Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

155 Zone? (Seek Full Order)

At the end of the first quarter, the score of the two sides was 27 to 15.

At the last moment, Sendoh's pass and Yuzhu's dunk at the buzzer successfully added two points to the team. So far, the 12-point difference puts the pressure on Aihe Academy even greater.

After the first game, the audience was clamoring and hooked. Although such a high-intensity basketball game was not like Ryonan's before, Sendoh's ease and Ryonan's easy offense were still very effective.

Not only that, but they also saw the confrontation between the aces of the two colleges and universities, and they were even more excited.

The coach of Aihe College frowned. Speaking of which, his sense of existence has always been very low, and there is not much introduction in the original book. Yes, the only one who is unfriendly to him is Baidu Encyclopedia, which doesn't even have a name .

It's just that in his coaching career, the only thing that is more famous is that he said that Zhuxing has the strength to compete with Bei.

At this moment, he stared deeply at Zhu Xingda who was panting violently after the end, and turned his head to look at Ryonan's bench.

Sendoh's physical strength is also consumed a lot. Although running at a high speed is very fast, his physical strength is also burning at 16, but compared with Zhuxing, it is already very little.

He couldn't help but sighed, during the game he had seen that Ryonan's strategy was to consume Zhu Xing Da's physical strength, but he couldn't do it. If Aihe Academy didn't have Zhu Xing Da, they wouldn't even be in the top 16.

I couldn't help sighing in my heart, and then I kept thinking of ways to relieve Zhu Xing's great pressure.

But this kind of method is possible, that is to let Zhu Xingda end, he can't imagine what it would be like without Zhuxingda's love and learning.

"Can you still hold on?" the coach of Aihe Academy asked in a deep voice.

"Fortunately..." Zhu Xingda said a few words to catch his breath, and then he directly drank the sports drink in his hand, and finally his breath eased.

"Next, you can take a break off the field and let them attack as much as possible on the field." The coach of Aihe College said helplessly, and he could only think of this way.

Zhu Xingda didn't speak, and kept looking down at the empty bottle in his hand, wondering what he was thinking.

Immediately afterwards, the game continued, and the second game was much easier, because Zhu Xingda was forced to end due to severe physical exertion, and without the ace, Aihe Academy was only a top six team.

In the five minutes after the opening, the audience once again saw what is called bombardment tactics.

Because of Sendoh, all places from the basket to half court of Aihe Academy became bombardment points, and Sendoh also became active, with one-handed dunks, behind-the-back dunks, and alley-oops!

Sendoh did it by hand!

As for the center forward of Aihe Academy, because he was directly kicked off by Sendoh in the first game, he still has a shadow until now. Poor him, he also became cannon fodder in the second game.

In the end, the second game ended, and Zhu Xingda, who was sitting on the bench, stared blankly at the scorer.


With a 40-point difference, after the second half, this score was already a huge hole that could not be filled, but the coach of Aihe Academy relieved the pressure, and Zhu Xingda finally recovered his physical strength.

The two sides returned to the dressing room respectively. Nakano Yotsuba, like a cheerful kitten, ran to Sendoh with a towel: "Sendoh-kun, wipe off your sweat."

"Okay, thank you Yotsuba." Sendoh smiled gently. In the second match, Sendoh didn't consume much energy at all, and it was more about driving the team to continue the game.

"Zhuxingda's physical strength has recovered. After the second half, will we still use that tactic?" Uozumi asked excitedly. After all, their game today was quite easy. How can you say that Sendoh's tactic is a bit disgusting.

"No need, from now on we just need to control the score so that it doesn't let the score go away quickly. As for Zhuxing University, I will leave it to Sendoh." Taoka Moichi said solemnly.

With a 40-point difference, if it were Ryonan, they would definitely not panic, and would rather sit down and rest.

Sendoh sat on the long board and didn't speak. Zhu Xingda is very strong and can be called the ace of the giants. If he can enter the top eight with such miscellaneous fish as Aihe Academy, his strength must be strong.

The only pity is that if it is, the current Zhuxing University cannot open the zone, otherwise Sendoh really wants to compete with him with all his strength.

After a ten-minute break, the second half of the game finally started, and the audience excitedly shouted Sendoh's name.

"Well, after today's game is over, our Sendoh will have a few more fans." Uozumi said with a smile.

"of course!"

Everyone affirmed that, after all, only they know how strong Sendoh is, no matter how hard they train, they can't surpass Sendoh.

The game started, and Aihe Academy served at the referee's whistle.

Zhu Xing's physical strength has recovered a lot, and Mu Mu's sweating is much less.

Sendoh looked into Zhu Hoshida's condensed eyes.

Immediately, Zhu Xingda received the basketball and began to push towards the center line, the fighting spirit in his eyes was burning, and a strange feeling began to gather all over his body.

"Huh?" Whether it was Sendoh or Mu Kunyi in the audience, they were all surprised, because this was the precursor to the opening of the zone!

Only when the mind is like still water can we concentrate, but there are only some trends in Zhuxing University now.

Compared with trading real zones, the current Zhuxing University can only gather 70%-80% of the attention of 673, and the pressure is only slightly higher than usual.

"Not bad." Sendoh gave a rare compliment, adversity produces talent, just like the Vulcan who opened the zone in adversity in the original book, but unfortunately, Zhu Xingda only has a half-trend now.

In an instant, the speed of continuous shaking was faster than usual, and Zhu Xingda rushed past Sendoh from the right in an instant.

However, even with the incomplete state of the zone, Sendoh's reaction ability is enough to react. In an instant, the breath of the ancient vastness rushed to the face, and Sendoh opened the wildness in an instant!

The speed increased instantly, and Sendoh quickly turned around and returned to the defense, directly blocking Zhu Xingda, with his body tightly close to his body, as in the first round of strict defense.

"Victory and defeat are not important now, let's fight with confidence." Zhu Xing's voice was a little cold, and after the words reached Sendoh's ears, the latter also waited for the sun to set.

The strength of the two felt evenly matched at this moment, but everyone knew that Sendoh hadn't used his full strength yet!

"It seems that it is really wise to watch this game today. At least it is clear that the stars can open the zone." Mu Kunyi showed an excited smile on his face. Players with super strength will show excited smiles!.

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