Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

73 Toyotama's Persistence【Seek Full Order! 】

The basketball flew directly to the back, Sendoh rushed over in an instant, caught the basketball and launched an attack!

Inside, although Yuzhu's defensive range is not as wide as Ziyuan, Yuzhu is also one of the top centers in the country.

It is still possible to defend a person whose strength is much worse than his own.

On the other hand, Sendoh rushed out of the center line at a super fast starting speed the moment he grabbed the basketball.

However, Toyotama's defense speed is also very fast, which is not visible at other times.

This is obviously a psychological shadow played by Sendoh, and he can't attack, but he must defend this ball.

Tsuyoshi Minami stood in front of Sendoh for an instant, but in an instant, Sendoh flashed to the left and rushed in!

In terms of speed, Tsuyoshi Minami cannot stop it at all.

But at this moment, Yajima Kyohei and Iwata Mitsuaki directly blocked Sendoh's attacking path.

Sendoh frowned, just made a dribble movement in his hands, and immediately passed the basketball out!


Ikegami, who rushed to the inside, immediately caught the basketball, and then faced the empty basket and rushed directly.

"Defend the shot!!" Tsuyoshi Minami yelled.

In the blink of an eye, Kishimoto, who has the fastest speed of 530 in Toyotama, rushed over directly, and at the moment Ikegami took off, he also took off!


Tsuyoshi Minami breathed a sigh of relief, and finally managed to defend quickly. If this goal is scored, it will be a devastating blow to the non-owner's momentum.

"It's not over yet."

Sendoh in front of him directly threw off the two people in front of him, rushed through the three-point line, and went straight to the inside.

As for Ikegami at the basket, the basketball in his hand was about to be taken from under the cap by Kishimoto at the moment, Ikegami's arm was pulled down immediately, and the palm of his hand was directly slapped on the top of Ikegami's head.

And the basketball in his hand slid down, and a white figure seemed to flash, catching the basketball, jumping directly to dunk!



The referee blew his whistle immediately, and at this moment, the basketball in Sendoh's hand hit a negative angle and dunked!

The super high jump height directly exceeds the height of the basket by a head!

"Doo, the goal is valid, the black team's No. 5 defensive foul, an additional penalty!"

"nice, E!"

Behind him, Uekusa laughed out loud, and the others even had smiles on their faces.

Sendoh smiled (bgda), gave Ikegami a high five, and said with a smile, "Is your head okay?"

"It's okay." Ikegami shook his head and said, "It's very strange. When that guy hit me on the head just now, I didn't feel anything, and the strength was very small."

"I don't know." Sendoh said flatly.

It's not clear whether Kishimoto's conscience found that after seeing that the cap can't reach Ikegami, the strength in his hands has decreased a little.

But this kind of thing, Sendoh will not guess.

Immediately, Ikegami walked to the free throw line, took a deep breath after receiving the referee's pass.

Immediately, hold the ball in both hands and shoot on tiptoe!


After the basketball crossed a gentle arc in the air, it fell perfectly into the net.

2+1 successfully scored.

The shouts in the field increased again.

Finally, with the last 30 seconds left in the second quarter, the scores of the two sides have changed a lot.

Toyotama15: Ryonan48!!!

"It's hard to imagine, if Sendoh contestants participate in the bullfight, will other people still have entertainment?" Watanabe said jokingly.

"No, I think they will put a sign at the door, except Sendoh-kun, anyone can sign up!" Lei Hachimura said with a smile.

After all, with Sendoh's current strength, even without opening those zones, he can crush many players!

"What, when the time comes, Mr. Sendoh can restrict some operations, just restrict passing!"

"Are you an idiot? Pit bulls don't need to pass the ball!"

"If you want me to say, Mr. Sendoh should limit the number of steps."

"These methods of yours are too low-end, Sendoh-kun still give up one hand, it's totally fine!"

Ryonan fans are discussing this matter, while Toyota fans are all gloomy like the bottom of the pot.

I haven't scolded anyone before, my team is also being hammered, today I just didn't read the calendar before leaving the door!

And on the court, with Sendoh leading Ryonan, everyone had a chance to shoot, even Uekusa.

Since Toyotatama scored a goal by luck until now, he has not scored again.


Finally, at the buzzer at the end of the second quarter, Tsuyoshi Minami threw the basketball out of his hands.

The basketball flying in the air hit the basket immediately, and then spun a circle on the basket, and finally slid into the net.

"Grass! Beautiful!!" Tsuyoshi Minami was so excited that he almost jumped up. Although the ball was due to luck, and Sendoh was just pretending to defend in the end, he finally scored a goal!

"Hahaha, another goal!!" Kishimoto also laughed.

Normally, Toyotama also has a lot of goals, but they have never been so eager to score goals like today.

At this time, it is very similar to a sentence: the more you want, but you can't get it, the more you don't want it, but the more you exist!

Uekusa walked up to the ear of Dua, and whispered, "Mr. Sendoh, isn't this a bit cruel?"

"After all, they are also people who love basketball. Should we be merciful?" Koshino also whispered.

"It's right to love basketball, but the method they use is wrong." Sendoh said lightly: "If you want them to change, you have to be more ruthless, otherwise they will be like this next time."

The person who played the black hand didn't mean how black-hearted, but that it was all for the victory of the game, but it was a little unscrupulous.

In the previous life, no one would sympathize with a person who did the crime, but Uekusa and Koshino were just teenage sophomores, not the old fritters in the professional league.

The two teams left the field one after another, and Kanehira led everyone in Toyota to the locker room.

"Okay, let's go to the locker room to rest, there is still the second half of the game." Sendoh clapped his hands and said.


In the stands, Qingfeng shook his head and said, "Ryonan's rhythm has slowed down."

"Well, if Senior Sendoh doesn't plan to attack by himself, if he passes the basketball to others, the tempo will drop a lot." Ryota Kise said in a deep voice: "However, even if the tempo slows down, Toyota still overtakes Senior Sendoh defense."

"It's impenetrable, Senior Sendoh's defensive ability and offensive ability are at the same level." Momoi Wuzuki read the information in his hand.

Looking at all the footage of Ryanan's games, Sendoh's defense this year is much bigger than last year's.

Offensive strength and defensive ability are complementary!.

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