Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

202 State Of Terror, Giant Spirit!

At night, Sendoh took a comfortable bath and lay down on the bed.

"System, let's draw red skills!"


The system answered simply.


"Ding Ding Ding!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the status experience card: God's Chosen Body Card!"

"God's Chosen Body Experience Card: This card allows the user to have the most perfect body for a while, the God's Chosen Body. During the use period, the physical consumption will be slowed down by 50%! The speed will increase by 1%, and the strength will increase by 10%! Use time: three minute!"

"Good skills!" Sendoh's eyes were hot for a while, a perfect body, and the first skill made Sendoh feel uneasy.

Slow down the physical consumption by 50%, that is to say, after using this card, Sendoh will superimpose the child's heart and zone, and his physical consumption will be reduced to the slowest!

Even if the "three six zero" is a 50% slowdown, it will have a great effect on Sendoh.

You know, if the three most important status skills are used together, Sendoh can only last for two to three minutes.

Then if this card is added, this time will be enlarged to six minutes!

Six minutes is enough to make a wealthy team collapse within this time!

Sendoh took a deep breath, calmed down his excited heart, and then said again: "System, the orange skill draw!"


The system still cherishes words like gold!


"Ding Ding Ding!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the status skill: Giant Spirit Body!"

"Body of the Giant Spirit: A status skill. After the user activates it, he will have the power comparable to that of Shark O'Neill. The power will continue to increase according to the user's progress!

"The increase in the number of defenses also increases the user's power!"

"Conditions of use: Sufficient physical strength!"

"Power!" Sendoh's eyes lit up immediately. This state increased Sendoh's invincible power for dunking. In this way, Sendoh also has a trump card to attack Yangquan!

You know, that scary big man is very powerful, after all, he is the most talented one in the generation of miracles!

With the best luck, Sendoh fell asleep with a good mood.

The next day, everyone in Ryonan returned to Kanagawa by bullet train.

"Ah, finally back!" Koshino exclaimed.

"The air in Kanagawa is better!" Uekusa took a deep breath and said with a smile.

"Everyone, I'm leaving first." Sendoh smiled and walked eastward, which was the direction of his home.

"Sendoh, the day after tomorrow there will be a training camp in three days, do you want to participate?" Taoka stood up and said at this moment.

Sendoh was startled, and asked in confusion: "Training? When is it scheduled?"

"That's what I thought of yesterday. We can't waste two months." Taoka said with a smile.

"I'm fine, since then I can participate." Sendoh nodded and said, but he also thought about whether to go on a trip or something.

But it looks like it will be a month later.

There is plenty of time.

When Sendoh got home and was ready to go fishing with his fishing gear, Yotsuba was standing in front of his door.

"Sendoh-kun, what are you...?" Yotsuba looked puzzled at Sendoh who was ready to go, then glanced at the things in Sendoh's hand, and said speechlessly: "Are you going fishing again?"

"Well, I just finished the game and I want to relax." Sendoh said lightly.

"Then let's go shopping, so we can relax." Yotsuba said quickly.

She originally wanted to find Sendoh to go shopping, but she didn't expect the latter to be so fast.

"emmmmmm..." Sendoh sighed slightly.

Seeing the timing, Yotsuba immediately said: "It's okay Sendoh-san, the vacation time is very long, and you have a long time to fish.

"Well, okay." Sendoh nodded, thinking that what Clover said made sense, but Sendoh shook his head and said, "Why don't you go in the afternoon, I just want to go fishing today. 27

. " Clover was speechless for a while, thinking that her comforting would work, Sendoh finally got the hang of it, but she didn't expect this hedgehog head to be as stubborn as ever!

"Okay, it's an appointment, I will bring my friends to find you in the afternoon!" Clover had no choice but to give up and said hastily.

"Okay!" Sendoh nodded, and then Clover left, and Sendoh headed to the beach with the equipment.

Kanagawa is not more prosperous than Tokyo, but it is much quieter than Tokyo, and there is not so much hustle and bustle. When Sendoh came to the beach, the impetuousness in his heart due to the competition was suddenly blown away a lot... …

Taking a deep breath of sea-smelling air, Sendoh put his tools down and got everything ready.

Fixing, hooking, putting bait, and setting out the line are done in one go, without any delay.

He has become so proficient at these things that he can't be more proficient.

When everything was ready, everything around became quiet.

The sense of impetuousness in my heart became less and less, and in the end, my mood also sank to the bottom and fell into peace.

The morning sun is very bright, even though it is summer now, it is not so hot.

There was a refreshing cool breeze blowing by the sea. At this moment, the young man fishing by the sea seemed to be frozen here.

He blends in with everything around him, as if they are the same.

There are trains passing by here from time to time, but they still can't touch Sendoh.

In the end, when the sky gradually entered the noon and the sun finally became hot, Sendoh straightened up and took a look at the full bucket of fish, feeling full of superiority.

After sprinkling some fish food, Sendoh put the fish back into the sea, then packed up and went home.

At noon, Yotsuba came to him very punctually, and she was accompanied by Shenzong's classmate whom she met last time.

"Long time no see, student Shenzong." Sendoh greeted with a smile.

"Yes." Shenzong nodded and said.

"So, Clover, where are we going?" Sendoh asked.

"I've thought about it a long time ago!" Ye Dun said happily at 3.8.

She had already figured out where to play with Sendoh, but Sendoh has no time.

The three of them walked together in the bustling commercial street, it was already noon, of course they had to eat first, but Yotsuba and Shenzong always wanted to go to a Chinese restaurant.

And Sendoh has no requirements, and everything is the same.

"By the way, Sendoh-kun, the coach said that the basketball team will train together for a month, do you want to go?" Yotsuba said immediately.

"Even you know this?" Sendoh asked in surprise.

"Hmph, this is my point of view, of course I understand it." Clover said proudly with her chest up.

"Training is fine, but the location?" Sendoh asked.

There is no place in Kanagawa that can be used as a training camp, and I don't know that they will choose that place. .

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