Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

208 Challenging Professional Players (1)

Sendoh frowned suddenly, the laughter was full of malice.

Sendoh had already imagined what the next month would be like.

But it's nothing, it's not too out of line compared to Taoka, but everything in this indoor training ground is good, everyone in Ryonan cheered.

You know, everyone in Ryonan's family is not rich, and some of them have never been to the gym.

"Are we really going to stay here for a month?" Clover said excitedly.

It is so complete, and the scenery is beautiful, where you can go to see Mount Fuji if you have nothing to do, how can you find it!?

"Of course, this is what your coach begged me to open up here." Hachimura said with a smile.

"You bastard..." Taoka smiled helplessly.

But at this moment, Lei Hachimura looked at Sendoh, and suddenly said: "Boy, do you want to have a game? Although I haven't played for a long time, my strength has not declined."

"Huh?!" Everyone in Ryonan was stunned for a moment, and Sendoh's dark pupils flashed a bright light.

This is a former professional level player, even if he is a bit regressed according to his age, his strength is still there.

And now Sendoh also remembered that in his previous life, there was indeed a player named Lei Hachimura in the NBA team, and he was also the only player who broke out of the CBAA.

Sendoh was eager to try, and there was a trace of fire in his eyes.

"Okay, please give me your advice."

But just after he finished speaking, Yotsuba was a little upset, an uncle wants to bully Sendoh-kun?!! What a joke!

"Hey, hey, uncle, what are you talking about, we are high school students!" Clover said suddenly, revealing that shiny little canine tooth in her words.

"Ha, haha, it's just a test of his skills. Compared with you two months later, you are still participating in the Winter Cup." Hachimura Lei said with a dry smile: "Five balls, how about just five balls?"

"Well, you haven't moved for a long time, have you? The previous strength is still there?" Taoka pondered for a while, feeling that the comparison between the two is actually nothing, and then said a little teasingly.

"Don't worry, no matter how you say it, you're still going strong." Rui Hachimura said with a big smile, then turned around and entered a room. A few minutes later, he was wearing a dark blue basketball uniform.

NBA Magic professional basketball jersey, No. 8!

"You guy, you only have five balls, what clothes do you want to change?" Coach Taoka said immediately.

"Of course we have to compete seriously. Don't look at this kid's sharpness and introversion. This guy is very strong." Rui Hachimura pointed at Sendoh and said seriously.

"Uh..." Taoka was stunned for a moment.

Everyone in Ryonan was surprised.

Yuzumi was even more surprised and said, "Isn't this the uniform of the Magic team three years ago?"

If it is a national player or some university uniform, it will definitely not be so surprised.

But the uniforms of all NBA teams will be changed, maybe every three years, maybe every five years.

And Lei Hachimura was wearing the same uniform as the Magic's game three years ago, and Uozumi had seen the Magic's game back then.

And the middle-aged man in front of him always gave him a very familiar feeling.

"This guy is just showing off." Coach Taoka said with a wry smile.

"Coach, is he really a professional basketball player?!" Koshino asked in disbelief.

"Well, he is the only Neon guy who broke out of Asia and entered the NBA." Coach Taoka nodded and said.

"Then he must be very strong, won't he bully people in a bullfight with Sendoh?!" Uozumi said with a frown.

"He should be measured." Taoka frowned and said.

Sendoh didn't stop, and found a room to change his clothes. Although he is wearing casual clothes now, he still can't play basketball well.

Since you're going to compete against professional athletes [Sendoh also needs to get serious.

After Sendoh came out of the room, wearing a Ryonan uniform, Hachimura walked up and bent down to pick up the basketball, passed it directly to Sendoh, and then stood inside.

"You come first."

"You'll be at a disadvantage, senior." Sendoh said with a faint smile.

"It's okay, it's just a ball." Hachimura smiled indifferently.

Sendoh bent his body slightly and said, "Half game, the time is only 30 seconds, how about it?"

"Yes." Lei Hachimura nodded, then turned his head to look to the other side, and shouted: "Taoka, you can keep track of the time, don't be selfish."

"I only take care of my own students if I have selfish intentions, you are not serious." Taoka curled his lips, took out his mobile phone, found the timer, and immediately shouted: "Start!"

In an instant, Sendoh's body sank in an instant. In his previous life, he was a professional athlete. Although it was a pity that he didn't make it to the NBA, in the Asia-Pacific CBA, his strength is also among the top.

Now facing professional athletes of the same level and even rushing to the NBA, Sendoh will certainly not let go of this opportunity.

In an instant, the ultra-high-speed starting speed unfolded in an instant, and in an instant, it rushed directly from Hachimura to the left.

Lei Hachimura is worthy of being an NBA player. With his strong reaction speed, he reacted directly and turned around to stick close to Sendoh. Sendoh raised his eyebrows slightly. Even though the opponent was middle-aged, his own level There is still no degradation, and with this super fast reaction speed, it can also achieve the first-class level in the country.

350 In an instant, Hachimura Lei's right hand moved directly, directly reaching for the basketball in Sendoh's hand. He has a super experience level, and under the high-speed running, the interference movements made by him are also perfect.

However, Sendoh's eagle eyes fully understood his movements. In an instant, his body suddenly stopped, the basketball in his hand quickly switched to his right hand, and he was about to break through to the right side of Hachimura base.

And the latter knew exactly what he was going to do the moment Sendoh stopped abruptly, and his body and center of gravity flashed to the right. However, at this moment, before the basketball in Sendoh's hand landed, he immediately withdrew his body Footsteps and palms retracted the rebound, quickly changed direction and rushed past Hachimura Lei's left side again!

Changing direction at high speed and at super fast speed, everyone in Ryonan couldn't even react to Sendoh's speed!

However, Lei Hachimura reacted, but the degeneration of his body made his speed slow by nearly one-third of a second.

Even though he has a lot of experience, he even thought of a solution when Sendoh moved, but the degeneration caused by his body made him unable to keep up with such a rapid change of direction

In an instant, Sendoh directly rushed past the opponent's defense and went straight to the basket. His rapid speed even directly collided with the restricted area. He took off in an instant and was about to dunk.

"It's not that easy to dunk!".

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