Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

Chapter 144: Ace Singles Moment

Tsurumi Seiji withdrew backwards, and instantly changed direction and turned to the left to attack!

But at this moment, a figure suddenly flashed past from the left, and Sendoh directly copied it with his left hand!

Tsurumi Seiji immediately emptied his left hand, and his heart skipped a beat.

Turning around, Sendoh has already intercepted the basketball and rushed out of the halfway line!

"Isn't this method too fast!?" Yukio Kasamatsu said in surprise in the audience.

"Fortunately, Sendoh-senpai's full fire is faster than this!" Takao Kazuari said with a smile.

He has personally faced Sendoh, and he has clearly felt Sendoh's almost invincible strength.

With full firepower, that is the real invincibility!!

And under the attention of the audience, Sendoh's horsepower was fully activated, and under the blessing of [Wildness], he rushed directly to the basket!

In an instant, he jumped into the air, and the basketball in his hand was slammed into the basket the instant he changed hands from his crotch!


One-handed dunk, the basketball dunks directly into the net.

"I can't stop it, I've caught up to four points now, I can't stop this guy in a few minutes!" Tsurumi Keiji said through gritted teeth.

Ming Gaoguang frowned, and Lufeng was now 16, showing signs of depression, if the current situation had not changed.

As soon as the fourth quarter started, it crashed!

At this moment, Coach Yinchuan thought the same way.

In the absence of an evenly matched opponent, no one can limit Sendoh's operations.

"Of course not." Da Chuan said with a sigh.

But Mike Okita can't be put on the field now, it's useless at all.

The game continued, Tsurumi Seiji was so vigilant at this time that he could no longer be vigilant!

After receiving the serve, the speed did not decrease much, and he passed the center line quickly.

The moment he came out of the three-point line, he suddenly dodged to the right, and broke through directly from the right!

Uekusa moved horizontally, blocked Tsurumi Seiji in an instant, and turned his right hand to intercept directly.

In an instant, Tsuru saw his body slammed, and even changed direction directly, breaking in from the left side!

After breaking through Uekusa, Tsurumi dribbled the ball into the inside, facing a well-managed inside area.

Sendoh also defended from the left.

At this moment, Ming Gaoguang in the backcourt area instantly exerted force, using all his strength to directly push the fish away.

Then he ran to the basket.

Tsurumi's eyes lit up, and the basketball in his hand was thrown high!


Immediately, Ming Gaoguang let out an angry roar, leaped up, caught the basketball in the air with his left hand, and dunked towards the basket!




Immediately, Ming Gaoguang slapped the basket hard with his palm, but the basketball was slapped and flew out!

In the blink of an eye just now, at the moment when Ming Gaoguang was about to dunk the basketball into the hoop, Yuzhu was able to prevent it directly from behind!

With a wave of his palm, the basketball card in Ming Gaoguang's hand flew out.

However, because the shot was blocked behind him, although the shot was successfully blocked, Yuzhu's body also hit Ming Gaoguang's body!

"The goal failed, the black team No. 4 made a defensive foul, and two penalties were added!!"

"Good job, Vice Captain!!"

"Although it was a free throw, it was finally a two-pointer.

Ming Gaoguang frowned slightly, he knew very well about Yuzhu's strength after three quarters.

Even if the opponent can return to the defense, it is not surprising, but I did not expect to be able to block my own ball at the limit.

This is also a top guy in the country!!

Immediately, the two sides stood up, and Ming Gaoguang slowly walked towards the free throw line.

The referee patted the basketball and then stretched out two fingers.

After nodding, he immediately received a pass from the referee.

Ming Gaoguang took a deep breath and adjusted his breath, but now his physical strength is not much left.

Immediately, after brewing for a while, he tiptoed and shot!


A free throw was made, and the basketball fell perfectly into the Nets. Lu Feng's eyes finally regained some clarity.

The second free throw, the moment Ming Gaoguang received the free throw again, he shot directly on tiptoe.

Sendoh frowned slightly. This shooting posture was correct, but he always felt that there was something wrong with his strength.

This ball, I'm afraid it will hit iron!


Sure enough, as Sendoh guessed, the basketball hit the frame directly and bounced straight up.


Off the field, the two coaches shouted together.

Without reminding, the fish lived in an instant and grabbed a favorable position.

But at this moment, the basketball that bounced straight up still landed on the basket.

Under the gazes of everyone under the basket, the basketball circled on the backboard, as if it was blessed by God, and finally entered the net!

Seeing this scene, Ming Gaoguang breathed a sigh of relief, but he also knew that the goal just now was a fluke.

"Although he made two free throws, Lufeng is still at a disadvantage." Watanabe said immediately.

Rui Hachimura nodded and said: "After three quarters, no matter whether it is Lufeng or Ryonan, there is not much physical strength left, and Sendoh's physical strength is still very strong.

"This is still a problem. Without the support of physical strength and the gap in strength, who can stop the attack of Sendoh player." Yutai Watanabe also said.

On the court, the game continued, but just like what the host said, Ryanan's tactics were still very clear.

Up to now, the rest of Ryonan's physical strength is not much, so Sendoh didn't pass the ball at all, and directly made a three-pointer!

In the first two minutes of the fourth quarter, the scores between the two sides continued to increase.

However, Ryonan's defense 997 is not as tight as it was at the beginning, which also allows Green Wind to lead to a few points in a few attacks.

Suddenly, with two minutes to go, Ryonan called a timeout.


"Ryonan High School calls for a substitution!"

Finally, Taoka substituted Fukuda for Ikegami.

In terms of physical strength, Ikegami has also recovered a bit and can cooperate with Sendoh in offense.

Time passed, and five minutes passed in the fourth quarter.

Lufeng also finally took out a timeout opportunity to let Lufeng's starting starter recover some strength.

"Green Wind University requests a suspension!"

Under Sendoh's fierce attack, no one can resist the green wind.

Not to mention the current score, the original lead of 6 points has now been reversed, and Ryonan leads by 8 points!

"It's almost time, it's time for the ace duel"

The audience finally became excited at this moment. Lufeng's substitution also represented that the final matchup was about to begin!

"It's been a long time since I saw Sendoh-kun fully fired!!"

"Yes yes, my eyes have not felt dominated by Sendoh-kun for a long time!"

"What should come will always come, and you will immediately experience the thrill of the battle between gods and demons!"

As for what Ryonan fans said, people like Shohoku and Seirin also have a deep understanding. .

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