Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

210 Challenging Professional Players (3)

Taoka kept his eyes on the two people on the field. He knew what happened to Lei Hachimura just now, and it was not a pity. If he wanted to force a dunk against him just now, he would definitely succeed.

"What was your previous position, small forward?" Sendoh asked lightly.

Rui Hachimura raised his thick black eyebrows and said, "That's a good guess, but I'm in two positions, the small forward and the power forward are just swapped."

"I see." Sendoh shook his head, looking more serious.

Both are small forwards, and Sendoh knows exactly what a small forward needs to do.

Every small forward is different, some are fast, and some have a high shooting percentage. Maybe the dunk is also very strong, and the three-pointer is very far away, and the shooting percentage is very accurate. But none of these are perfect small forwards.

Small forwards are on the court just to score. As a small forward, Sendoh also knows that it is very difficult to block the completely changeable base Hachimura.

In terms of speed, Sendoh is faster than Lei Hachimura, technically the two are on par, and there is not much difference in ball handling ability, so there is only a big gap in strength.

After all, Hachimura Lei also 127 was a power forward, and his strength is even better.

"Haha, how is it?" Lei Hachimura laughed and said, "Don't you have a hole card too, use it quickly, don't hide it, or you will lose."

"Well, if that's the case..." Sendoh nodded and said, in a split second, he turned wild.

In an instant, a sense of remoteness and simplicity rushed over his face, Hachimura Lei was stunned for a moment, and then blurted out: "Wildness?!"

And it's super wild!

Wildness is not a rare trend in the NBA. Some players with good strength have wildness, and the head star of the team has a very high level of wildness.

Among them, there are many dinosaurs as wild as the Jurassic period.

The coercion on the bloodline made Hachimura Lei feel that Sendoh's wildness must not be ordinary. For a moment, a phantom appeared on Sendoh standing in front of him holding the ball.

It was a creature of a foreign dragon, and its huge wings flapped, making him feel a powerful wind force.

"Come on, let me see what you can do after turning on your wild nature!" Lei Hachimura sank, and immediately made a defensive move.

In an instant, Sendoh held the ball with both hands, and jumped up immediately!

"Shoot!!??" Lei Hachimura shrank his eyes, took a step forward, and jumped up to block the shot!

However, in an instant, Sendoh withdrew his foot instantly, and the moment his body sank, he broke through directly from the left of Hachimura Minami.

"Fake action!?"

Everyone in Ryonan was taken aback, and even Lei Hachimura himself was surprised for a while.

Sendoh's fake moves are too perfect, it's completely impossible not to defend.

The flawless fake moves make people have no time to think at all. Sendoh's fake moves have already achieved the level of real ones!

However, after Hachimura hit the ground, he turned around and returned to defense!

The speed added by turning on the wildness is much faster than that of Hachimura Lei, but the speed of the latter does not seem to be at full speed before.

Back on defense in an instant, Rui Hachimura immediately blocked Sendoh.

And at this moment, Sendoh held the ball in his right hand, and in an instant, the moment his body sank, he broke through directly from the left side of Base Hachimura.

In an instant, at the moment when Sendoh rushed past his defense, Hachimura immediately turned around and returned to the defense. With super fast reaction speed, and with the slightest movement, he had already seen that Sendoh was about to break through from there.

"The speed is faster!" Lei Hachimura was amazed in his heart. While defending at full speed, he could only stick close to Sendoh's side, and while running at such a high speed, he also made the slightest disturbance. action. (bgce)

In an instant, Sendoh's body suddenly stopped suddenly, and his body immediately took a double step back to the right. Lei Hachimura stared wide-eyed. In an instant, Sendoh jumped up and shot!

"Fague shot?!"

At this moment, it was too late for Lei Hachimura to return to the defense. Sendoh's double step back directly opened up a long distance. At a distance of nearly three meters, he could not return to the defense and block the block at all.

Immediately, Sendoh directly threw the basketball out, and under the ultra-high shooting arc, the basketball fell into the net hollowly with orange-red tail flames.

"Nice!" Clover immediately cheered.

Such an elegant figure, but this is not what she is happy about. Now Sendoh is facing off against a professional basketball player. To be able to achieve this level, Sendoh's strength is obvious to all!

"Sendoh's strength has been difficult to improve. His strength, even in college, it is difficult to find opponents." Taoka said with a smile.

This is a rising star, a star that can illuminate the entire basketball world!

"Is it possible to achieve this level by turning on the wildness?" Hachimura nodded. Even he had to feel that Sendoh was very talented. The double-step backward shot just now was very difficult for him. Not even at a young age.

However, Taoka also gave him the video of Ryonan's game before, and he also knows that Sendoh has not used his full strength, and the zone has not yet been activated. If he activates the zone, no matter how confident he is in his own strength, he will not be able to compete with young people. fight for the front.

The game continued, and this time it was Hachimura's turn to attack, who watched Sendoh cautiously with the ball.

For a split second, Hachimura suddenly dribbled the ball from behind with the basketball in his hand, and Sendoh narrowed his eyes, staring at the opponent's center of gravity.

In an instant, Lei Hachimura swayed, and his center of gravity shifted to the right, but at the moment Sendoh made a move, the latter's center of gravity shifted to the left, and the basketball dribbling behind his back was directly caught by the big hand I forcibly took it back in my hand!

In an instant, under the super fast starting speed, Rui Hachimura broke through directly from Sendoh's left.

However, after the wildness is turned on, even the reaction ability has increased, and he immediately turned around and took a step back to defend. At super fast speed, Sendoh has already surpassed the speed of Xiaoganlei!

Back on defense for a split second, Sendoh stretched out his right hand the moment he blocked Lei Hachimura.

"This kid, are you trying to intercept forcibly?" Lei Hachimura's eyes widened, he pulled back slightly, and the basketball in his hand changed hands directly. Then, his direction was directly intercepted by Sendoh Change!

"Senior, it's not good to let you pass so easily."

Suddenly, Sendoh's cold and flat voice came from behind him, and then the danger alert that had been in the past for many years was activated immediately, and from the corner of his right eye, he saw a gradually enlarged palm!

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