Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

080 Amu's Strength (Second Watch Subscription)

"The speed of the two of them is so fast, no one in the backcourt can keep up!"

"As expected of the trump card of the two teams, it surpassed the teammate by a large margin, how many meters away!"

"Amu, stop him!" Riki Takato snorted coldly.

Taoka Moichi also said solemnly: "Sendoh, prove your own strength!"

The figure of two speed running on the court, one attacking and one defending, undoubtedly attracted the attention of everyone in the audience.

"What a headache, to be able to keep up!" While running, Sendoh dribbled the ball with his left hand and then turned around.

However, Shinichi Maki on the side is not a dry meal, and also has super jumping ability. After jumping up like a lion, he slapped the basketball "643" with his left hand.

At this moment, Nuoda's arena was quiet.

"What a domineering power!" Sendoh sighed in his heart, and continued to exert strength with his right arm!

"Ah drink!" Shinichi Maki yelled lightly, suddenly bursting out with stronger strength, and slammed the ball on the backboard.

"Well done, Amu!" Riki Takato applauded excitedly, and just gave Sendoh a big hot pot, which is really exciting!


The two landed at the same time, Sendoh grabbed the ball with his left hand, grabbed the ball first, and at the same time threw it to Uozumi who was flying from behind.

After Uozumi got the ball, he dunked the ball violently into the basket with both hands.

"Bang!" After Yuzhu let go of his hand, the backboard was shaking slightly. One can imagine how much force was used for this shot.


Sendoh and Shinichi Maki looked at each other for two seconds, and the sparks and lightning were constantly running around.

Neither of them started talking to each other, but expressed it through their hearts.

"Sendoh, I won't let you dunk in front of me!"

"This ball, I want to get it back with profit!"

Although they didn't open their mouths to speak, they could guess each other's inner thoughts, because they meant to fight each other.

Before Riki Takato was happy for three seconds, he saw Uozumi dunk the basket vigorously, and his forehead suddenly went black.

There is no school basketball club in Kanagawa that can lead them by 6 points at the start. Ryonan hastily blew a 60-second timeout.

"Kainan calls for a timeout!"

Taoka Moichi snorted softly: "Old guy, tall head, can't hold your breath?"

At this time, the audience was also discussing.

"Sendoh's pass is very good, but he is too tired to play! I have to block Shinichi Maki's offense again, and I have to serve the ball alone!"

"Damn it, that Shinichi Maki's power is so strong, it can block Sendoh. The ability is really not blocked!"

"Sendoh, come on!"

There are also some audiences who support Shinichi Maki and Kainan are cheering for Shinichi Maki and Kainan.

Kainan bench rest area.

Several team members sat on the bench drinking drinks and wiping their sweat. Ryonan's offense did give them a lot of pressure, and Sendoh's passing was a problem.

"Amu, everyone. Remember, there are too many players in Kanagawa who wanted to beat you, but they were all beaten by you. The players from Ryonan and Sendoh are very strong, and they are very strong challengers."

"But the desire to win, the strongest is the winner!"

"You should work hard!"

"Come on, aggressively attack, let Ryonan see the true level of the king Kainan!!"


A group of team members shouted in unison, and the momentum returned to its original state.

"A high head really boosts morale!" Taoka thought silently, and at the same time he opened his mouth to cheer up: "Maintain a certain level, Sendoh, I leave it to you! Kainan is about to start exerting strength, we must limit them!"

"Zone defense must be carried out to the end, greatly restricting Amu's offense!"


A group of people shouted in unison.

"Sendoh-kun, come on!" Yotsuba encouraged with a smile.

"Sendoh, come on, beat them!" Reporter Aida Yayoi also looked excited, looking at Sendoh with a calm expression, she always felt a sense of security.

as if.

As long as Sendoh is around, Ryonan will not lose!

Ryonan's spiritual pillar is by no means in vain.....

"Amu's strength is really strong and difficult to deal with. However, I want to get this ball back." Sendoh thought to himself, and at the same time opened his arms, calmly looking directly at Shinichi Maki who came to control the ball.

"Sendoh, Kainan is undefeated!"

Shinichi Maki tilted his body at forty-five degrees, took a step with his right foot, feinted twice, and cut to the left with a very low center of gravity.

Sendoh had expected that Amu would attack towards the left.

Because Amu is left-handed!

"Fast, full of power!"

Confronting Shinichi Maki and Kise are two different feelings. Kise is flexible, but Shinichi Maki is very domineering. If you block forcibly, you will get a defensive foul.

And what Shinichi Maki does best is drawing fouls.

Using the advantages of body, skills, and strength, it is indeed much stronger for short people to break through. He pressed the shoulder of his right hand sideways to Sendoh's body, and the explosive waist strength was immediately reflected, and his feet were forced to bury the three-point line, and a back dribble came to the right hand.

"Not only his speed, but also his strength!" Sendoh didn't hesitate at all. Seeing that Shinichi Maki wanted to rush to the basket, he followed sideways and raised his right arm, constantly blocking the route.

"Don't underestimate our Kainan at 5.3!" Takasago Kazuma gave up fighting Uozumi, making room for Shinichi Maki to interfere with Sendoh.


Uozumi's temper character is unyielding.

Although the mentality is not very good, but the temper is strong. Seeing that Shinichi Maki has come to his territory, he gave a light drink and raised his hands to defend the past.

"Sendoh, don't confront him head-on, he will make fouls!" Taoka couldn't help becoming nervous when he saw Amu start to hit hard.

"Amu! This goal must be scored!" Riki Takato waved his fists and looked at the court expectantly.

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