


Facing the three-person defense, Sendoh controlled his body in the air, pulled the bar directly to shrink, bypassed the other side of the basket, and dunked the basketball hard.

Unstoppable! Unstoppable!

Under Sendoh's dunks, the audience seemed to be watching an NBA slam dunk contest, with a sense of violence in the beauty.

Whether it's changing hands under the crotch or dunking with double levers in the air, the movements are full of handsomeness and youthful flying!.

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