Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

094 Sendoh Vs Shinichi Maki, Crazy! (Two More)

"Amu has been breached!"

"Breakthrough by Sendoh in an instant..."

"I don't know how Sendoh broke through!"

"Among masters, a slight movement is enough to affect the opponent's footsteps, mentality, and mental thoughts!"

It has to be said that Amu's heart is very uncomfortable. He kept roaring in his heart and asked himself, can it be defended? Yes! Can it be defended? Yes-!

But in the end it was broken by Sendoh, and he couldn't help but stay where he was!

"Damn it, let me, a super rookie, deal with the genius Sendoh!"

At the critical moment, Kiyota Nobunaga took the initiative to let go and continued to defend Fukuda, but came to Sendoh with a big stride, and took advantage of the moment Sendoh's right foot moved, and quickly extended his right hand.

"If you are not 100% sure about taking out the ball, it will reduce your defense!"

In an instant, the basketball was carried from the crotch to the left hand by Sendoh.

"The left-handed dribble is so proficient, is Sendoh right-handed or left-handed!" Riki Takato's eyes sank, "He doesn't believe that a person can practice so well with both left and right hands.

"Damn it, I'm really not sure!"

When Kiyota stretched out his hand, his body leaned forward to the left, and the moment his center of gravity changed, Sendoh had already broken through.

"The wild monkey has been breached! Hahaha..."

No need to guess, Kiyota also knows who is mocking.

Because the atmosphere on the court is very serious, the arena is also very quiet. Such a loud mocking sound was directly heard by Kiyota Nobunaga.

Kiyota Nobunaga yelled angrily, and said loudly: "You red-haired wild monkey, I, Kiyota Nobunaga, will definitely prove myself!"

"Hahaha!" Sakuragi Hanamichi sneered mercilessly.

There was a change on the court, and Shinichi Maki had already reacted from the shock of being broken. He can't stop Sendoh from driving, but he definitely has to stop Sendoh from scoring

"Amu, come and stop me!"

Listening to Sendoh's confident words, Shinichi Maki's inner anger suddenly came up.

Sendoh took one step over the free-throw line and was already in the air, gliding toward the hoop like a bullet out of a barrel.

This kind of gliding slam dunk, not only the power on the right arm can be fully exploded, but also the strength of the waist and abdomen, and the strength of the whole body can be used. It is the most difficult type of slam dunk to be blocked.

Unless the opponent's physical strength, physical ability is extremely strong.

For example, Atsushi Murasakihara and Mori Shigehiro are big perverted beasts!

"Here it goes again, four-lane gliding dunk!"

"It's really cool, look at his figure, like an eagle soaring..."

"That's right, but it's more like a bow fully stretched, full of beauty! Just looking at it makes people feel incredible!"

"This ball, A Mu is absolutely unstoppable."

Nakano Yotsuba and Aida Yayoi also had their hearts beating faster, their faces blushing and they kept taking pictures.

This figure is too handsome, right?

Sendoh's muscles are the most aesthetically pleasing, much better looking than Amu's hard muscles. And the complexion is fair, when the whole body is opened, the moment when the muscles are slightly exerted, it shows the beauty of strength!

Many spectators are looking forward to this ball.

Glide Dunk!

"So tall!"

"No matter how tall or not, I, Shinichi Maki, will stop him!"

Shinichi Maki gritted his teeth, and immediately jumped up with all his strength, all the muscles in his body tensed in an instant, and his right wrist was already higher than the basket, reaching the limit of bouncing.

"Amu, last year you could stop me, but this year, you can't stop me!"

The combination of Sendoh's posture and his words, he has always been casual like a master outside the world, can't help but feel another Sendoh, and he has become domineering.

In his pitch-black eyes, he ignored A Mu who was defending and wanted to block the shot. There was nothing else in his eyes, only the red basket!

Sendoh's body leaned back slightly, as if what he was holding in his right hand was not a basketball, but a sharp tomahawk, and he slashed down heavily like a tomahawk.

Gliding split button!

……ask for flowers…


Hard bang hard!

There was a muffled grunt, and the two figures collided in the air, even though Shinichi Maki had stronger physical strength than Sendoh.

But he couldn't exert too much force in the vertical jump, but Sendoh fully exerted his whole body strength, pressing the right hand on Shinichi Maki's left hand, and pouring the ball into the basket hard.

In an instant, Sendoh's eyes also became sharp, and a stern smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


There was a violent trembling sound from the basket. I don't know if it was caused by too much force, and the basket bent down.

At the same time, Sendoh felt a pain in his chest, which he knew was the result of colliding with Shinichi Maki.


Because Shinichi Maki has stronger body muscles than him, but instead of losing his center of gravity, he grabbed the rim with his right hand.

Even though Shinichi Maki was very strong physically, he was directly knocked into the air.

Because he wanted to forcefully stop Sendoh, he fell back on the floor directly, and his body slipped with inertia and his back leaned against the basket.

Sendoh lowered his head and looked at Shinichi Maki below. After three seconds, under the dull eyes of everyone in the audience, he let go of his hand and lightly landed on the floor. He said coldly: "The end of Kainan!"

Sweat flowed down Shinichi Maki's cheeks, the already old face became much older. And the calm and wise eyes are no longer, they are full of confusion and fear!

"Kainan's end is here," Riki Takato lost his composure, opened his eyes wide, and looked at the court as if he had seen a ghost.

Not only Kainan's players, but even Ryonan's players, including Yuzhu, were stunned.

That forced a slam dunk and knocked away Shinichi Maki, already very strong. Coupled with this sentence, Sendoh's aura became stronger.

In the second sentence, he dominates the field like an emperor!

Dominate the emotions of tens of thousands of people!

Control the fate of victory and defeat!

Dominate it all!.

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