Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

107 The Momentum Is Like A Rainbow!

In the direction of Ryonan's bench, Sendoh wiped the sweat off his face and sipped his sports drink slowly.

"That Kise, seems to have succeeded." Taoka suddenly said in a deep voice.

"Success? What success?" Yuzumi and the others asked in confusion.

"As we all know, Kise Ryota's talent is to imitate. He can see the skills used by the players at a glance and imitate them into his own." Taoka said seriously: "On the field, he can already perform movements similar to immortal~tao gods .”

"This kind of ability is simply too inhuman." Koshino said immediately.

You can learn at a glance, such people really exist!

Sendoh smiled, he knew that Kise had been imitating his style in the field.

It's a perfect imitation, but Kise's talent lies, Sendoh knows this very well.

But Sendoh also knows that Kise has not really imitated himself, so there is a big gap between him and himself in terms of basketball style.

And a perfect imitation is not as powerful as a perfect imitation, so until now, Kise, who is not perfect, is not enough to make Sendoh serious.

"Think about it, there are two Sendoh-kuns on the field, it's just hopeless." Uekusa said suddenly.

Ryonan is very clear about how strong Sendoh-kun is. If Kise succeeds in imitating him, they will be left with nothing but cannon fodder.

On Haichang's bench, Kise's breathing was fairly calm. Although he had been defending Sendoh, the physical energy consumed in the first quarter was not great.

This is also due to the training during the summer vacation.

Takeuchi knew very well that this year's Winter Cup would have an unprecedented scene, so they did not neglect training at all.

"How about it, Kise, can it be done?" Yukio Kasamatsu said suddenly.

"It's almost there." Kise nodded, and kept thinking about Sendoh's movements, demeanor, and even his tone of voice in his mind.

"It's only one step away now." Kise said with a straight face.

"Don't worry, take your time, we still have time." Kasamatsu Yukio said immediately.

Not long after, the second quarter started and the two sides played again.

At the start of the second quarter, Kai Chang had the ball, Yukio Kasamatsu was receiving the basketball roar, and moved forward at a leisurely pace.

Haichang can't be in a hurry now, try to slow down the rhythm as much as possible, and give Huangse enough time.

In an instant, the moment Yukio Kasamatsu dribbled the ball across the center line, he rushed forward quickly.

His own technology is higher than that of Uekusa, and he has a wealth of experience as a background. In an instant, Kasamatsu Yukio directly broke in from the right.

Uekusa backed up with his body and face, and the moment he turned around, he was directly in front of him.

Immediately, Kasamatsu Yukio pulled back violently, and when Moriyama Yutaka was standing on the left, he rushed in directly.

Suddenly, two people stood in front of Yukio Kasamatsu in the scene.

Suddenly, the basketball in the latter's hand was passed directly backwards, and the Nets flew out of the three-point line.

In an instant, Moriyama Yutaka jumped up and shot the ball, quickly pulled up and jumped, and the basketball in his eyes was shot directly.

Koshino didn't have time to defend at all, Yukio Kasamatsu was blocking in front of him, if he took off and blocked the block, it would easily cause a foul!


In an instant, a white figure rushed over from the left like a ghost, and Sendoh flew up and jumped!

Under the super high jumping height, Sendoh directly blocked the basketball at the moment Yutaka Moriyama threw the basketball!

"Beautiful block!" host Watanabe Yutai said excitedly.

"Sendoh's jumping ability is so powerful that he can block shots even with a late shot!" Hachimura Lei followed up.

On the field, after successfully blocking the shot, Sendoh landed on the ground and went directly to pick up the basketball.

However, in a short while, from the perspective of [Eagle Eyes], Sendoh clearly saw that Yukio Kasamatsu rushed directly to the basketball, and the distance between himself was very close.

In an instant, the moment Yukio Kasamatsu picked up the basketball, he directly passed it out!


Kise, who was on the inside line, caught the basketball and took off in an instant!


With super fast cooperation, Kise threw the basketball without anyone marking him!

The basketball fell perfectly into the net.

Scoring two points, the point difference at this time is only 6 points

The game continued, Ryonan got the ball, Sendoh rushed out the moment he received the basketball.

In an instant, Kise directly stood in front of him.

Crossing steps, feinting, and in an instant, Sendoh rushed in directly from Kise's left!

Sendoh can do it in an instant, and his own movements are not superfluous!

……ask for flowers…

Immediately, Sendoh dribbled the ball out of the center line alone, and the moment Yukio Kasamatsu was facing the defense, Sendoh immediately changed the basketball from his crotch, and immediately rushed in from the right!

Under the ultra-fast starting speed, Sendoh broke through Yukio Kasamatsu's defense in an instant, and Yutaka Moriyama dropped Koshino on the outside line, ready to defend Sendoh at the moment!

In a blink of an eye, Sendoh directly threw the basketball out!


Koshino from outside the three-point line directly received the basketball, and without any pause, he jumped up and shot!


The basketball flew through a beautiful arc in the air and landed perfectly in the net!

"With a beautiful ball, Ryonan made another three-pointer!!" Yutai Watanabe said immediately.


"However, Sendoh's extraordinary movement just now was really too fast. It was a clean movement, and there was no extra movement at all!" Lei Hachimura said immediately.

Suddenly, the two looked at each other, and immediately found the look they wanted from the eyes of both sides.

That's shocking!

In the stands, Momoi Wuyue immediately said: "Senior Sendoh's movements can be more streamlined, just now he threw off Xiao Huang's defense in an instant."

"That guy's Qiufeng is different from everyone else's. To be honest, only Shankai's Longbei can compare him to him." Qingfeng said hoarsely.

Sendoh's almost perfect extraordinary movements, under the super fast starting speed, the moment of continuous change of direction left Kise behind!

Clean, neat, without the slightest sloppy!

Like a...professional!?

Not only Momoi Wuyue and Aomine thought that everyone in the audience had a feeling of watching a professional game, but it was Sendoh's actions that made them doubt life.

On the court, Sendoh’s face is still as plain as water. His basketball style is not what he realized in his previous life in the workplace, “every ten professional players can achieve these ten points.

Sendoh knows the opponents in the previous life, all of them look like rogues, and he directly greets his parents' faces if he can't beat them.

And now with the precipitation of the system, Sendoh's style of play is even more perfect.

It can be said that there is a taste of seeing the truth!.

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