Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

141 Deciphering [Please Order In Full! 】

Off the court, on Ryonan's bench, Taoka asked curiously: "Sendoh, is there a time limit for your ability?"

The others looked even more curious, Sendoh smiled and did not keep his secret.

After all, the cracking point of [Spiritual Assassination] ability will be exposed sooner or later.

If it is used too many times, it will be cracked.

It's better to say it now and let your teammates keep an eye on it.

"There is no time limit, but it is another hardware weakness." Sendoh said lightly.

"Hardware weakness?"

"Yes, with this ability, as long as you enter [ZONE], you can break that state." Sendoh nodded.

Yotsuba's eyes lit up, and she said immediately, "That means, if you can't enter [ZONE], you can never leave it?"

"Well, it's not like you can't get rid of it forever. After the game is over, this ability will be unlocked by itself." Sendoh said with a smile.

It can be said that spiritual assassination is a practical skill.

You must know that although Neon has many guys who can enter [ZONE], most of them are aces.

Just like using it with Kise, not to mention that the status keeps slipping to 133, and it has been immersed in the dark world.

"Now let's see if that Mike Okita can enter [ZONE]." Taoka said in a deep voice.

But they don't care anymore, now the point difference has reached 17 points, even if the opponent can enter 【ZONE】, Ryonan doesn't need to be nervous.


Immediately, the 20-second timeout ended and the game resumed.

However, Mike Okita's state of hesitation really does not exist, and he cannot escape the influence of [Spiritual Assassination].

And without the ace, Green Wind couldn't resist Ryonan's bombardment tactics at all.

But in terms of chasing points, everyone did their best.

But the difference has not decreased, but has become larger and larger.

Sendoh didn't always use [God of Dry Pulling], until now he only needs to pass the ball.

The time is getting longer and longer, and there are still four minutes left before the end of the third quarter, and the scores of the two sides have been pulled to 25 points!

Everyone in Lufeng showed a look of despair, they were in Ryonan's hands.

Or it can be said that in the hands of Sendoh, there is no way to fight back. (bgfg)

However, with four minutes left in the game, Taoka also called a timeout for a substitution.

Sendoh was replaced.

"I can't recover, I didn't expect Ryonan's strength to be so terrifying." In the southwest corner, Domoto Goro suddenly sighed.

The team that used to be only able to reach the top eight in the country is now one step closer to the championship.

Even now Sannoh has a big hole card, but Domoto Goro's confidence is not full.

In everyone's eyes, Sendoh's growth rate is like a monster, growing in a bottomless pit!

"How far can you grow?" Looking at the peaceful boy sitting on the bench, Domoto Goro thought deeply.

And Sawakita Eiji, who was sitting next to him, had a fierce fighting fire in his eyes.

But watching so many games of Ryonan, even if Sawakita doesn't want to admit it in his heart, he still knows it.

In one-on-one betting, the probability of him defeating Sendoh is 0.1%!


The whistle sounded and the game continued, Sendoh was replaced by Ikegami.

On the other side, Mike Okita also knew that now Green Wind was facing a real desperate situation.

But now even if he sits on the stool again, that dark world appears all the time.

"Damn it, what's going on with this damn ability!!" Immediately, Mike was furious.

But now he can't do anything.

In that dark world, there is no light at all, and now the only way he can think of to crack it is to enter 【ZONE】.

But it's also unclear whether Sendoh's abilities can be hacked.

"No!! If you continue like this, you will lose the game and you will definitely lose!"

Suddenly, in a panic, Black Mike was in a daze, and he seemed to see Sendoh's deep eyes again.

Darkness once again enveloped the world without any color, and he also looked down on his body.

"Aren't you going to use full firepower? If that's the case, let me help you..."

Suddenly, Sendoh's previous words emerged in his mind.

"What does this guy mean!?" Mike Okita's head was so confused that he couldn't understand Sendoh.

However, after all, he is a person who has seen the world. As a student who went to the United States for further studies, Mike Okita also clearly knows how powerful those freaks are in the United States.

And training there is also beneficial, such as having some vague grasp of the method of entering 【ZONE】.

"Calm down, concentrate, and let your consciousness sink to the bottom of the lake." Mike Okita thought quickly.

But even with his eyes closed, there is still endless darkness, which casts a great shadow on his heart.

He frowned, although he has the ability to passively enter the [ZONE] now, he can see that he is much better than many players Kai Cai!

Suddenly, Mike Okita deeply felt that everything around him seemed to be frozen.

There is a feeling that the body is constantly sinking.

The body is still sinking, and everything around him is falling into freezing point.

The moment he fell into the lake, he was finally sinking continuously, and his body finally sank to the lowest point.

For a moment, Mike opened his eyes sharply.

It was still endless darkness, but at this moment, it was like a majestic thunderbolt suddenly blooming.

This endless dark world is instantly lit up, and the black is like ebbing, and the dark world turns into gray.


In an instant, those aces who could enter the [ZONE] sensed the strangeness of Mike Okita in an instant.

The one who was deeply touched by it was Coach Ofuna sitting beside Mike Okita.

"This is!?" Feeling the icy cold breath coming from Mike Okita's body.

The latter's eyes, which were already showing disappointment, suddenly lit up.

I saw yellow lightning flashing in Mike Okita's pupils!

Even if you don't understand this point, those two golden rays of light like electric arcs are completely the symbol of entering [ZONE]!

"Is this [ZONE]?"

On the other side, Eri Fujisawa also felt Mike Okita's breath and asked in surprise.

After seeing the rise of Ace, the state has entered [ZONE] further, and Coach Dachuan is also in a good mood.

"Yeah, it looks like Mike has figured out how to hack Sendoh's ability."

But now, seeing that there were 3 minutes and 20 seconds left in the game, Dachuan hurriedly ran to the summit.

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