Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

232 Preparing For The Winter National Competition (Please Subscribe!)

"Yayoi... Sister Yayoi?" Yotsuba now hopes that all this is fake, a week of persistence, a week of defense, never expecting that Aida Yayoi will come to Sendoh when she gives up her persistence .

It was good to go out with classmates before, but Yotsuba was always restless on the road, and later she was still a little afraid that Aida Yayoi would come to Sendoh when she was out, so she directly declined the invitation of her classmates and ran back quickly.

But it seems to be too late now!

Sendoh immediately said: "Just in time, you're here too, Miss Yayoi just brought the report over.

"Sendoh-kun..." Yotsuba suddenly had the idea of ​​quitting, but when she turned her head and saw Sendoh's faint smile, her helpless heart seemed to be redeemed.

"Okay, Sendoh-kun, I just came over to give you information today at "173". There are only three weeks left before the start of the Winter Cup, you Ryonans, please work hard, and you must win the championship! Aida Yayoi smiled playfully at Sendoh, those bright glasses seemed to be able to generate electricity.

"Okay, thanks for your hard work, Miss Yayoi." Sendoh nodded and smiled.

"Okay, Clover-chan, I'm leaving." Aida Yayoi rubbed Clover's head. Comparing the height of the two, Aida Yayoi was half a head taller than Clover.

Clover stared blankly at Aida Yayoi after she left Sendoh's house, then looked directly at Sendoh with big eyes.

"Eh..." Being stared at by Clover, Sendoh suddenly felt guilty. After rubbing his nose, he went directly to the sofa and handed the report to Clover from the table.

The latter was a little angry at first, but when he saw Aida Yayoi's investigation report, he finally became serious in his heart.

"Sendoh-kun, this summer vacation, the growth of everyone's team is not weaker than ours Ryonan, no, you must show this to the coach." Clover said immediately.

Sendoh said lightly: "The progress of all teams is not small, but our Ryonan is not bad, you don't need to worry about this, let you see, it is also to enhance your investigation level, and you can also improve in this area in the future Woolen cloth."

After all, Aida Yayoi is a reporter. Investigating this kind of thing is not weaker than the profession of detective at all, so Yotsuba also needs to learn.

"Oh." Clover nodded obediently, and suddenly raised her head to look at Sendoh, and her eyes even fell on Sendoh's lips.

Yotsuba is not a fool, she already thought of what the red color on Sendoh's mouth was just now, it was Aida Yayoi's lipstick!

In this way, Yotsuba's heart was full of jealousy, as if his head was twitched, he stood on tiptoe, and his small lips pecked Sendoh's lips, and then his pretty face was very red, and he turned his head and fled directly. left!

Seeing the petite figure fleeing here as if he had done something wrong, Sendoh touched his lips, then shook his head with a wry smile.

What the hell are these girls?

Didn't you say that thirty is like a wolf and forty is like a tiger?

Aida Yayoi, a 20-year-old adult girl, I won’t talk about it, why does Yotsuba, who is not yet an adult, do this??

Sure enough, boys not only need to protect themselves outside, but also at home!

A day of drama quickly passed, and after another leisurely week at Sendoh, headed to Ryonan's basketball team.

Clover had already handed Aida Yayoi's investigation report to Taoka, who felt a sense of urgency when he saw the progress of all the teams.

Immediately, all the members of Ryonan, including the substitute members, were gathered together again. Now there are only two weeks left before the start of the Winter Cup. Ryonan must not continue to be loose like this.

Training must be restarted.

Not only Ryonan, after a two-week idle period, all college teams have started training again. The Winter Cup is coming soon, and all teams are already preparing for training with urgency.

In this way, compared with previous years, this year's Winter Cup can be said to be the most brilliant one.

When Sendoh came to the basketball hall, everyone had already started training. After seeing Sendoh coming in from the door, Taoka nodded and said, "You should have read Yayoi's investigation report, Sendoh."

"Yeah, I've seen it." Sendoh nodded.

Holding the timer in his hand, Taoka nodded and said seriously, "Do you have any opinion?"

After pondering for a moment, Sendoh said: "I don't have any opinions, but I do have some opinions..."

"Oh?" There is one in front of Taoka, and every time he asks Sendoh, the latter seems to have investigated clearly in advance, knowing the trump cards in all teams better than anyone else!

Even in the previous match against Naksan, Sendoh had to do a series of targeted training in advance to suppress the five-time champion general in the team, otherwise Koshino, a shooting guard

Shi Ling's main throwing skills in the void of heaven and earth are very tricky.

Not only that, but also Luoshan's new fantasy sixth person, who was also discovered by Sendoh.

In this way, Taoka has become accustomed to asking Sendoh, the latter's investigative ability made Taoka wonder if he is a part-time detective now?

"It's nothing, but at most I'll tell you about the relationship between Yangquan and Tonghuang." Sendoh said with a smile, the two universities are what Sendoh knew when he read the original book, but Tonghuang and Yangquan don't need Sendoh to go now. Worried, he already has the ability to target.

At this time, Ryonan's starters finally stopped training and came to listen to Sendoh's opinion.

"Tonghuang has nothing to say, only Qingfeng Dahui needs to pay attention." Sendoh said seriously: "I have competed with him twice on the field before, and there is no need to worry about 4.2 in terms of speed and strength. You are the only ones The thing to watch out for is his erratic shots and layups.

"I know this. When I watched Tonghuang's game before, I happened to see his shooting skills." Uekusa said immediately.

"After that is Yangquan." Sendoh extracted the reports of all the players in Yangquan from the data report, and said in a deep voice: "They are all two meters tall, so we must be vigilant and defensive, otherwise it is easy for the opponent to bomb the basket operate."

"But you don't need to worry, our Ryonan won't be any worse, so just do your best!"



For two weeks, whether it was long or close, everyone in Ryonan finally started to report on the basketball team every morning and left at eight o'clock in the evening. .

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