Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

070 New Ball Skills, Unsolvable Mid-Range Shot (Seeking Subscription)

"I lost! I still lost..." Kise Ryota sat on the floor, his eyes were lost, and the corners of his mouth were bitter. The water from the corners of his eyes frantically remained on Huang Lai's delicate cheeks, and the defense line that was determined to win in his heart completely collapsed.

"Little Huang is already good enough, he has become the ace that can stand alone." Momoi Wuyue sighed softly.

It is too miserable!

Haichang persisted until the last moment, and the score was expanded in the last quarter.

Still defeated!

"We won!" Taoka Moichi took a deep breath, he knew the cruelty of the competition, he didn't have the slightest sympathy for his opponent, instead he got up and shouted, shaking his fist.

Hikoichi also shouted excitedly: "Everyone wins!"

"That's right!!"

Ryonan had a great match against Hai Chang and started off with a tight fight. I was even shocked by Kise Ryota's imitation~, and finally won.

Same with Shoyo.

Beating a strong team is something to be proud of.

Fans who supported Ryonan also fell into cheers.

"Ryonan won!"

"Hai Chang, a dark horse, still lost to the veteran team Ryonan."

"Ryonan is unstoppable this year, and the talent of Sendoh is terrifying!"

"Ryonan will fight Kainan in the next match, right? If he can defeat Kainan, then Ryonan will become the newest king of Kanagawa!"

Tens of thousands of spectators cheered, because there are tens of thousands of people in today's auditorium. Many passers-by have turned into fans of Ryonan and Sendoh. However, some viewers have become fans of Haichang.

"I knew that Sendoh would never lose, and the next match will be against Kainan. I'm looking forward to it..." Aida Yayoi completely lost the composure that a reporter should have, and cheered along with Ryonan's bench players.

"The windmill slam dunk and the Thunder slam dunk will be on the cover of the monthly basketball magazine tomorrow, it's great!"

The rookie reporter on the side was a little speechless about Yayoi.

As for being so excited?

On the contrary, Haichang fell into the silence of defeat. Every player's eyes were absent, with tears in the corners of their eyes, standing weakly on the court in a daze.

"Both sides line up!" The referee shouted loudly.

Gritting his teeth, Huang Lai wanted to get up and go to line up, but the pain from his muscles made him halfway up, and then sat directly on the ground again. He couldn't help punching the ground angrily.

How can I be so bad!

Sendoh didn't cheer for the victory with the team members, seeing such a stubborn Kise really touched his emotions. After sighing lightly, he walked to the queue alone.

At this time, Kasamatsu Yukio walked over and stretched out his right hand, "Can you still stand up?"

"Senior, I..."

Now Kise really can't stand up

Kasamatsu walked over, supported Kise's waist and pulled him up, put a hand on Kise's shoulder, and slowly walked into the queue.

#122: Than 102, Ryonan wins both salutes!"

"Thank you for your advice!"

"Sendoh, don't you want to say something to Kise?" Uozumi asked softly, and Kise's hard work also infected him.

"A winner is never able to tell a loser!"


At this time, the voice of the system sounded in Sendoh's mind.

"Congratulations to the host for leading Ryonan to defeat Haichang! Reward points 2000, red ball skills draw once!"

"Congratulations to the host for defeating the S-level + potential player Kise Ryota in a one-on-one duel. The reward point is 1000, because this task is "Genius Road Mission 1 (2/5)" and there is no lottery reward."

The Path of Genius Mission One!

Defeat five players with S rank + potential.

Sendoh only defeated two, and there are still three to complete the mission one of the genius path"!

"System, why are there so many bonus points this time?" Sendoh was surprised.

"Because the opponent has "Age of Miracles" members, the system will determine whether the reward is rich according to the strength of the opponent!"

At the end of the game, Haichang and his team walked to the player channel dejectedly.

……ask for flowers…

Kasamatsu Yukio suddenly shouted: "Don't let me be downcast! Our Kaichang is very good, please walk back with your head held high!"


Even though Haichang was defeated, he won the respect of everyone.

Kise was supported by two players and left the court.


Everyone fell asleep, and the battle with Haichang was exhausted. Especially when Sendoh sat on the bench for five minutes, it can be said that he tried his best.

After Sendoh took a sip of water, he opened his system panel, but he didn't think about Kise. A player like Kise can quickly recover from the loss of defeat.

Kise, who is a Gemini, can be said to be more carefree by nature.

If you lose, come Tiantong!

"Hey, have the points increased to 5200? Save it! You can draw another orange skill! System, draw!" Sendoh said with a serious expression and excited eyes.

The next match between Ryonan and Kainan!

He is bound to take it!

Improving your strength is the most important thing right now.

After receiving Sendoh's instruction, the big turntable of the system immediately turned rapidly.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the orange ball skill - no solution mid-range shot!"

Unsolvable mid-range shot: NBA star Durant from the Dimensional World, in the case of no defense to block the shot, the hit rate of any mid-range shot is 100%.

Conditions of use: You need to prepare for the shooting action for 1 second, and there is no side effect on the arms and wrists, so you can use it with confidence.

"The unsolvable mid-range shot comes from Durant in NBA sneakers!" Sendoh took a deep breath and couldn't help becoming excited inside. He is now looking forward to the reward after completing the "Genius Road Mission 1".

After Sendoh changed his jersey and put on his gown, he saw his teammates throwing them in a deep sleep. I decided to go outside to take a breath, and I will have a meal with everyone outside later.

After all, the opponent in the next game is the Overlord of Kanagawa!


PS: Please support the monthly pass! B!.

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