Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

80 Special Programs [Seek Full Order! 】

The people in front of him dispersed, Sendoh came closer, knelt down and said, "Hey, say something before you die.

"You bastard, I must kill you!! I want you to be ruined!!" The young man suddenly said with hatred.

"Oh, you can do whatever you want, but you're disturbing us from watching the show if you're here." Sendoh said indifferently.

After all, fame is dispensable to Sendoh, and Sendoh wished that his fame would be less.

It's just that Sendoh is coming out with Yotsuba now, so it's better to do less things like this.

And there are children in the field, it is easy to teach bad children.

"You bastard!!"

The young man suddenly realized that Sendoh is really not oily, and I have never tried the soft one, but the hard Sendoh is totally worth it.

Don’t these superstars really care about fame!?

Not afraid of being ruined, Sendoh is a fake star!?

It's just a pity that he met someone like Sendoh who wished for a lower reputation. If he was someone else, he would be more concerned.

"I feel like I'm going to get fucked if I have nothing to do, and I look like a bitch." Sendoh said impatiently.

He doesn't listen to what he says in a good voice, but insists on saying something harsh.

"You..." The young man jumped up from the ground immediately, with angry eyes in his eyes, he pointed at Sendoh for a long time, but he couldn't say a word.

Sendoh didn't bother to talk to him, and turned directly to his seat.

"Okay, it's okay, let's go." Sendoh waved to the fans on the side and said.

"Okay, Sendoh-kun, if you have anything else to say, just let us know, we don't mind the trouble!" A fan immediately said boldly.

"Haha, okay." Sendoh suddenly smiled and nodded.

Sometimes, my fans are quite cute.

Not long after, the security personnel invited the young man, who was already a girl, out. As for what happened afterwards, Sendoh didn't care at all.

"I'm sorry Mr. Sendoh, this kind of thing happened, we... `[[..." Aside, the female staff member said apologetically.

"What's going on?" Sendoh asked with faux wonder.

"Eh..." The female staff member was slightly taken aback, then a smile appeared on her face, and she quickly said gratefully: "Nothing, I wish Mr. Sendoh have a good time, and let me know if there is anything."

"OK." Sendoh gestured instantly.

This is the first time I have seen such a sensible boy. Sendoh's arrogance is always used when it should be used. The female staff is very happy to see this kind of thing.

After all, this kind of thing happened, Sendoh is also a public figure, if Sendoh feels uncomfortable, the aquarium will definitely be attacked, and she will also be punished.

The female staff member was very grateful to Sendoh for not making things difficult, otherwise she would not know what to do.

"You are so handsome and considerate. I heard that Mr. Sendoh is very gentle and considerate!" Before leaving, the female staff took a deep look at Sendoh.

The pretty face with good looks suddenly flushed, that face seemed to possess magical power, and it could not be taken back just by looking at it!

"I don't know if I have a girlfriend, I really hope to date him..."

Thinking of this, the Nan staff immediately covered their faces and left.

She has work to do and can't just stay here and watch Sendoh.

While Sendoh was there, he cast a strange look at the female staff member who was leaving.

Why did you leave so shyly?

"Sendoh-kun, what's the matter?" Yotsuba noticed that Sendoh's eyes were different, and asked suspiciously.

"Nothing." Sendoh shook his head, looking away.

Immediately, his eyes finally fell on the pool in the middle.

In the circular pool, only a small area in the east is left as an open space, and the rest is filled with water. A large screen is placed on the top to continuously take pictures of the mirror images in the auditorium.

But staying on top, everyone didn't feel cold, but the surrounding heaters were blowing, and there were quite a few people, so they felt very warm.

"It's a great pleasure to meet you here today. Today is the 11th anniversary of the opening of the aquarium. After the show is over, you can get some free gifts at the door."

At this time, a very fashionable woman came to the stage, Miaoman's figure was wearing a simple pink skirt and white shirt.

And the hot figure of the host ignited the atmosphere of the audience.

"Okay, now let's invite our trainer, Mr. Yamamoto!" The hostess immediately said enthusiastically.

And at this moment, a man in a leather swimming suit came up, holding two iron bars in his hands.

Sendoh curled his lips. He doesn't like this kind of show, but because he doesn't usually see dolphins, he finds it strange.

"Sendoh-san, Sendoh-san, the dolphin is out!"

Clover on the side was very excited. When she saw two blue and white dolphins in the pool, she immediately jumped out.

". "Wow, so cute!!"

"That mouth seems to be smiling!?"

"It feels so healing, Kawaii~!!"

The surrounding audience suddenly became active, and the girls among them were even more excited.

"Sendoh-kun, look, it's smiling at me!!"

I saw the trainer in the field immediately let the dolphins wave after feeding a few fish.

In the pool, the two dolphins that came out of the water immediately imitated the trainer's movements and kept swinging their fins, which looked a little different.

And the protruding beak, the corners of the mouth are raised, as if smiling.

"Kawaii~~" Yotsuba said excitedly.

Sendoh glanced at Clover, then looked back at the other girls, and seemed to understand immediately, thinking in his heart: Girls have absolutely no resistance to such cute things.

"Isn't it cute? The two little dolphins are like children. Seeing them up close can melt your heart even more." The host said with a smile. (King's)



The two dolphins immediately started playing in the pool, looking cheerful, and sometimes even gliding on the water surface. This kind of action made the audience shout hello!

"Very good, now let's welcome the most critical moment!" The hostess immediately said enthusiastically: "Who are the two lucky viewers who can come in close contact with our two lovely dolphins today?"

"Haha, I'm an emperor of Europe. The lucky audience is definitely me. Girls, please seize the opportunity. If you pass this one, you won't have the chance to see the little dolphins."

"Fart, the most European person present is Lao Tzu, your luck that can't be put on the table, you'd better put it back!"

"The cliff belongs to me, you all give up!!"

Yotsuba in the front row suddenly became excited, clasped his hands against his forehead, and closed his eyes tightly, as if he was praying.

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