Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

97 Shocked Taoka Moichi【Subscription】

Off the court, Sendoh shook his head slightly, not that he had given up, but that he had already seen what he wanted to see in this game.

On the court, Kaede Rukawa standing under the basket, his eyes exuded stubbornness and unwillingness to admit defeat, but even so, in a natural state, he couldn't enter the zone!

Even if he can enter the fake zone state on his own, it is still very difficult to deal with Mu Kunyi!

In the fourth quarter, after the timeout, one minute had passed, facing Mu Kunyi who was fully fired, ~ Shohoku was powerless to defend!

In this way, Shohoku can only call a timeout. At this time, you must maintain your inner momentum and never give up!

"Cheer up, everyone, the game is not over yet, we haven't lost yet, haven't we!?" Ayako comforted.

Miyagi smiled wryly, and said: "It's impossible to stop him, even if the five of us defend together, we can't stop his attack.

"Never say such depressing words!" Ayako immediately said seriously: "No matter how strong the opponent is, we can't give up!"

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Sakuragi, who had been sitting on the bench and kept silent, suddenly stood up, with an unprecedented firm expression on his face, and said in a deep voice: "That's right.

The eldest sister is right, now is not the time to give up. "

"Sakuragi-san!?" Ayako was startled suddenly.

Now not only her, even other people in Shohoku looked at Sakuragi Hanamichi in amazement. No one thought that under such a desperate situation, it was Sakuragi who stood up.

"You have worked hard for such a long time, you must not give up so lightly!" Sakuragi said seriously.

It can be said that he has never been so firm as he is now. For a while, everyone in Shohoku did not react.

Immediately afterwards, Sakuragi Hanamichi walked towards the summit platform. Under the shocked eyes of the audience, he jumped directly onto the summit platform, raised his hands above his head, and roared directly: "Today's game, we Shohoku will never lose, and we will never lose." Absolutely can't lose!!"

"Today is a desperate fight, and this game cannot be defeated!!!"

"Fuck, what is this red-haired kid doing!?"

"Awesome, I have never seen anyone who dares to jump on the summit platform and shout!"

Sendoh who sat in the front row was also a little surprised, but when he thought of Sakuragi's character, Sendoh was relieved.

When the game started again, Shohoku's momentum returned to its peak, so even Sakuragi knew it and would never give up on this. As their seniors and people who had touched basketball earlier than Sakuragi, they also had the courage to refuse to admit defeat.

On the court, Kaede Rukawa glanced at Sakuragi, turned around and walked towards the basket. In an instant, two dark arcs bloomed directly!!

"Zone!? No way, I entered again!?" Yutai Watanabe said immediately: "I didn't expect Kaede Rukawa to enter the zone at this time, so this game is not over yet!"

The fourth quarter of the game passed quickly, and the aces of the two sides also entered the zone state, and once again fought against each other, but Mu Kunyi's physical strength was not enough for him to last for such a long time.

And with the help of Sakuragi!

One person is no match for two!

In the end, Mu Kun was exhausted and took the lead in the game, and Shohoku had already led by 10 points!!


Finally, the final buzzer blew and Kainan made one final struggle, the ball went into the net, but it was of no use!

"At the end of the game, Kainan scored 125 points to Shohoku's 135 points. Congratulations to Shohoku for winning!"

"Nice! Finally won!!"

"Hahahaha, revenge succeeded, our Shohoku revenge succeeded!!"

"Sakuragi!!" Miyagi hugged Sakuragi Hanamichi. He is not as tall as Sakuragi, but it doesn't hinder him. He jumped up and hugged him, but he looks like a koala!

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect you to be so enlightened, thanks to you!!" Miyagi said with a big laugh.

"Of course, I've said it all, I'm a genius!" Sakuragi said confidently.

As for the next thing, Sendoh no longer needs to understand. After seeing Shohoku's revenge, Sendoh and Yotsuba left early.

There is no way, Sendoh's reputation is too great, if he exits with the audience, it may cause panic.

"Nei, Sendoh-kun."

At this moment, Clover next to her suddenly yelled, and Sendoh heard the sound and looked over, and Clover's pretty face blushed, and immediately, Sendoh smiled and asked, "What's wrong, Clover?"

……ask for flowers…

However, when seeing the smile on Sendoh's face, Yotsuba suddenly stopped talking, shook his head and said, "It's nothing."

Immediately, Sendoh gave her a weird look. He obviously wanted to say something just now, but he hesitated for a while, but Sendoh didn't ask.

When they got back to Kanagawa, it was still 4:00 pm, and Sendoh and Yotsuba went to Ryonan's basketball club together.

After all, tomorrow is the match, and since there are still two hours left, Sendoh didn't waste any time.

Taoka, who was standing at the door, saw Sendoh and Yotsuba approaching, suddenly smiled and said, "Hey, you're back so early?"

"Well, the match between Shohoku and Kainan is over." Yotsuba nodded.

"That's it, then let me guess who won. Taoka immediately put on a pensive look.

Sendoh glanced at Taoka, then smiled helplessly.

Immediately, Taoka raised his head and said, "Ah, it should be Shohoku who won.

"Yeah, I didn't expect the coach to guess right!" Yotsuba nodded repeatedly.

"It's nothing, when we had a practice match with Shohoku, we already saw their potential." Taoka said indifferently.

At the beginning, Taoka thought that Kaede Rukawa was very talented, so he was very optimistic about Kaede Rukawa, and Sakuragi surprised Taoka very much at the time.

After all, he is a player who has grown super fast!

"However, Shohoku's Kaede Rukawa entered the zone, and that fellow Sakuragi also captured the threshold of the zone." Sendoh said lightly.

"What?" Taoka was startled, and the voice in his mouth doubled, causing Clover to cover his ears.

Sendoh nodded very flatly, and said with a smile: "If it's not what I expected, the Shohoku we meet will be two players entering the zone!"

"I'll go, that kid's growth rate is so fast, hasn't he just played basketball for a long time!?" A sense of urgency suddenly rose in Taoka's heart.

Judging from Sakuragi's growth rate, when he meets Shohoku, it is really possible to face two guys in zone status at the same time!

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