Two months from the summer cup to the winter cup, such a long time is not prepared for the semi-finals.

Ryonan entered the semi-finals and needed to participate in the summer cup finals, but as one of the semi-finals, Sannoh High gave up the summer cup finals, so that Tong Huang, who always wanted to face Sannoh.

No, or Aomine wanted to fight Sawakita alone, and when Sannoh gave up, he didn't participate in the game either.

And Yangquan, which is far away from Tokyo, didn't come to participate in the summer finals of the semi-finals.

When Taoka came to Sendoh and asked if he wanted to participate in the competition, Sendoh froze for a moment.

The road to talent is now only short of two S+ talent players, Sawakita and Atsushi Murasakihara, but neither of them participated [Sendoh has no idea.

As a result, the summer semi-finals ended the summer game in a very weird way.

They seem to have reached a consensus, and the final battle will be held in the Winter Cup!

Sendoh can't arouse any interest in worthless games.

And Tonghuang's Qingfeng Dahui has already completed the mission, why bother to fight again, and there is no substantial reward.

"There is only one champion. Now that all colleges and universities are focusing on the Winter Cup, it will be very lively then." Yuzumi sighed.

They didn't feel discouraged by giving up the Summer Cup. On the contrary, they believed in Sendoh's strength and believed that Ryonan had a strong strength.

Champion, the title that only the strong can have.

Therefore, none of the teams in the semi-finals will participate in the so-called Summer Cup championship.

And after two months of exercise, Ryonan can also be greatly strengthened.

Among them, everyone in Ryonan even experienced why Hachimura made that kind of malicious laughter at that time.

After getting up at 6:00 every morning, everyone in Ryonan plays a game, and then practices his basketball skills in the morning.

After eating at noon, everyone even brought guys, the so-called heavy objects up the mountain.

At Taoka's request, everyone put on very simple clothes, and tied four 2-kilogram iron blocks to their wrists and ankles, which means a pair of 16-jin weights, and ran on the mountain.

Such a super high training intensity can not only exercise their physical strength, but also continuously enhance their ability to control their bodies.

Running fast on such uneven mountain roads, the limbs are tied with heavy objects, which can continuously enhance their abilities.

With such super consumption power, even Sendoh was a little out of breath.

The surrounding mountain roads are not so easy to run, and some are blocked by many obstacles.

Standing at the foot of the mountain, Taoka took out a timer and said in a deep voice, "Today is a test to measure our training results these days||."

"Coach, are we going to tie heavy objects up the mountain again?" Koshino said in distress.

With the super high level of training every day, everyone in the world is very tired.

"No, I don't bring anything heavy today, all of you bring basketballs up the mountain." Taoka shook his head and said.

"Take a basketball up the mountain?!"

Everyone suddenly shouted in confusion.

Yuzu asked even more puzzled: "Coach, this mountain road is not flat, you can't dribble the ball at all.

"I didn't tell you to dribble, I just ran with the basketball." Qu Gang rolled his eyes and said.

"Eh, it's that simple?" Uekusa said suddenly.

"Of course, the rules are very simple. Whoever takes the ball to the top of the mountain first, and then hits 50% of the shots on the top of the mountain and then returns to the foot of the mountain will have a day off tomorrow." Taoka said with a smile.

"Ah, this reward is too simple, coach, there is no motivation at all." Fukuda said immediately.

Taoka thought for a while, and also, such an easy reward, really should be changed, then he took out his pocket and took out two tickets from it.

Taoka said with a smile: "This is a dinner party in Tokyo, the location is in the city center, whoever wins the first place can participate.

Everyone's eyes turned hot, and the two black banquet tickets were inlaid with gold edges, full of high-end style.

"First, I want it!!!"

Everyone in Ryonan suddenly changed their momentum, as if they were facing a powerful team, they were full of fighting spirit.

Sendoh smiled slightly, he had seen this scroll before, but he didn't expect Taoka to take out these two, it must be very painful to compare.

Clover's big eyes are full of stars, and she prays earnestly in her heart that Sendoh will definitely get the first place!

Immediately, after a minute of preparation time, everyone in Ryonan was ready, everyone held a basketball in their hands, and then, with the sound of Taoka starting, everyone exploded!

Sendoh's starting speed is the fastest, not to mention Ryonan, even a player with Qingfeng's speed can't compare with Sendoh's starting speed.

Immediately, at an invincible speed, Sendoh directly threw off everyone in Ryonan, and rushed directly into the mountain. With super fast running speed, Sendoh's speed was already very fast without any load, while Ryonan's The others were not slow either, and the five people behind them ran wildly like a wild horse running wild.

But even at full speed, they couldn't keep up with Sendoh's speed.

After a week of training, Sendoh's speed has increased a lot, and he can pass Qingfeng in an instant without turning on his wildness.

In this way, Sendoh ran wildly on the rugged mountain road alone, but at this moment, because of the basketball in his hand, Sendoh subconsciously made a motion of hitting the ball with his palm, and when the basketball hit the uneven ground, it immediately bounced off the slope .

Sendoh was startled immediately, and received the flying basketball with super fast reaction speed, pulled it back directly, and then let out a breath, secretly thinking that it was dangerous.

However, the rest of Ryonan doesn’t have the reflexes like Sendoh (Zhao’s). The moment Ikegami, Uozumi and Koshino subconsciously patted the ball, the basketball flew out, and the rugged mountain road along the way was even worse. Can't stop basketball.

At this point, the three had to go back the same way to retrieve the basketball.

And the others finally became vigilant and secretly paid attention to the basketball in their hands. In this case, they absolutely cannot shoot it.

In a small episode, Sendoh was still the first in the lead. On the 3-kilometer mountain road, Sendoh was running at full power, and now there was no load. In 5 minutes, Sendoh rushed directly to the top of the mountain.

You know, the distance of three kilometers in 5 minutes, and it is still a mountain road, Sendoh's burst speed and sustained speed have reached a terrifying level, so there are still some obstacles on the mountain.

When Sendoh came to the top of the mountain, he had been here many times before. This mountain is the highest one around. .

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