Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

129 No Longer The Age Of Sannoh

Hearing this, Aida Yayoi fell into deep thought immediately, and then said seriously: "It's true when you say that.

Ordinary players in a natural state can't keep up with players who have turned on [ZONE].

This is common sense, even in a powerful and talented player, it is impossible to do this in a natural state.

However, in the video just now, Fukatsu was not only able to keep up with Kawata's speed, but even Sawakita's speed after that!

Seeing the puzzled look on Yotsuba's face, Sendoh said with a light smile: "A player who can catch up with [ZONE] status, unless he is at the same level, but Fukatsu's speed is still behind, and it is still impossible to enter the same [ZONE] status." 】.

"Then, that Laijin has entered the false【ZONE|?" | Yotsuba suddenly said in amazement.

"That's the only point, but it's falling to the top, and the specific feeling can only be known through close contact." Sendoh nodded.

"Two [Z16ONE] and a fake [ZONE] player!" Clover stared very wide, such a luxurious lineup is completely comparable to this year's Luoshan!

Aida Yayoi said in a deep voice: "Only relying on two [ZONE] players, Sannoh will be able to stabilize the position in the finals. It is possible that at that time, we will face three [ZONE] state players from Sannoh!!"

A solemn expression finally appeared on Sendoh's face. If there were only two [ZONE] players, the game would be fine, but three, this is really a strong challenge for Sendoh now!

Only relying on the superposition of its own orange skills, Sendoh can be invincible against two [ZONE], but three, unless Sendoh has inexhaustible physical strength.

"It seems that you, Ryonan, need to think of some targeted measures." Aida Yayoi said immediately.

"It's useless. In the face of absolute strength, tactics are useless. At that time, the only thing that can be competed is physical strength. Whoever exhausts physical strength first will lose!" Sendoh said immediately.

"Hey, the only one we Ryonan can rely on now is Mr. Sendoh." Taoka said immediately, but there was a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

If there are really three [ZONE] players, then Sannoh present will represent the real invincibility!!

"However, we haven't really met each other yet, so we can't say we failed so easily." Sendoh suddenly said with a faint smile.

The three people next to them suddenly showed surprised expressions, and Sendoh turned around and waved his hands, saying: "This year's competition will definitely belong to Ryonan, and the era belonging to Sannoh will definitely end. A new era has come."

"Mr. Sendoh......."

The expressions of the two women are a little subtle, but there is a look of obsession and unresolved admiration in their beautiful eyes.

"Yeah, we haven't really met yet, so we can't admit defeat so easily. This is the Sendoh-kun I know, who belongs to Ryonan's ace player!" Taoka suddenly laughed and said boldly.

"Genius Sendoh, is this an era that belongs to you?" Aida Yayoi suddenly showed a smile on his face, in addition to love and obsession, there is also a witness to the new era in his eyes


Yotsuba doesn't know that much, but she thinks Sendoh is really like a hero now!

After knowing Sannoh's current hole cards, Sendoh is finally ready to stop being a salty fish leisurely. Even if he doesn't matter how much he wins or loses, it is necessary to lead Ryonan to the championship!

In the morning, Aida Yayoi watched Sendoh's training in the Ryonan basketball team and waited until noon before preparing to leave.

"Miss Yayoi, do you want to have a meal together?" Sendoh said with a smile after changing from the dressing room.

"Okay." Aida Yayoi was overjoyed. She wanted to invite Sendoh to have lunch together, but she didn't expect Sendoh to propose it.

Clover at the side played by ear, seeing that Aida Yayoi was about to succeed, she immediately said: "Sendoh-kun, I want to go too!"

Sendoh didn't care, and said with a smile: "Of course, how could there be no Yotsuba."

"Hee hee." Yotsuba suddenly smiled, then looked at Aida Yayoi, showing a complacent look, as if to say again: "Xiang, it is absolutely impossible for you to succeed.

Aida Yayoi curled her lips, although she felt depressed for a while, but she didn't feel anything, anyway, she was going with Sendoh anyway, it doesn't matter if there is one more person.

Immediately, the three left Ryonan under the envious eyes of the students on campus.

"By the way, there should be a match between Seirin and Yangquan the day after tomorrow, Sendoh-kun, would you like to watch it?" Aida Yayoi said looking for a topic.

"Seirin and Yangquan, don't go, there's no need to watch." Sendoh shook his head and said.

Sendoh is not interested in watching the game now. If it is true, the match between Shohoku and Seirin is really necessary to watch, but there is no need for Yangquan and Seirin at all.

After all, it has nothing to do with him even if he wins. If Seirin is concerned, there will be situations later on.

"Okay." Aida Yayoi nodded, and didn't force anything, after all, there was a reason why Sendoh didn't go.

Sannoh already has three people blooming, this is a unique team of neon!

"Today is Shohoku and Shoyo, and the next match schedule will be very tight." Yotsuba said from the side: "According to the schedule map, if Seirin of 947 wins tomorrow, he will definitely meet the victory between Shohoku and Shoyo team."

"Well, then it's time to decide the semi-finals."

"I'll go, these two universities will really meet!?" Sendoh raised his eyebrows and said in surprise.

"Yes, the game is on the same day as ours, just after our game." Yotsuba nodded.

Sendoh suddenly showed a smile, the comparison between the son of luck and the son of luck??!!

And who is the real protagonist!?

However, the match between the two parties has not yet revealed who is the winner. After all, Atsushi Murasakihara can enter the [ZONE] now, and with the cooperation of Himuro Tatsuya.

Compared with Seirin, it is a 50-50 split.

The biggest reason why Yangquan lost to Seirin in the original book is that Atsushi Murasakihara's physical exertion was too great, so that he couldn't take off at the last time.

And it was the last time to enter [ZONE], that's why I lost to Seirin, but it's different now, at the same level, it's not certain who will win and who will win.

"Well, let's talk about it later." Sendoh said with a smile.

Time passed quickly, after lunch, Aida Yayoi went back, and Sendoh and Yotsuba went back to Ryonan together. .

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