Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

102 A Dangerous Person [Please Order In Full! 】

In an instant, the footsteps moved instantly, and the moment the body turned around, it was directly in front of Kise, and immediately, Sendoh moved forward with his right hand!

Unreasonable stealing of the ball!

Huang Lai's forward body suddenly stopped, and under the danger, the basketball in his hand changed hands instantly, and in an instant, the basketball in his hand changed hands instantly!

"It's dangerous!" Huang Lai said directly, just a moment ago, if it wasn't for his super fast reaction, he couldn't dodge Sendoh's stealing the ball at all, and the opponent's stealing the ball was very fast, and he did it the moment he returned to defense. , giving no chance of reaction!

"Not bad." Sendoh frowned at Kise dodging his interception, and said with a smile.

Kise let out a breath and said with a smile: "Sure enough, Senior Sendoh isn't that dangerous."

"What, I'm not a dangerous person, don't make me look like a monster." Sendoh said with a curled lip.

Kise smiled, seeing the attack time, it was impossible for him to get past Sendoh by himself, and Kise felt even more incapable of doing a pick-and-roll.

After all, like in the previous games, there were pick-and-roll players, but they were useless at all, and there was even the possibility of conceding the ball.

However, the entire audience had already held their breath, and now they didn't even dare to take a deep breath.

The ace confrontation just started!?

Do you want to be so exciting!!??

However, Sendoh and Kise's speed is not fast, so they are relieved, after all, Sendoh's speed at full firepower is completely inhuman!

Now such a wonderful scene, they can see the superb skills of Sendoh and Kise even more.

Suddenly, a fan sighed and said: "This day, it's really not too wonderful."

Everyone in the audience nodded strangely, they all deeply felt it!

On the field, Kise chose to pass the ball directly after being unable to get past Sendoh. Now is not the time to really show his strength, and the game has only just begun.

After Yutaka Moriyama on the inside received the basketball, he immediately launched an attack from the diagonal position. Compared with Fukuda, the opponent's offensive ability was not much different.

In an instant, Moriyama Yutaka directly pulled back the forward body, and took off in an instant!

While leaning back, Fukuda leans forward to defend!


In an instant, the basketball was shot directly, but in an instant, Fukuda's palm directly covered it!

No mercy at all!

Behind him, Sendoh's reaction speed is the fastest one. After rushing directly to the landing point of the basketball, his hands suddenly flapped quickly. Under the super fast starting speed, he even rushed directly to the center line!!

Haichang's return to defense was quick, and Kise's defense was even faster. It can be said that he followed Sendoh directly the moment Sendoh broke away from the defense!!

In a blink of an eye, Kise directly chased after him, his body was tightly attached to Sendoh's left side, and his right hand was making disturbing movements all the time!

There was a sneer on Sendoh's face, the moment he stepped on the center line, his forward body stopped abruptly, and immediately jumped up!!


Kise's pupils tightened immediately, but Sendoh's flexibility was too strong, he just made an emergency stop in an instant, such a quick movement, even he couldn't react!

Knowing the accuracy of Sendoh's mid-range shot, Kise is sure that Sendoh will score this goal!

It was too late to defend, and even Kise felt that even if he tried to block the shot, he would not be able to defend against the shot!

However, at this very moment, the basketball in Sendoh's hand was thrown out, the ultra-high and ultra-long arc, still the original formula, the familiar arc!

In an instant, after the ball reached the commanding height, it fell down with a cotton tail flame!


Perfectly entering the basket, entering the net hollow, and still a terrifying aim, is also a myth that has never been defeated!!

After the audience was quiet for a while, fierce cheers erupted immediately!

"It's unbelievable, with such a strong flexibility, under such a premise, you can still achieve such an accurate hit rate. This is too strong!" Yu Watanabe said excitedly.

Hachimura Lei nodded and said, "I can't believe it at all, with such a fast take-off, the shot can be so beautiful!!"

Off the field, Sendoh smiled slightly, he has great confidence in his mid-range shot!!

And the passive skill of the unsolvable mid-range shot is that when no one is marking, his shooting rate will increase by 50%. Sendoh absolutely believes that his shot will go in, even if it is an extreme jump shot.

It can be done too!

...asking for flowers...

Kise's expression was a little dull, even he, who is very sure of Sendoh's shooting, couldn't believe that this shot was so perfect!

Turning his head to look at the score, Ryonan is already leading by five points, and only one minute has passed in the first quarter!

"It's really strong." Kise suddenly sighed with emotion, but he also knew that Sendoh's current strength was completely watered down.

The game continues.

In the first quarter, the tug-of-war between the two sides can be said to be a bit dramatic. It has to be said that Haichang is worthy of being a frequent visitor to the national competition every year, and even the top four have the opportunity to grasp it.

For some of Ryonan's quick attacks, Haichang's defense can be said to be very familiar, but even Yangquan can't stop Ryonan's attack, and Haichang alone is not enough to stop Ryonan.


However, Haichang's offensive ability is also good, and even on the rebounds, Haichang has a great chance.

The opponent's power forward, Mitsuhiro Hayakawa, has a feeling about fighting for rebounds, even if he is a fish, sometimes he can't grab this guy.


When the first quarter came to six minutes, the referee blew his whistle, followed by a sound from the summit platform.

"Haichang colleges and universities request a suspension!"


On the spot, Yukio Kasamatsu breathed a sigh of relief, and looked back at the integrator on the summit platform.

Ryonan18: Haichang 15!

There are still three points left!

The coach called a timeout, nothing more than to let them take a rest and cool down. After all, in the match against Ryonan, I always felt like I was being led by the nose.

Under the tug-of-war, Haichang subtly followed Ryonan's rhythm and played the game. This kind of thing is okay in the early stage, but it must not be too long.

On the Haichang bench, Genta Takeuchi said immediately: "Ryonan is really difficult to deal with, now he must not be led by the nose anymore!"

"Yeah!" Yukio Kasamatsu nodded emphatically.

"Kose, that Sendoh, can you?" Genta Takeuchi looked at Kise and asked in a deep voice.

"I'm fine now, but Senior Sendoh hasn't taken it seriously yet." Kise said in a deep voice.

Then I thought in my heart, I also have a hole card factory!.

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