Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

46 Dating With Yotsuba

"Thank you." Sendoh bowed slightly.

Nearly 18 paintings have been packed in a box. When Sendoh went upstairs, he happened to see two people standing at his door and the box on the ground.

"Haha, it's finally here. I thought you and your girlfriend would come back very late." The person on the right suddenly said with a smile.

Hearing the sound, Clover's face turned red immediately, she quickly lowered her head, her hands were fiddling with the corners of her clothes, and her big eyes glanced at Sendoh beside her from time to time.

But Sendoh himself is completely fine, and there is no expression on his face.

"Thank you for your great help." Sendoh said gratefully.

Although such a big box is not difficult for Sendoh, his strength is great, but they have already carried it up, and Sendoh can only thank him.

"It's okay, then, let's go." The man shook his hand.

"Slow down!"

After the two left, Sendoh opened the house and carried the wooden box into the house by himself.

Clover followed in, originally thinking of helping Sendoh, but was directly rejected by Sendoh. After all, it was just a box, and it was nothing to Sendoh.


"Phew, it's finally fixed." Sendoh let out a breath, and tore off the adhesive tape affixed to the box.

After opening the box, Sendoh was stunned for a moment when he saw the paintings inside.

"Four leaves, this seems to be the painting we saw on the poster?" Sendoh took out a painting that was nearly one meter long.

The weight is not too big, Yotsuba looked forward and nodded immediately: "Yes, it's the city night scene we saw.

"But it's still so strange, I don't understand what the painting means at all."

Sendoh smiled, and the picture was clearer than what he saw on the poster. This is also an ink painting, but the overall color is only black.

Immediately, Sendoh put the painting away and looked at the contents of the box again.

There are so many kinds of paintings, such as ink painting, simplified sketch, oil paint, etc., there are many kinds.

After taking out all the things, Sendoh smiled, today's harvest is quite rich!

Buying more than a dozen paintings together, Sendoh can make a fortune.

"By the way, Clover, do you like anything?" Sendoh suddenly turned to look at Clover.

But Clover shook her head and said, "No, I don't appreciate it either, let's forget about it."

"It's okay." Sendoh said with a smile, and then picked up a beautiful painting placed in the middle.

It was an ink and wash evening painting, among the normal paintings, Sendoh thought it was the most beautiful one.

"This is for you, Clover." Sendoh handed the painting to Clover.

The latter hesitated for a moment, then took the painting, glanced at it, and immediately showed a sweet smile, and said, "Thank you, Mr. Sendoh!"

"It's okay." Sendoh said with a sudden smile.

"I'll go back and find a place to hang the painting, I must find a very suitable place!" Clover said excitedly.

It can be said that this is the first time that Sendoh has given four leaves as a gift. For the first time, you must cherish it!

Immediately, Yotsuba left without saying a word, holding the painting.

Sendoh shook his head with a smile, not understanding why Clover was so excited, then got up - picked up the paintings, picked out some good-looking ones, and hung them on the wall of his house.

One afternoon passed in a flash, and Yotsuba didn't come to find Sendoh. After sorting out the paintings, the latter had a meal and lay on the bed to read manga.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next morning, Sendoh got up early and went out for a run. After an hour, he had breakfast, packed his fishing equipment and set off for the beach.

In the morning, Kanagawa felt a bit colder, but Sendoh was still advancing regardless of the weather, and nothing could stop him from fishing.

But after Sendoh left, Yotsuba came over, knocked on the door, but found that no one opened, her little head tilted suddenly, and she asked doubtfully, "Have you already left?"

Today's Ryonan needs training, but this kind of thing is too simple for Sendoh, Taoka doesn't care whether Sendoh comes or not.

But for Clover, this matter was very angry.

Seeing Ryonan at the entrance of the basketball department, Yotsuba put his hands on his hips, puffed his cheeks angrily and said, "This Sendoh-kun must have gone fishing again, really!"

Sendoh, who was sitting on the beach, quietly waiting for the fish to bite, suddenly felt an itchy nose.

"Ah owe!"

Sendoh immediately rubbed the itchy game, and murmured: "Have a cold? It shouldn't be.

But Sendoh didn't care, and waited quietly again, "I wasn't discouraged at all because the movement just now scared away the fish market.

As time passed, the sun in the sky became brighter and brighter.

During this tedious waiting, Sendoh looked at the distant sea, the sparkling, calm sea, the faint smell of the sea accompanied by the sea breeze.

With the cool wind, a calm smile appeared on Sendoh's face, and with the sea breeze, the sense of impetuousness on the playing field was also blown away.

……ask for flowers…


In the end, during the four hours of fishing, Sendoh's bucket was filled three times, but the cycle was repeated, and the fish were put back into the sea again and started all over again.

In the morning, some fishing enthusiasts came to fish together, but they didn't have the perseverance like Sendoh. After sitting on the stool for nearly an hour without catching any fish, they got up and changed positions.

When the time came to 11 am, Sendoh finally stood up, put the last fish in the bucket, sprinkled some fish food, and put it back into the sea.

"Well, let's call it a day." Sendoh stretched, after all, he sat on the stool without moving for four hours, even though Sendoh's physical fitness was stronger than many people, he would still feel tired.

He twisted his sore neck, made a sound like fried beans, and then bent down to pack his equipment.


"Ah, it's finally moving!"

Suddenly, an exclamation came from one side, and Sendoh turned around suspiciously, only to see Aida Yayoi sitting on the ground on the other side, looking at Sendoh with a smile on her delicate face.

Sendoh was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Miss Yayoi? Why are you here?"

Although [Eagle Eye] is not enabled, Sendoh has a wide field of vision, but why didn't I find that Aida Yayoi has been sitting behind him on the right.

"Just passing by, I saw you fishing here, so I came over to have a look." Aida Yayoi also stood up, but then there was a trace of resentment in her eyes, and she said coquettishly, "But you can really wait." , four hours, over and over again."

"Sorry, I didn't notice you." Sendoh scratched his head in embarrassment.

This is not a lie, four hours of fishing, Sendoh was so immersed in it that he didn't even notice someone passing by.

It can be said that the mind completely sank into it.

"Okay." Aida Yayoi suddenly smiled and shook her head.

She didn't mean to blame Sendoh either, watching Sendoh fishing was also her own initiative.

When she walked in front of Sendoh, Aida Yayoi didn't dare to disturb Sendoh. Looking at Sendoh's calm side face from behind, Aida Yayoi fell into it directly.

The more she watched, the more obsessed she became, and in the end, she seemed to be in a state, completely unable to extricate herself.

To sum up, don't look carefully at Sendoh, otherwise you won't be able to pull it out.

However, at this moment, seeing Sendoh's distressed appearance, Aida Yayoi was also very happy in her heart, and a smile appeared in her beautiful eyes.

But at this moment, Aida Yayoi suddenly exclaimed, staggered, and fell forward to the pill!.

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