Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

8 Da Muyang Spring (3)

Himuro Tatsuya also sank slightly, Sendoh's strength is very strong, he agrees with this, but he never believes that even his own signature skills can be broken!

In an instant, Himuro Tatsuo also took off directly, with a super high jump height, and his body went straight up, and Sendoh also took off at the same time as him!

Himuro Tatsuya's jumping height is good, but Sendoh is completely a head higher than Himuro Tatsuya. Suddenly, when Himuro Tatsuya is also shooting, Sendoh's arm directly blocks it!

The basketball passed through Sendoh's hand immediately, and at this moment, Himuro Tatsuya's eyes lit up, and his arm moved again. This time, the final shot was launched!


The moment the basketball left Himuro Tatsuya's palm, a wide palm immediately covered it, and Himuro Tatsuya looked at Sendoh in front of him dumbfounded.

Cover down!

But how is this possible?

How did you know how to crack Kagero's shot during Sendoh!!??

Violently blocking the shot, Sendoh mercilessly shot the basketball down from the air. Immediately, the moment the two landed on the ground, Sendoh immediately bypassed Himuro Tatsuya, and the speed exploded in an instant, and then came to the edge of the rolling basketball. He slapped the basketball directly and quickly, directly killing Yangquan's basket.

Everyone in 400 Yangquan quickly returned to defense after a moment of stupefaction.

For a moment, Kensuke Fukui and Kenichi Okamura, who were running at full speed, were chasing Sendoh closely behind. In a moment, Sendoh rushed into the inner line with one step. Under the eagle's eyes, Sendoh fully saw Fukui and Okamura who were closely following behind. But just as fast as them is Fukuda!

Immediately, under the ultra-fast running, Sendoh immediately stepped into the penalty area, and his body jumped up. At this moment, Fukui Kensuke behind him also took off at the same time

But at this moment, the basketball in Sendoh's hand was suddenly tossed lightly. The moment the basketball hit the backboard, it bounced back directly. Suddenly, Fukuda who followed closely behind jumped up instantly.

Immediately, both hands wrapped the basketball flying in the air, and immediately dunked it hard towards the basket!


With a violent dunk with both hands, the basket trembled suddenly.

"Alley-oop! Perfect match!!" Yutai Watanabe shouted excitedly. This scene showed the level of integration that Ryonan had never seen before, and this kind of situation can only appear in professional-level competitions. .

"All the members of Ryonan's (bgcf) team have a strong tacit understanding, otherwise it would be impossible to achieve such a perfect aerial coordination!" Lei Hachimura said immediately.

"Perfect cooperation!" Yutai Watanabe exclaimed.

As the game continued, everyone in Yangquan looked differently. At this moment, they were a little confused. Facing Ryonan's defense and offense, they couldn't catch up with Ling

Sendoh's speed is too fast, and his personal ability is even stronger to the point of being super strong. Without Ziyuan Dun, no one in Yangquan is Sendoh's opponent!


At this moment, the referee blew his whistle, and then heard the sound of the radio.

"Yangquan University requests a suspension!"

On the off-court Yangquan bench, Araki Masako could no longer let Sendoh's Siyangquan's basket.

If you don't come up with a countermeasure, Yangquan will lose sooner or later!

Now, Yangquan's absolute defense is okay to the outside world, but in front of Sendoh, it's like paper, it can't stop Sendoh's attack at all!

By comparison, Ryonan's defense looked a little more solid.

Now the score has expanded to five points.

And Ryonan's score finally reached double digits.

Yangquan 7: Ryonan12!

On Ryonan's bench, Sendoh took the towel from Yotsuba, wiped it, and then stood on the spot.

"Thank you, Sendoh." Taoka said with a smile on his face.

In the first quarter of the opening, Sendoh played very well. Even if he didn't have full firepower, it allowed Ryonan's people to play their respective levels.

However, only Koshino has some difficulties here.

"What's going on with Yangquan No. 12?" Taoka asked seriously.

Koshino's defensive ability is very strong, and he is known as an impregnable wall with Uekusa, but in front of Himuro Tatsuya, some of his consciousness problems simply cannot meet the requirements.

"Himuro Tatsuya, transferred to Yangquan High School this year, and is a classmate with Atsushi Murasakihara, before developing in the United States." Yotsuba took out the information of Himuro Tatsuya.

"Well, the only thing I didn't make clear is that Himuro Tatsumi was also Seirin's childhood friend of Kagami, and he was also the one who led Kagami to play basketball." Sendoh said lightly.

"The two of them worshiped the same person as their teacher, that is, Asklei of the American NBA Women's Professional League."

"Askre?" Coach Taoka frowned, and then said, "No wonder."

"Coach, what's wrong with that Asklei?" Yuzu asked puzzled.

Taoka pondered for a while, and said: "As a member of the American NBA women's basketball team, Askleigh is also the ace player of one of the teams."

"The two-handed 'moving and static throwing' made her career at the peak, but then she met some very strong players and had her own problems, so she retired.

"But the two of them can be taught by her, so it's not surprising that they have such strength."

"But, how do we deal with Himuro Tatsuya?" Fukuda asked immediately.

"Sendoh, what can you do?" Taoka looked at Sendoh.

But to everyone's disappointment, Sendoh shook his head and said: "In terms of technology, he is at the same level as the five generals without a crown, and he has a very high hit rate."

"And that quiet skill, Yang Yan's shot, can be countered by the second jump."

"Second jump?"

Everyone was puzzled.

"It's very simple. Just take off again after landing to block the shot. Don't worry about the first shot. His final shot is at the back." Sendoh said with a smile, then looked at Koshino and said: "Koshino, the limit is to make a breakthrough Yes, try to block his three-pointers, and don't care about the others.

"I see!" Koshino nodded solemnly.


In the auditorium, Aomine Daiki rubbed his head and said: "It seems that the next thing is the main show.

"Main drama?" Momoi Wuyue asked in confusion.

"That guy Murasakihara still looks unmotivated. If he wants to get motivated, he needs a little help." Midorima Shintaro said calmly.

"Well, what that guy said is that he is the most talented among us, and he won't be defeated so easily." Qingfeng said in a hoarse voice.

"Ada, Xiaolu, what are you talking about?" Momoi Wuyue asked blankly. .

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