Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

52 Sendoh's Daily Life [Please Order In Full! 】

"It doesn't matter, even if two people from Shohoku can enter the zone, I just need to be stronger than them." Sendoh said confidently.

He believed in his own strength, and even more in his teammates. Besides, Sendoh didn't take the result of the game to heart at all.

It doesn't matter if you lose, just do it again.

"However, in this way, Sendoh-kun will have to work harder." Yotsuba said.

"It's okay, and I just briefly mentioned Sakuragi, whether he can really enter the zone or not depends on him." Sendoh said.

After eating, the two returned to the Ryonan basketball hall together. Everyone has already returned and is preparing for training normally.

Sendoh walked into the basketball team with a smile, just in time to see Uozumi and Fukuda forming offensive and defensive training.

"Everyone is working hard." Yotsuba sighed "Four One Zero".

"Yeah, as the trump card, I can't neglect it.

All afternoon, everyone was working hard to make themselves stronger. Sendoh’s skills no longer need to be trained. Now they just need to make their physical strength last. When the four orange skills are used in combination, they can last for a long time. Just a few.

Taoka is very satisfied with the state of the basketball team, no one neglects, and everyone is working hard to sway their own sweat.

The entire arena is filled with the smell of male hormones, sweat and the harsh sound of sneakers rubbing against the ground.

Time flies, as if in the blink of an eye, an afternoon has passed.

Taoka didn't let them practice until late, and let them go back after school.

After all, tomorrow is the game, even if it starts at 7 o'clock in the evening, you still need to keep your state at its peak.

After Sendoh and Clover had dinner outside, they went home together.

After a night of nothing to say, Sendoh got up early and still maintained his work and rest habits. He went out for a run at seven o'clock in the morning, and after an hour, he returned home to take a shower and brush his teeth.

At this moment, Clover rang the doorbell on time, and Sendoh knew it must be Clover without guessing.

"Good morning, Sidao!"

After opening the door, it was no surprise to see Clover standing at the door smiling, Sendoh also smiled: "Good morning, Clover.

Then, after having a breakfast outside, the two headed to Ryonan together.

In the morning, there is no need to go to the basketball club, but the two of them can't be idle. After all, when the school just started, the school hadn't approved the leave application for the basketball club.

So everyone in the basketball team has to go to class.

However, for Sendoh, class is still spent sleeping.

"Sendoh classmate! Sendoh classmate!"

The teacher stood on the podium, looking at the motionless Sendoh with black lines all over his head. If it wasn't for this guy's great reputation, and the school leaders didn't intend to offend Sendoh, he would have burst out as a teacher.

"Sendoh-kun, wake up." Yotsuba quickly slammed Sendoh with his elbow, and the latter glanced at it with a confused face, and immediately heard the teacher's voice.

"Sendoh, come and read the text."

"Page 87." Clover whispered from below.

Sendoh nodded and began to read the book, the teacher nodded and said: "Okay, sit down, please don't sleep during class.

"Oh, good." Sendoh nodded lightly, sat down, and said to Clover: "Thank you, Clover.

If it weren't for the help of Xueba Yotsuba, Sendoh would have been doomed.

"Sendoh-kun, don't sleep during class, study hard!" Clover said immediately.

After all, every time Sendoh was woken up by the teacher when he was sleeping, it was Yotsuba who rescued him.

"It's okay, it's good to have Clover here." Sendoh said indifferently.

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the intention. After hearing Sendoh's words, Yotsuba's pretty face flushed immediately, her hands kept shaking the corners of her clothes, and she said shyly, "What, it's good to have me, really... "

Sendoh frowned, completely confused about what was going on with Clover, shook his head and lay down on the table again.

And the whispers of the two people also filled the eyes of the whole class with a strange taste.

The female students all looked at Yotsuba enviously, while the eyes of the male students were full of tears!!

A ruthless person snatched away all the girls in the school, so that no girls paid attention to other boys at all.

Sendoh is reaching the pinnacle of life, but everyone else is desperate......

Can you save us some soup, even juice!!

However, the instigator didn't know this kind of thing at all, and fell asleep on the table.

The whole morning, Sendoh spent in his sleep. Although he was woken up by the teacher several times, Sendoh didn't panic at all, and even took a breath.

"Sendoh-kun, didn't you sleep well yesterday?" Yotsuba asked curiously, thinking of Sendoh's perseverance to get up and run even though he was sleepy.

"No, it's just sleepy." Sendoh said lightly, as soon as he entered the sacred classroom, Sendoh's mind began to become cloudy, coupled with the teacher's drake-like voice, Sendoh couldn't cheer up at all.

After eating at noon, the two asked for leave directly to report to the basketball department.

"Here we come, Sendoh-kun." Taoka nodded slightly and said.

"Coach, what time is the departure?" Sendoh asked.

"Let's practice for two hours first, start after three o'clock, and it's almost five o'clock when we get there. Seirin's game is in the second game, so we can catch up.

"Okay, then I'll go and change my clothes too."

Uozumi and the others have already started simple training. After all, it starts at 7:00 p.m. Taoka plans to set off at 3:00 p.m., just in time to watch Seirin's game.

Three hours passed in a blink of an eye, and everyone in Ryonan followed Taoka on the 1.6 bus to Tokyo.

On the way, Sendoh kept staring at the scenery outside the window, completely without the excitement of others.

"Sendoh-kun, look at that white cloud!"

At this moment, Clover said excitedly, Sendoh heard the sound and looked up to the sky, a super-round white cloud was floating in the air, Sendoh was stunned for a moment, and said: "This white cloud, isn't it in the shape of a basketball?"

"To be able to encounter such a thing when going out, it seems that we can still return victorious today!" Taoka said with a smile.

The white cloud was full of strange things, and it was the first time they had seen this kind of round white cloud. Clover took out her phone and excitedly took a photo.

"Rare things should be kept as souvenirs." Clover said happily.

"This photo can be hung in our Ryonan basketball club." Koshino said suddenly. .

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