Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

78 The Nervous Vulcan 】

"Thank you for your advice!"

The two sides bowed to each other, Tsuyoshi Minami and Kishimoto stood in place, staring at Sendoh's back all the time, and only retracted their eyes after knowing that the other party had disappeared.

"Sure enough, you can't live without doing your own crimes!"

In Ryonan's locker room, everyone is simply recovering. After all, not everyone has the same physical strength as Sendoh.

Not only that, the four of Uozumi even played four quarters in a row. Although the main offense was maintained by Sendoh, the speed of the offense was always consuming stamina.

However, the degree of physical exhaustion is not as serious as before. Toyotama, as the top eight in the country, is not a very strong challenge for Ryonan.

After all, Ryonan was also one of the top eight teams in the country.

"The game is over, I can finally rest." Uekusa said with a smile.

Sendoh was sitting beside him changing clothes, and at this moment, a system voice suddenly sounded in his head.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for leading Ryonan to defeat Toyotama, with a score difference of more than 80 points, a red lottery opportunity with 3000 points will be rewarded!"

A red lottery chance, Sendoh didn't care much about 160, but the 3,000 points made Sendoh happy, and his point storage was enough to make another purchase!

Immediately after, Sendoh quickly changed his clothes and said with a smile: "The rest time is very long. When we win the championship this year, we will have a real rest."

"With Sendoh here, we will definitely win the championship!" Koshino said with a sudden smile.

Sendoh smiled and didn't speak. His teammates were confident in themselves, and even said that no matter what operations Sendoh made, they could accept them.

But Sendoh also likes the trust of his teammates!

"Okay, you guys have a rest and get ready to go back, and you will sleep in the hotel again tonight." Sendoh said lightly.

Then he opened the door and walked out.

"Sendoh-kun, don't you take a break?"

Yotsuba's eyes lit up at the door, but thinking that Sendoh had just finished the game, she immediately asked with concern.

"I haven't exhausted a lot of energy, so it's good to recover slowly." Sendoh said lightly, then looked in the direction of the competition field, and asked, "Is there no interview today?"

"I don't know, those reporters haven't found them yet." Clover shook her head and said.

Hearing the sound, Sendoh breathed a sigh of relief immediately. For the interview, Sendoh still looked at Aida Yayoi's face, so Sendoh would not resist Aida Yayoi's interview, but for other reporters, Sendoh was different.

Sendoh hated the feeling of being in the spotlight all the time, and with more than one camera.

"Where's the coach?" Sendoh turned his head and took a look, but he didn't find Coach Taoka.

"It seems that I was called by someone from the gymnasium, and I should be back in a while." Clover said.

Sendoh nodded, and immediately chatted with Yotsuba at the door.

Yuzumi and the others in the locker room didn't rest for long. After all, it was different from the last Yangquan duel, and they still had their physical strength in the end.

Not long after, Yuzhu and others came out, and at this moment, Taoka finally came back.

"Have you rested?"

Seeing everyone in Ryonan who had regained their spirits, Taoka nodded and said, "It's already 8 o'clock in the evening, let's have a meal first, and then stay overnight in the hotel.

As before, everyone went to a barbecue restaurant not far from the stadium.

However, what makes Sendoh strange is that every time in this store, he can meet people he doesn't want to meet.

"Yoshi, Senior Sendoh is here too! Hahaha!"

After entering the door, Ryonan was watched by the whole room, and at this moment, a deep voice shouted out.

"Hey, Vulcan!" Aida Lizi on the side immediately covered her face with a helpless expression.

And Cheng (bgcc) Lin, who was very close to Vulcan, pretended not to know this guy.

"Oh, Vulcan." Sendoh said flatly.

Sure enough, every time he meets the Generation of Miracles or the ace of other teams in this restaurant, Sendoh wants to give Taoka some advice, for example, how about we eat at another restaurant?

But when we met, we met, and Sendoh nodded with a flat expression, not caring about Vulcan's nervous look at all.

"You Seirin's game time is very early, why are you still here?" Taoka asked strangely.

Aida Lizi stood up, bowed slightly, and said, "Senior, we left after watching your Ryonan match."

"Haha, Lizi said so, your old man will blame me again." Taoka said with a smile.

As for Aida Reiko's father, Aida Jinghu, was also Taoka's rival and an old friend for many years.

Aida Lizi's face darkened suddenly, and the image of her father appeared in her mind, and she couldn't bear to look directly at her.

There were not many Ryonan people, so they occupied two tables. Sendoh looked helplessly at the two people sitting in front of him, and said speechlessly: "So, you two are going to keep staring at me while eating?"

Heizi in front of him nodded slightly, then seemed to suddenly feel something was wrong, shook his head again, and did not speak.

It's really the same poker face as always.

Sendoh groaned inwardly.

"Senior Sendoh, let's go fight, I want to show you my recent progress!" Vulcan Da I was the opposite of Heizi, with a big nerve, I didn't think about what time it is now.

"No! Mr. Sendoh has just finished the game and is already very tired. It is absolutely impossible to eat to replenish energy now!"

Before Sendoh answered, Yotsuba, who was sitting by the side, quit.

At this time, looking for Sendoh to compete is completely taking advantage of the danger. If Sendoh loses the match, it will have a great hindrance to Sendoh itself.

Sendoh raised his eyebrows slightly, as if to say, look, it's not that I won't go, but that the team is stricter.

Vulcan, I just realized that it's time to eat, and Sendoh just finished the game and hasn't recovered yet, so I'm just messing around when I say this now.

Immediately, Vulcan's eyes showed a hint of disappointment, and finally met Sendoh once, but the timing was wrong.

It's just that Sendoh doesn't live in Tokyo, so if you want to see Sendoh, you have to go to Kanagawa.

"Vulcan, if you want to compete, please beg me, Ryonan, to share with Seirin in the next match." Sendoh said lightly.

Then he picked up a piece of roast meat and put it directly in his mouth.

Hmm, crunchy!

"Okay, if that's the case, then I hope we can meet each other on the field next time!" Vulcan's eyes showed a trace of battle, and now he is not the brat who only knew recklessness back then!.

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