Himuro Tatsuya, as Vulcan's childhood playmate in the United States, both of them worshiped one person as their teacher. Himuro Tatsuya's personal strength can already be compared with the five generals without a crown. Not only that, but according to his talent, It is also slightly higher than the five generals without a crown, but his talent is still not as good as Vulcan's.

Without the generation-level talent of Miracle, Himuro Tatsumi would not be able to meet the conditions to open the zone. This is also the gap between him and the ace generals like Sendoh. high.

His inner stubbornness made him unwilling to lower his head to Vulcan, constantly stimulate his own potential, and make himself stronger. In this way, his skills are already very strong, the only difference is the speed gap.

What Sendoh is worried about is Himuro Tatsuya's technique and that throwing technique.

Kagero shot, as Alex Garcia, the master of the two, taught Vulcan the extremely dynamic "meteor slam dunk" and the extremely quiet "Kagero shot".

Compared with Luoshan's three shooting skills of Shibuchi Reo, it is a little single, but it is definitely the most practical one. Sendoh is not this shooting skill, but he also knows where the weakness of this shooting skill is. It's just for Koshino , some suffering.

Sendoh can only let him find the rhythm that belongs to Tatsuya Himuro on the video. It is best to break his rhythm during the game. As for blocking this shot, it is Sendoh's business.

Koshino didn't ask any more questions, and went straight to watch the video after he answered.

The one-day training was relatively easy compared to before. Everyone trained until 6:00 p.m. and then went back. Taoka couldn't let them practice desperately, after all, tomorrow is the start of the competition.

Because it was in the afternoon, Taoka agreed with everyone to train until six o'clock, otherwise Taoka would let them go back in the afternoon.

Sendoh and Clover walked side by side, and after having a meal outside, the two went home together.

"Ah, how time flies, doesn't it, Sendoh-kun." Yotsuba put her hands behind her back, with an extremely cute smile on her face.

Sendoh nodded, and said lightly: "Yes, in the blink of an eye, Yotsuba is almost a year older."

"Sendoh-kun!!" Clover snorted suddenly, and hit Sendoh with her small fist.

"Ha, just kidding, Yotsuba will always be sixteen years old." Sendoh shook his head and said, "Tomorrow is also the day when school starts, is Yotsuba going to class?"

"No, I want to go to the competition with you. I am also a member of Ryonan. As Ryonan's supervisor, I will lead by example!" Clover immediately shut her mouth and said firmly.

"But what about your studies?" Sendoh asked worriedly, Clover's academic performance is very good, and she helped in the past, Sendoh can also take advantage of it.

However, compared to Ryonan's game, Sendoh is still more worried about Yotsuba's academic decline.

"Don't worry, I'm a genius Clover! Humph!" Clover wrinkled her nose, and said with air.

"Okay." Sendoh smiled helplessly, thinking of the second semester, Yotsuba and Ryonan's team members have always participated in the competition, but in the exam, her grades still did not drop.

Perhaps, Yotsuba is really a genius.

Not long after, the two finally walked to the apartment, said goodnight to each other, and went home.

Having nothing to say all night, Sendoh got up early the next day, as usual, and today Clover also got up early to run with him.

When it was seven in the morning, Sendoh had a casual breakfast, and Yotsuba went to Ryonan together.

Today is not only the opening day of the Winter Cup, but also the opening day of all colleges and universities. Sendoh and Yotsuba did not go to the basketball club, but went to the classroom to report.

Taoka hasn't asked the school for leave yet, and the school has just started, and everyone has to go to the classroom to report, so today's Ryonan basketball team is extraordinarily quiet.

The campus, which had been quiet for two months, finally regained its former vigor at this time, and many students came in and out of the school gate.

The arrival of Sendoh and Yotsuba also attracted the attention of many people.

"Wow, Mr. Sendoh, Mr. Sendoh is here!"

"You're so handsome, I haven't seen you in two months, and Sendoh-kun shouted a lot again!"

"Sendoh-kun, I want to have a monkey with you!"

"Sendoh-kun, the piece you played of Castle in the Sky is so good, can you play another one?"

...asking for flowers......

"Sendoh-san, Sendoh-san!"

At this moment, there are not only cheers from the girls on campus, but also complaints from some boys.

"Damn, everyone looks like a nympho, bah, green tea female cousin!"

"It's so fucking annoying, how every time Sendoh shows up, it's like a celebrity outing.

"Hey, people are more popular than people."

"But the song "Castle in the Sky" is really nice, um, so I won't scold him anymore, he is a capable person after all!"

The love of the girls and the envy and hatred of the boys, seeing this scene, Sendoh suddenly said helplessly: "Clover, I regret playing the guitar a bit.

"Hmph, it's too late to regret it now, Sendoh-kun." Yotsuba said with a happy smile.

Sendoh shook his head helplessly. Instead of letting these girls surround him, Sendoh hated this kind of cheering environment. In contrast, he still likes quiet.

"Sorry, I still have to go to the classroom, can you please get out of the way." Sendoh said calmly.

"It's okay, Mr. Sendoh, there is only a little time before class, don't worry." A young lady said immediately.

"Yeah, yeah, Sendoh-kun!"

"Sendoh-kun, can you sign me? I love you playing basketball!"

"I want it too, I want it too!"

For a moment, the surroundings of Sendoh seemed to be a celebrity autograph session, Sendoh scratched his head helplessly, and said: "Wait until the game, I don't have time now.

Immediately, Sendoh took Clover's hand and forcibly squeezed out of the crowd. All the girls in front of him looked at him like wolves and tigers, as if they were about to eat Sendoh. Sendoh could only squeeze out forcibly, otherwise even It's class, and Sendoh can't get away.

"Sendoh-kun, don't go!!!"

When they saw Sendoh holding Clover's hand, a large group of girls around felt as if their hearts were broken, each of them was downcast, and some were unwilling, and continued to catch up.

At this moment, a little girl caught up with Sendoh, immediately grabbed Sendoh's arm, and said kindly: "Mr. Sendoh, when can you play the guitar again?".

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