Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

60 Opponent's Taunt 】

In an instant, Tsuyoshi Minami threw off Fukuda's defense, caught the ball and shot directly!

Three-point line dry pull!?

Fukuda's face suddenly became gloomy, Tsuyoshi Minami's behavior is completely looking down on him!

Immediately, at the moment of quickly returning to defense, Fukuda jumped directly to block the shot. With the same jump height, this level can completely block the shot!

However, at this moment, Tsuyoshi Minami slowly leaned back!

And in an instant, Fukuda's left leg collided with Tsuyoshi Minami's outstretched leg!


The referee blew his whistle for a split second, and at that split second, Tsuyoshi Minami shot the basketball!

After the basketball crossed a perfect arc in the air, it fell hollow into the net!

"The goal counts!"

"White team No. 13 has a defensive foul, and an extra free throw!"

After the referee blew his whistle, he said immediately.

Fukuda's face suddenly darkened, he turned his head to look at the referee, and said excitedly, "I didn't touch him, but he touched me!?"

"This should count as a shooting foul!"

Off the court, Taoka also frowned. At that moment just now, he couldn't tell who was right and who was wrong. Tsuyoshi Minami's ability to draw fouls is very strong, and the angle is very tricky. 777 can't see any problems at all.

"This guy's ability to draw fouls is very strong, he is indeed an ace killer." Sendoh said lightly.

During the game, Tsuyoshi Minami glanced at the gloomy Fukuda, and said with a sneer: "Ryonan is indeed very strong, but that is under the premise of Sendoh. Now that Sendoh is not playing, what are you guys doing?"

"You bastard!"

"What, isn't Ryanan being boasted so much?"

"What you said is bragging, Ryonan is not that good at all, look, it's all rubbish!!"

“What rubbish Ryonan, not even half as good as Toyotama!!”

"If you ask me, that Sendoh should also be a piece of trash!!"

"That's right, those game videos should also be produced, rubbish!!"

"Hahaha, look at our Toyotama, that Sendoh is afraid to play.

In the auditorium, the fans of Toyotama immediately turned on the mode of spraying when they saw their team stand up.

You know, in the whole country, Toyotama has a great notoriety.

Moreover, Toyota fans are also the most unqualified ones, as long as they see who is upset, they will scold them directly, and there are even fights!

And now, in the face of Ryonan who is so famous, he is not afraid at all!

However, they scolded the wrong target!

When Toyotaama fans start belittling Ryonan or calling Sendoh such words, everyone goes crazy!

You know, among the 3,000 spectators in the entire Tokyo Stadium, nearly half are fans of Sendoh or Ryonan!!

My idol has been scolded, what should I do!?

Of course I scolded back!

"How dare you scold Sendoh? Do you really think that idols have no temper, and we fans are nothing but dry food!??"

"Kids don't watch football games, after all, IQ is not enough for you to think."

"I'm curious, who gave you such confidence in Toyotama?"

"Damn, I've never seen people like you who like to scold, can't you watch the game well!?"

"Sendoh-kun just doesn't want to bully you guys, don't just look for a sense of presence!!"

In an instant, there were bursts of abuse, and some passer-by fans were directly stunned. It was a good game, why did you fans curse!?

Some of them scuffled directly. If the security guards were not there, the scene would have been out of control.

Off the field, on Ryonan's bench, Sendoh looked calm, showing no sign of anger.

However, Yotsuba is completely different from Sendoh, her pretty face is full of anger, as if she is scolding her.

"Damn it, these bastards dare to scold Sendoh-kun!!"

Sendoh smiled lightly, and said: "Alright Clover, don't be angry, there's no need to care about the area (bge).

"No, I'm just angry!" Clover suddenly pouted.

However, when the two noticed the chaos in the scene, they froze for a moment.

"This......" Sendoh looked confused, how could things develop like this!?

"Pfft!" At this moment, Yotsuba smiled suddenly, and then said: "Sendoh-kun, your fans have good fighting power."

Nonsense, compared with Toyotama, Ryonan's fans are much more than them, nearly 1,500 people, it is not something that non-yu fans can resist.

Sendoh smiled and didn't say much.

On the other hand, Tsuyoshi Minami stood on the free throw line. After receiving the basketball from the referee, he patted it lightly, and then shot directly on tiptoe.


The basketball was thrown directly, and after drawing a beautiful arc in the air, it entered the net perfectly.

"Beautiful, Tsuyoshi Minami."

As a partner, Kishimoto smiled and gave Tsuyoshi Minami a high five.

In the first quarter, just 50 seconds had passed, and Toyota had already led by two points.

"The situation is difficult." Yuzumi frowned.

He can suppress Toyotama's center, but the opponent's small forward is also a difficult opponent.

Fukuda looked immature in front of him.

But we haven't reached that oh hello crisis moment yet, and two points is not enough to lose Ryonan's fighting spirit.

The game continued, Uekusa quickly moved forward after receiving Fukuda's serve!

"Hey, you aces don't play, are you afraid of our Toyotama?" Kishimoto stood in front of Koshino and said in a strange way.

"I'm afraid it's also your trump card. Sure enough, you Ryonan are also some bad guys."

Koshino frowned, as expected, just like rumors, the quality is really low.

Koshino said coldly: "Hehe, you are not worthy of Sendoh-kun."

"Hahaha, I think I'm afraid, what kind of shit genius Sendoh is a joke!" Kishimoto laughed suddenly.

The voice was loud, and there was no restraint at all.

And this sound also made the aggrieved fans who had been scolded feel like they had found their way back.

"Well, Kishimoto, they're all trash!!"

"You have a lot of fighting spirit, Kishimoto, beat Ryonan!!"

"I really laughed to death, this is the ace you all admire, and you dare not even play!"

All of a sudden, there was an endless stream of abuse, with all kinds of swear words, which completely and directly lowered the personality of the whole person.

At the entrance of the passage, Vulcan Dawo clenched his fists tightly and cursed angrily, "These guys are really hateful!"

"No way, Toyotama has always been like this, not only the low quality of the fans, but also the starting players." Kiyoshi Tehei shook his head and said.

Under the leadership of coach Kitano, the former Toyotama, as always, has no intention of changing at all. .

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