Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

092 Still Have To Rely On Amu (Third Watch)

"If I remember correctly, this guy Miyawasu is good at the three-point line. It's really nerve-wracking"

When he was about to play, Sendoh immediately discussed with coach Taoka about a temporary substitution and replaced Uekusa. Guan Ping, the tallest substitute player in the team, was replaced.

Although Guan Ping is a substitute, he is a key figure to be cultivated. Although he has nothing to do, he is a bit similar to the former Yuzhu. As long as he goes through devilish training, he will definitely become an insider monster.

At the beginning of the qualifiers, Sendoh approached coach Taoka and asked him to train excellent substitutes.

Hikoichi is a guy who likes to be a commentator. And the position of excellent substitute naturally falls on Guan Ping. It can be said that the current Guan Ping is much stronger than the original one.

It might be nice to have him guarding shorty Miyawasu.

"Does Coach Taoka know about Miyawasu, so he made a temporary substitution? Impossible! Miyawasu has always been a substitute, and this year's Kanagawa competition has not yet started!"

Riki Takato was shocked by Taoka's temporary substitution, but Taoka probably didn't know about Miyawasu's ability.

"Guan Ping, don't underestimate him! This guy hides very deeply and is a strong substitute for Kainan. Just keep him dead..."

Listening to Sendoh's words, Guan Ping clenched his fists, his eyes radiated a firm light.

"Hello, that short winter melon?"

"Did you change someone?"

"But what player did Kainan change to? He's 1.6 meters tall, and his eyes..."


Many Ryonan fans began to mock and laugh. With such a substitute, they still want to beat the strongest player in their mind, Ryonan, are you kidding me?

On the court, Shinichi Maki obeyed coach Takato and passed the ball to Miyawasu.

After Miyawasu took the ball, he was immediately intercepted by Guan Ping.

But Miyawasu's height is too short, or he is too eager to express himself. Facing Guan Ping, who is nearly two meters tall, he wanted to jump up and shoot the basket.

Guan Ping jumped up high, his arms tall.

"It's so high!" Seeing that his shot was blocked, Guan Ping immediately threw the ball high.

"The pass is too high!"

Takasago was caught by the fish to prevent death, and Ah Shen was stared to death by Ikegami. Only runners Kiyota Nobunaga and Shinichi Maki were open to receive the ball, but Shinichi Maki was watched by Sendoh and had to pass to Kiyota

Kiyota Nobunaga wanted to jump up to get the ball, but there was a sound of wind in his ears.

Sendoh flicked his right arm, waved his big hand, and slammed the ball to his chest.

"Sendoh?" Kiyota Nobunaga was a little dazed, trembling inwardly.

Why is my ball always being robbed by Sendoh?

In the future, he wants to be the NO.1 player in Kanagawa.

"Very good, a goal!" Sendoh raised his index finger and pointed to Kainan's basket.

Shinichi Maki immediately shouted twice, "Back to defense! Back to defense!"

"Miyawasu, pass the ball to the ground as much as possible, or pass it straight!" Ah Shen urged.

"Got it!" Miyawasu nodded.

Riki Takato frowned, what's the matter?

You must know that in this kind of rushing moment, not a single ball can be missed!

What is Miyawasu doing? Can't even pass the ball?!

What he didn't know was that although Guan Ping's basket skills were immature, his consciousness was cultivated by Taoka.

A pipe that is close to two meters tall bounces up in front of Miyawasu, raising his arms.

Miyawasu, who is 1.6 meters tall, has basically blocked his field of vision and can't see anything.

Miyawasu can only pass the ball from the corner of his eye. It is quite technical to pass the ball accurately, which is very good.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Sendoh's eyes scanned the audience, he shook his shoulders, and broke through Amu almost instantly. on the ground.


When the basketball bounced, it bounced right into Yuzumi's hand.

"Ah, drink!" Uozumi yelled.

He was already suffocating a burst of anger, but after resting for more than ten minutes without playing, he was full of energy, and his physical fitness had returned to its peak state.

Ryonan's No. 4 captain jumped up like a cranky ape and slammed the ball into the hoop with both hands.

"Sendoh, what a great pass!" Hikoichi exclaimed excitedly.

Aida Yayoi nodded, "It's really wonderful, I didn't even see how the ball was passed. But after Captain Uozumi came on the field, Ryonan's momentum was different.

She wants to witness with her own eyes that Ryonan overthrows the overlord Kainan!

Honestly, the players off the court didn't see the Sendoh pass. Even Uozumi doesn't know how he catches the ball, isn't Sendoh playing singles?

After Yuzhu-senpai returns, our inside advantage is back!" Clover happily waved her small powder fist, and had already prepared towels, ice cubes, and sports drinks for Sendoh.

"Damn it, is it really possible for fish to live?" In order to win, Shinichi Maki's eyes became serious.

Riki Takato's eyes were also shining, and he calmly analyzed: "Yuzu must end! Otherwise, it will be too bad for Kainan's offense.

Kainan currently wants to rely on outsiders Ah Shen and Guan Yi to score from the outside.

But if Yuzhu is on the court, once their outside shooting misses, the rebound will be grabbed by Yuzhu. In that case, the situation will become worse.

"Amu should also understand this truth!"

Shinichi Maki stood outside the three-point line and dribbled to break through. He turned sideways and evened up with Sendoh in an instant.

"It looks like I have to start fighting the Quanli Clan!"

(Zhao) "Bang! Bang!" Shinichi Maki dribbled the ball from his crotch to his right with his left hand, turned left and passed the ball to Kiyota.

After Kiyota took the ball, seeing Shinichi Maki running towards the basket, he swung his hands and hit the ball on the ground.

A clever ground pass came to Amu's hands.

After Shinichi Maki took the ball, he controlled the ball with his left hand and crossed into the penalty area with great speed.

At this time, something that surprised everyone happened.

Seeing Amu rushing, Uozumi ran out from the basket and gave up defending Amu.

"Hey! Yuzhu, are you afraid?" Akagi Takenori's face was black, this idiot ran away? Isn't it too embarrassing?

PS: I went to play in the mountains yesterday, and I woke up this morning feeling weak, as if I had a stroke. It was fine in the morning, but in the afternoon my throat became inflamed and uncomfortable. The explosion is even out of state, and the update will be stable. .

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