Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

26 Atsushi Murasakihara's Seriousness!

Immediately, Okamura stopped abruptly, within the three-second zone, he could not stop for too long.

In an instant, Okamura directly passed the basketball, and at this moment, a figure rushed over from the side.

The moment Ziyuan caught the basketball with his palm, he stepped into the basket and leaped directly.

"Don't try to succeed!!"

The fish defended tightly and jumped up in an instant.


Under Atsushi Murasakihara's almost invincible strength, Uozumi couldn't let go of the dunk.

With a strong arm, even if you block the front with your hands, you can't resist the ball!

In a split second, Atsushi Murasakihara's huge lower body directly pushed away Yuzhu's defense, dunked with one hand, and went straight into the box!

The goal was successful, and Atsushi Ziyuan seemed to be hesitating on the spot after landing, and stopped at the half-court.

Everyone else in Yangquan returned to defense.

Sendoh stood under the basket, seeing Atsushi Murasakihara staring at him, he smiled.

He already knew what Murasakihara was going to do.

It's just that in order to prevent his offense and shooting, Yangquan actually chose to let Atsushi Ziyuan mark the whole court at 16.

After Uekusa handed the basketball to Sendoh, the game started.

The audience held their breath at this moment.

This is the first face-to-face confrontation between ace and ace in such a long time.

The previous one was just a brief confrontation.

It was just a momentary duel, completely different from now.

"Your coach is willing to let you spend your energy to defend me." Sendoh dribbled the ball with one hand and said with a smile.

"So what, I will crush you, you disgusting senior!! Said Ziyuan wolf wolf.

At this time, Ziyuan was full of viciousness when he said such words.

But for Sendoh, nothing.

The latter smiled slightly, and the moment his body sank, he said: "Then let's see if you can catch up with me.

In an instant, Sendoh backed up sharply, and his super fast starting speed exploded in an instant.

Immediately, Sendoh broke through directly from the left of Atsushi Murasakihara.

And the latter's reflex arc is downright scary too.

Atsushi Ziyuan's defensive range depends on where he stands.

If he was at the basket before, Atsushi Zihara could defend the entire backcourt.

And when you come to the outside line, you can shoot three-pointers, and even try to block shots in the frontcourt.

And now, Masako Araki wants Atsushi Murasakihara to defend Sendoh from the front.

Regardless of whether the opponent's mid-range shot is restricted or not, Masako Araki must limit Sendoh's shot!

But now, in the generation of miracles, Atsushi Murasakihara's talents are not only outstanding in height and strength.

There is also an ultra-fast reflex arc that can compete with Aomine.

And this reaction speed is also based on how far the opponent is from his position.

Like Sendoh, under the close-range breakthrough, the original design reacts in an instant!

Huge body, but with flexible steps.

The moment he turned around and took a step back, Atsushi Murasakihara was next to Sendoh.

"Okay, as expected of the Generation of Miracles." Sendoh smiled slightly.

The basketball in the left hand was directly switched to the right hand, and the left arm firmly blocked Atsushi Murasakihara to prevent the opponent's interference from stealing the ball.

In an instant, the two figures quickly rushed across the center line.

To be honest, it is impossible for Atsushi Murasakihara to be as fast as Sendoh.

However, the opponent's legs are long and tall, and he takes big strides, so he can completely defend Sendoh tightly.

Suddenly, when the two came to the three-point line, the basketball in Sendoh's hand was thrown directly to the direction of the left horn!


The moment Koshino received the basketball, he jumped up, and Himuro Tatsu also rushed to defend.

"No, it's too late!!" Himuro Tatsuya looked at Koshino who had already jumped up, and suddenly thought in his heart.

Ryonan's running without the ball was very neat and messy. The moment Sendoh came over, everyone in Ryonan started running without the ball.

He was directly blocked by the fish in the outside area and failed to catch up with Koshino's figure.

And at this moment, a huge purple body rushed over.

The moment Koshino threw the basketball [Zikang directly waved to block the shot.


A big hand directly patted the basketball in the air, and at this moment, Himuro Chen hurriedly ran to the basketball to pick up the ball.

The basketball is blocked and the offense and defense are switched.

Ryonan's men make quick comebacks.

And for a split second, Sendoh was directly in front of Himuro Tatsuya.

He was blocked by Okamura just now, and Himuro Tatsuya was very close to the basketball again.

Otherwise, this ball can definitely be taken back.

The host Watanabe Yutai suddenly shouted excitedly: "It's incredible!"

"The center forward in Yangquan, since the start of the game, he seems to be a different person, and his actions are very swift and resolute!"

"Atsushi Murasakihara's physical data can be said to be Dianhong's tenth player!" Hachimura Leijian continued: "There is even the title of the strongest center in Neon!

"In terms of talent, it is also the highest among the five members of the Generation of Miracles, and this is also a talent-level player!"

In the auditorium, Momoi Wuyue immediately said: "Xiaozi is serious, it's not bad."

"That guy just finds it troublesome." Aomine Daiki said.

It will take a long time for him to score under Ziyuan's defense.

It is completely impossible to have a positive face like Sendoh.

On the pitch, Himuro Tatsuya also held the ball, looking very serious.

"I'm curious, what exactly did your coach say that made Ziyuan so serious." Sendoh chuckled and said, "Or was it because of 043's punch?

"We Yangquan will definitely win this match!" Himuro Chen also said firmly: "Senior, it may not be you Ryonan who have the last laugh.

"That's hard to say, you can't get past me now." Sendoh said with a faint smile.

Not only that, but so far, Sendoh has not been fully fired.


Suddenly, Himuro Tatsuya raised the corner of his mouth slightly, Sendoh was slightly taken aback, and then he threw the basketball in his hand high.


Immediately, Bingshi Chen also gave a loud shout.

At this moment, when the basketball fell straight down under Ryonan's basket, Atsushi Murasakihara directly pushed through Yuzhu's defense and jumped!

Steadily catching Himuro Tatsuya's pass with his left hand, Murasakihara spun a circle in the air in an instant, and slammed hard towards the basket.

Uozu immediately took off, however, under the terrifying power of Atsushi Murasakihara, the moment Uozu hit the basketball in front of him, he was pushed away.


Another one-handed dunk, this time, Yangquan fans immediately cheered.

After being crushed and beaten by Ryonan in one quarter, Atsushi Zihara dunked twice and swept away.

And in just 20 seconds, Yangquan pulled back the score of 4 points under Zi Yuan's earnestness!.

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