Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

42 Reporter's Interview!

At this moment, the smile on Sendoh's face suddenly disappeared, and he said seriously: "However, uncle, you have to apologize for your recklessness. I just made it clear that I am now being interviewed by Ms. Yayoi."

"Eh..." The reporter didn't expect Sendoh to say that at all, but when he saw the eyes of his colleagues, he immediately said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Well, when the video went out, Sendoh fans laughed even more.

After all, no one can make a reporter apologize like this, and Sendoh is ~ the only one.

"Okay, Miss Yayoi, let's continue." Sendoh said with a leisurely smile.

Suddenly, during the entire interview process, Sendoh seemed to be a master who planned strategies.

Every move, every word and action, every frown and smile can affect the mood of the reporters.

"So, what does Sendoh think about the upcoming competition?"

"For two months of competition, all the teams are conducting special training."

Sendoh said lightly: "I also believe that in the past two months, no team has stood still, but the Ryonan family is not the only one that has improved."

But at this moment, Sendoh's voice changed!

"But, Ryanan has me, that's enough!"

Confident and arrogant, Sendoh's originally gentle eyes suddenly revealed an extremely fierce look.

This is the voice of a team's ace, and now, Sendoh is also qualified to say this!

And which team's trump card can be like Sendoh, one person can have the fighting power of a team!

Sendoh's strength has already been demonstrated in the competition. His formidable strength has completely crushed Atsushi Murasakihara who has entered the zohe state!

Aida Yayoi and some female reporters suddenly showed obsession in their eyes.

This kind of domineering Sendoh is also very attractive in its own charm!

But suddenly, Aida Yayoi shook her head and said: "Sendoh player is very confident, but only you are qualified to say this."

"Then, let me ask the last question." Aida Yayoi looked in the direction of the camera, with an intellectual and beautiful smile on her face.

"This question is also what your fans, Sendoh, want to ask." Aida Yayoi smiled.

Sendoh raised his brows several times, and suddenly felt a bad premonition, the problem of fans, what else could there be!?


At this moment, Aida Yayoi asked: "Student Sendoh, after our investigation, your fans are now 100% united and want you to play another song. How do you answer this?"

Sendoh suddenly opened his mouth, thinking in his heart: "I knew it, there is absolutely no problem!"

"Is this a group of fake fans!?"

"I'm a basketball player Hey!!!"

Clover and Aida Yayoi clearly saw Sendoh's expression, the former directly covered his mouth and laughed, while Aida Yayoi couldn't laugh, but was holding back a laugh reluctantly.

Sendoh smiled wryly, and said: "I just want to say that I am a basketball player, and those fans who ask me to play the song, please go out and turn left, thank you."

"Ha ha!"

Immediately, the reporters below laughed directly, and even Aida Yayoi couldn't help it, and laughed out loud.

"Hmph, you fake fans don't like my basketball." Sendoh said immediately.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

At that time, the sound continued, and Sendoh suppressed it and said: Yes, yes. "

"Forget about playing music, there are a lot of online videos, and sooner or later you'll get tired of listening to it all the time." Sendoh said lightly.

At this time, the reporters who liked Sendoh's "Laputa in the Sky" felt a little lost.

At this moment, Sendoh suddenly smiled and said: "However, if Ryonan wins this year's championship, I will bring a new song and sing it for you.

"If you are looking forward to the fans, pray for Ryonan to win the championship."


A reporter immediately expressed the feelings of all the reporters, and then quickly wrote it down in his own notebook.

Some journalists with unconstrained imagination have already thought of how to write this report so that more people can see it!

What is Sendoh talking about!?

Another song, the whole country knows how good Sendoh's Sky City is.

And now Sendoh even let out the word that after the national competition, they will sing a song again!


This is what everyone wants to know most.

"Okay, we're going back. Today's interview is over." Sendoh got up and said.

…… Ask for flowers……………

As for whether it is original or not, Sendoh will not say, everything is like Laputa, let them decide.

A group of people from Ryonan walked outside, Yotsuba suddenly said: "Sendoh-kun, were you not nervous just now?"

"It's not bad." Sendoh scratched his head. In his previous life, he also gave interviews, and the scene was much bigger than before.

Not long after, Yuzhu and the others woke up gradually, and walked out of the dressing room after changing their clothes.

It was still dusk outside, not too late, but Taoka took everyone to the nearest barbecue restaurant.

In mid-November, the weather has turned cold. When a group of people entered the barbecue restaurant, the heat rushed over.


"Ha, it's so warm!" Koshino exclaimed suddenly.

However, at this moment, Ryonan and his group happened to see a group of big men sitting at the obvious location of the barbecue shop.

"Yo, what a coincidence!"

Sendoh walked over and greeted Atsushi Murasakihara.

"Ah, why did I meet you, an annoying senior again!" Atsushi Murasakihara heard a voice when he was picking up the barbecue, and immediately saw Sendoh when he looked up.

"Well, isn't it just losing the game, what if I lose to you next time?" Sendoh suddenly said with a smile.

"Mr. Sendoh!"

Clover suddenly exclaimed, and even everyone in Yangquan was stunned for a moment.

Sendoh said nonchalantly: "It's okay Yotsuba, Yangquan is very strong, but I don't care so much about the result of the game."


Atsushi Ziyuan snorted immediately, put the roast meat into his mouth with a displeased face, and bit it hard.

"Senior Sendoh." Himuro Tatsuya also nodded slightly.

"Well, if you don't win the championship, you have to fight for the second place." Sendoh said immediately.

Although some people in Yangquan want to smoke Sendoh, but they can't compare to him in terms of strength!

Masako Araki gritted her teeth, and had the same expression as Atsushi Murasakihara, as if Sendoh owed her money and refused to pay it back in person.

After that, Sendoh left them and went to Ryonan's table.

Sendoh was a little surprised to meet people like Yangquan here. .

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