"Next, you can play whatever you want. In this game, we Ryonan will definitely win. Returning to the three-point line, Sendoh said lightly.

The sharpness in his eyes completely proved Sendoh's current emotions.

Anger and killing intent!

Yes, Sendoh even had the idea of ​​destroying this team completely.

Kishimoto's actions made Sendoh, who still wanted to show mercy, completely see through.

But then there is no need to show mercy.


Behind him, everyone in Ryonan shouted loudly.

The first time was Fukuda, and the second time they dared to attack Sendoh, no one can bear such a thing~!!

As the game continued, Itakura Daijiro's condition was getting worse and worse. Afraid of making any mistakes, he moved forward cautiously.

Toyotama is a team where everyone is an offensive point. The defensive counterattack is also led by his point guard.

However, in a split second, just as Itakura Daijiro crossed the halfway line, Sendoh Kazuma took the lead and blocked him directly in front of him!

"You bastard..." Itakura Daijiro suddenly tensed up.

Sendoh is very aggressive now, and under such strong pressure, Itakura Daijiro will make many mistakes in his movements.

Suddenly, the moment the right hand was hitting the ball, he didn't control the landing point of the basketball.

The basketball hit the tip of the toe immediately, and it bounced off at an angle!

"Nice dribble." Sendoh was slightly startled, then sneered.

As soon as his body caught the basketball, he threw Itakura Daijiro away.

In fact, the effect of [Spiritual Assassination] cannot be activated so quickly, but Sendoh's aggressive crushing method

This also made Itakura Daijiro, who was already in poor condition, completely unable to concentrate.

"Mistake in dribbling? Even if Toyota's point guard is bad, it's impossible to do this, right?" Momoi Wuyue said suddenly in the stands.

"Who knows." Qingfeng said hoarsely.

"Toyotama is also the top eight team, the strength of the players cannot be so weak, so there is only one thing that can explain it." Kise Ryota said with a smile: "Senior Sendoh did it."

The host Watanabe Yutai immediately said: "Toyotama's point guard is not bad, not so bad, but why are there frequent mistakes?"

At that time, he was directly knocked down by the defender Sendoh.

"Perhaps, it can only be said that Sendoh's pressing force is too strong, causing his opponents to make frequent mistakes." Hachimura Lei said with a smile.

It can only be explained in this way. After all, although Itakura Daijiro was not very strong before, it is impossible for a basketball to hit his foot.

And there was no such thing in the matchup with Uekusa before, and it appeared as soon as Sendoh.

On the other hand, on the court, Sendoh got the ball and threw it towards the half court in an instant.

But this time, Sendoh did not choose mid-range shots, after all, many shots put a lot of load on the fingers.

And now Sendoh isn't opting to hit the line either.

In an instant, everyone in Toyotama started to defend the past, and Kishimoto and Tsuyoshi Minami were chasing Sendoh closely.

Kishimoto is fast, the fastest of the Toyotamas.

Sendoh didn't run with all his strength, under 【Eagle Eyes】, Sendoh had already seen two people chasing after him.

Immediately, Sendoh purposefully slowed down, and in an instant, the two of them blocked directly in front of Sendoh!

"It's hard work, but it's useless." Sendoh said with a sneer.

"No shame, I've caught up with you!" Kishimoto shouted in a low voice.

Sendoh sneered, dribbled the basketball in his hand, and stretched out his left hand to make a push gesture.

"Ikegami, go to the outside, don't block, I'm going to pass them."

Ikegami immediately left the position of the diagonal line and ran to the outside line.

The faces of Kishimoto and Tsuyoshi Minami sank in an instant, Sendoh's body sank immediately, and broke through directly to the left, [Wildness] was opened in an instant, and under the strong pressure, Sendoh's speed was also increased.

Tsuyoshi Minami and the two immediately moved across, and the two outflanked Sendoh directly, and Tsuyoshi Minami stretched out his right hand to break the basketball in Sendoh's hand.

Immediately, the corner of Sendoh's mouth raised a slight arc. Immediately, the basketball in Sendoh's right hand changed hands. In an instant, with a large movement, Sendoh quickly stepped down and changed hands with the basketball in his hand.

With super fast dribbling speed, the basketball and Sendoh's hands turned into an afterimage, and the eyes of the two couldn't catch the basketball at all.

In an instant, Sendoh suddenly raised the basketball with his left hand, and the eyes of the two still haven't recovered.

……ask for flowers……

"Hey, what are you looking at? The basketball is here!" Sendoh said jokingly, but the moment the two came back to their senses, Sendoh dived directly from the middle.


Tsuyoshi Minami cursed inwardly immediately, Sendoh's basketball style changed, it was full of gorgeous viewing, and the basketball that satisfies the eyes of the audience without limit was even more chaotic.

"Streetball!" Qingfeng's eyes became serious, and he could see at a glance that Sendoh's basketball style had become a streetball basketball method. Not only that, but the coherent movements were full of strange magic.

"Can Senior Sendoh know streetball?" Momoi Itsuki asked in surprise.

"I don't know, I've never seen him use it." Kise Ryota said in a deep voice.


"This guy is really strong!" The flames of war in Qingfeng's eyes kept burning.

On the other hand, Kishimoto turned around and blocked Sendoh after a moment of reaction. However, Sendoh, who was faster, saw Kishimoto coming back to defend from the perspective of God, and his forward body stopped in an instant. , The harsh sound made by the friction of the sneakers against the floor.

In an instant, Kishimoto had reacted and pulled back suddenly, but at this moment, Sendoh was directly defending from his left!

Immediately, Kishimoto's body seemed to be defending on the left side, but in an instant, there was tearing pain from the ankles of both feet, and he fell to his knees directly!

"Hey, what are you doing, the man has gold under his knees, and there is no gift for kowtowing this year!" Sendoh said mockingly, with an unrestrained smile in his eyes.

"You bastard..." Kishimoto yelled through gritted teeth.

At this moment, Sendoh directly threw the basketball out of his hand. With a super fast parallel swing, the basketball rushed directly into the basket of Toyotama. In an instant, the figure of Yuzhu appeared directly under the basket, and his right hand stretched out to catch the basketball perfectly. At the moment, take off and slam dunk!

Iwata Mitsuaki immediately stood in front of Yuzhu, but when he blocked the shot after the jump, the moment his right hand hit the basketball, he was overturned by a huge force.


For the one-handed dunk, Yuzhu didn't show any affection at all, and the anger in his heart was vented out in an instant.

Iwata Mitsuaki fell directly to the ground!.

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