Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

99 Ryonanvs Haichang【Subscription】

Walking on the road, Yotsuba pouted and looked unhappy, and whispered: "Sendoh-kun, you haven't signed my autograph yet.

"We are so familiar, you can ask me for anyone, it's too much to ask for an autograph." Sendoh said with a smile.

"Really!" Yotsuba shouted excitedly with a sudden heartbreak.

For a moment, the big eyes widened instantly, dazzling like the sun.

"Fake," Sendoh said, and laughed straight away.

"Hmph, I'm ignoring you!" Clover snorted, turned her head to the side, not looking at Sendoh at all, but the glasses glanced at Sendoh from time to time, "completely revealing her inner thoughts.

It seems to be saying, I am not happy, come and coax me!

Although he didn't see Clover's hint, Sendoh still smiled and said, "Okay, I'm just kidding, don't be angry."


The journey to Ryonan is not very far, but because of the delay in the middle, and Yotsuba and 16 Sendoh chatted for a while on the way, when we arrived at Ryonan, the time had passed


But it doesn't matter, anyway, both of them are going to the basketball club, not to go to class, and Taoka doesn't care about the time, anyway, there is a game today, and the morning is usually just a simple warm-up training.

When Sendoh and Yotsuba walked into the basketball club, everyone else was there.

"Here you are, Sendoh-kun." Taoka said with a smile, "I thought you wouldn't come this morning."

"I met an acquaintance on the road, so it's a bit late." Sendoh said lightly.

Taoka fully believed in Sendoh's reasons. Like before, Sendoh told everything that he went fishing, and vice versa was fine.

Taoka relaxed about Sendoh, after all, he is the trump card, geniuses and ordinary people are always so different, a little special.

"Okay, now that you're here, let's change clothes and train. Our game starts at five o'clock in the afternoon." Taoka said with a smile.

After changing the jersey, Sendoh started his daily muscle training. As for Kaichang's problem, even Sendoh didn't know what kind of growth Kise Ryota is now. Obsolete.

The merged world of slam dunk and black basket, the original plot of black basket is useless.

But it doesn't matter if it is lower than Sendoh, after all, his current strength can be said to be the number one in Neon, even if Kise Ryota awakens a perfect imitation, but cannot open the zone, then there is no threat at all!

As for all the skills of the Generation of Miracles, sorry, Sendoh also has them!

Time passed quickly, and the morning passed in the blink of an eye. Taoka stopped everyone from training. There will be competitions in the afternoon, so it is impossible to train desperately in the morning.

After Sendoh changed in the locker room, he went out to eat with Clover.

"Wow, it's Sendoh-kun!!"

"It's so handsome, even if you can see it every day, you won't get tired of it at all."

"Nonsense, this is my husband!!"

"Fart, when will Sendoh-kun become your husband!?"

"I heard that Ryanan has a game today, I really want to watch it!"

"I want, too!"


"Should we skip class together to watch Sendoh-kun's game!?"

"I'll go, you can have this!"

On the other hand, Sendoh has a helpless expression on his face. To be honest, even though he has been famous for a long time, he still can't get used to this public feeling. Being stared at by countless pairs of glasses makes him uncomfortable.

As for those who quarreled or fought because of themselves, Sendoh agreed that they were frantically testing on the verge of death.

"Hey, can you be quiet?" Suddenly, Sendoh frowned and said in a deep voice.


Yes, a perfect consensus was reached, Sendoh shook his head and walked forward on his own.

As for Yotsuba, the pride on her face can't be hidden, like a peacock!

At 3:35 p.m., a bus stopped at the entrance of Ryonan's basketball department, and Ryonan's starters and substitutes lined up to get on the bus.

"Have you all remembered Haichang's game, both offense and defense must be strict!" Taoka said solemnly standing in the car.


With a strong temperament, everyone in Ryonan is full of fighting spirit.

Similarly, in Kanagawa Prefecture, Haichang High School also queues up for the same bus as Ryonan.

Kise Ryota had a preoccupied expression. Suddenly, someone patted his shoulder. When he turned his head to look, the captain Kasamatsu Yukio suddenly said, "What are you thinking? [Ten heavy expressions."]

Kise suddenly smiled, and said: "Senior Kasamatsu, it's nothing, it's just that I'm a little nervous to fight Ryonan for the first time."

"Haha, why are you nervous, are you worried about that Sendoh?" Kasamatsu Yukio said.

"Well, I have competed with Senior Sendoh before, but every time I fail, it's me." Kise nodded and said.

"Of course there are worries, but it's okay. Everyone will lose, but victory can't be maintained forever. Ryonan is certainly strong, but we Haichang are not far behind!" Yukio Kasamatsu said immediately: " You are our Haichang's trump card, the trump card should show the temperament of the trump card!"

"En!" Kise suddenly clenched his fists and nodded heavily.

Yukio Kasamatsu smiled, and then 247 said relaxedly: "However, I have finally met Ryonan, and I can finally see the reputation of the genius Sendoh. That guy is now popular all over the country."

"Senior Sendoh is very strong!" Kise Ryota said with a serious expression.

"Hey, you're taking advantage of other people's temperament and destroying your own prestige!"

Along the way, Ryonan's bus was bustling, some people were chatting, Sendoh sat by the window, his glasses stared at the scenery outside the window in a daze.

After an hour and a half on the road, everyone finally arrived at the Tokyo Gymnasium.

In front of the Tokyo Gymnasium, dense crowds of people stood outside the stadium, so many people, almost two thousand people, they are all fans waiting for the arrival of the Ryonan bus!

Among them, there are also some acquaintances of Sendoh, such as Kainan's Mu Kunyi!

"Look, Ryanan is here!!"

"Sendoh-san, Sendoh-san!!"

"It can be regarded as coming, I came two hours in advance, just to wait for Sendoh-kun!"

"Two hours is a fart, but I came here early in the morning to line up!"

"Damn it, I'm afraid you are a bit ruthless!"

"I can't help it, Mr. Sendoh has too many fans, come later, I'm afraid I won't be able to line up at all.


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