"It's a pity, Akashi is absolutely impossible to give up so easily." Midorima said in a deep voice, he knew what Sendoh was planning, but since he had known Akashi for so long, Akashi would never give up lightly, if If it's the second personality, it's hard to say.

It's just that Sendoh's wishful thinking has not succeeded now, and Luoshan still has a weak momentum.

Akashi's team zone buff still exists. When Akashi crossed the center line with the ball and was about to pass the ball, a white streamer-like figure rushed out instantly. Even if Akashi had the eyes of the emperor, he couldn't react. Sendoh's too fast!

The moment Akashi just passed the ball, Sendoh took a step forward and rushed in front of him, and directly intercepted the basketball from the middle with his arm!

Stealing in an instant, without giving anyone time to react, Sendoh directly bypassed Akashi's figure and went straight to the basket of Luoshan.

At that time, if you shoot half court, it is easy to be drawn closer. It is better to send the firepower and rage the rebounds. It will not only suppress the momentum of Luoshan, but also increase the momentum of Ryonan.

"Today, even if I lose the game, I would be willing, but I will never let you be so rampant!"

Akashi shouted sharply, and in an instant, he rushed straight to Sendoh at super fast speed. For a moment, Akashi's body exuded an icy aura, and Sendoh knew that this was a symbol of Akashi's gradual fall to the bottom of the lake, but Akashi is not a player who is good at speed , and when the zone is turned on, his speed can no longer increase.

I can only watch as the figure of Sendoh grows bigger and bigger, and then, the figure of Sendoh rushes directly to the free throw line. With the terrifying jumping ability and ability to stay in the air, Sendoh's elegant and elegant figure seems to be flying in the air~.

Free throw line slam dunk again!

I saw the basketball in Sendoh's hand changing hands from his crotch in the air, and he dunked directly into the basket with one hand!

The terrifying power directly caused the entire basketball hoop to make a mournful sound.

"Damn it, how can I limit him, what can I do!?" Bai Jin Yongzhi gritted his teeth tightly and said, Sendoh's personal strength is too strong, no one can surpass him on the entire basketball court.

Do you want two people to join forces?

But can the two really defend against Sendoh? If there are three, the entire lineup of Luoshan will be deformed. If Sendoh is centered on himself and never passes the ball.

As a result, Luoshan has no way to limit Sendoh's offensive ability, and can only watch him ravage Luoshan's rebounds again and again [waiting for Sendoh's physical strength to run out

Ren Baijin Yongzhi racked his brains and couldn't think of a tactic that could limit Sendoh. Today's Luoshan has exhausted its chassis and is powerless to recover!

After a little bit of time, Sendoh's physical strength is not unlimited. After Naksan served, he did not launch a super-fast attack to grab the ball, and he also needed to leave some physical strength to support him.

In the third quarter of the game, everyone’s exhaustion was not exhausted. Ryonan was fine here, and Sendoh started the offensive every time by himself, but Luoshan couldn’t bear it. Akashi couldn’t maintain the zone state all the time. After reaching the limit, the zone will also be closed, and after he reaches the limit, the buff of the whole team's zone will finally disappear.

This also made everyone in Ryonan breathe a sigh of relief. Because of the ability of the whole team's zone, even if they attack, they can't achieve perfect every time, and they will waste a lot of energy.

Also because of Sendoh's terrifying scoring ability, Ryonan's pressure was relieved. Lu Shan's eyes fell on Sendoh every time two or three people.

When the game came to the middle four minutes of the third quarter, the score between the two sides was always in a see-saw situation. Every time Luoshan scored a goal, Sendoh would return a goal with full firepower.

It's just that after the competition intensified in the third quarter, some problems also appeared on both sides. In the entire field, everyone's physical strength was exhausted.

After all, under such a high-speed consumption, no one can keep running back and forth between offense and defense. Whether it is Ryonan or Luoshan, their physical strength is rapidly passing away.

Taoka called a timeout in time and chose to let Sendoh go off to retain his strength, and Ikegami was brought on again to take Sendoh's place.

Then Luoshan also experienced a corresponding situation. Kaoru Chihiro's level was no different from that of ordinary players, or even lower. Under such a crazy attack, his physical strength could not bear it at all, and then the five generals without a championship also followed After being replaced, their physical strength has reached the limit after Akashi closed the zone. In the second quarter, under Akashi's leadership, they started the zone mode that lasted the entire game, and their physical strength will eventually be exhausted. ……ask for flowers…

Both sides seem to have a tacit understanding, retaining the strength of the main force.

"It seems that Luoshan also has to give up the chance to overtake in the third quarter." Huang Lai said leisurely, but if this situation were changed to Haichang, he would also make such a choice

Such a high-intensity physical exertion requires the commander to be ready at all times.


Momoi Wuyue said: "So, if we have a match between Tong Huang and Ryonan, we also need to pay attention to the substitute players, um, we must pay attention, there will be a lot of gaps between Ada and Sendoh seniors, it seems to think about it Tactics against Ryanan."

"Hey, May, I can't be defeated by that guy!" Qingfeng said suddenly.

"Just in case, hee hee." Momoi Wuyue said with a smile, this answer really made Aomine unhappy, but I have to admit that if he was really allowed to face Sendoh of that level, he might really be surpassed ah.

It's just that now Luoshan has a difference of 18 points, and it is very difficult for Luoshan to catch up.

However, compared to Luoshan, Ryonan's bench players are a bit more difficult. The substitute players can't compare with Luoshan, who is a powerful team every year. It's not just the lack of strength.

The number of substitutes did not meet the requirements.

Luoshan has a lot of bench players, each of whom is a high-level player. On the other hand, Ryonan and Ikegami are put on the field, and Uekusa and Koshino are still acting as defensive players. The offense does not need them to open up.

Sugahira was also replaced by Yuzumi, and only Ikegami and Fukuda had offensive capabilities for Ryonan. Therefore, Ryonan was already at a considerable disadvantage when competing against the full-bodied Naksan.

The score was chased back little by little, and at the whistle at the end of the third quarter, the difference between the two sides was only 9 points.

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