Early in the morning, Ryunosuke carried his backpack and rushed towards Kaijo High School in a burst of bicycles.

Inside the arena, everyone has already gathered.

Ryunosuke quickly ran into the team and beckoned, “Sorry everyone, I’m late again!” ”

“Not late, just right!” Takeuchi looked at his watch, “Today is very punctual, you came a minute early, worthy of praise.” ”

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Takeuchi said this with a black face.

“Our first match was last year’s Kanagawa Final Four!”

“Final Four~!” The corners of Ryunosuke’s mouth opened slightly, and he said in amazement: “Won’t it? The first battle is the top four, Hainan, or Lingnan, or Xiangyang! ”

Kasamatsu shook his head and said, “Neither!” ”

“It’s Buri High School.”

“The real strength of Buri’s team is very strong, although Kanagawa’s monthly basketball magazine reports that they have a certain amount of moisture to reach the final four.”

Takeuchi said in a stern tone, “But according to my observation of their matches last year, the team cooperation is very good. ”

“However, we have two trump cards, only send Ryunosuke or Huangse, and the other trump card does not need to play!”

Ryunosuke was speechless.

Coach Takeuchi is good at everything, but a little arrogant.

As a former national hand, he looks down on the weak brigade.

“Buri’s final four last year, we must beat them fiercely, let them see our strength, we want to be a dark horse, and win the first place in Zone D!”




Kanagawa Gymnasium.

Although the stadium is not as good as the Tokyo Stadium, it is even very old, but it is still very lively.

The participating teams, supporters of various teams, and the families of many players chose to come and watch the game.

The stadium is divided into two divisions: Courts 1 and 2.

Court 1 is the venue for matches in Zones A and B.

Course 2 is the venue for the matches in Zones C and D.

On the side of the second court, a short-haired woman in a suit and formal suit, with a very professional elite demeanor, a pair of godly eyes, scanning the team back and forth.

“Hikoichi, here!” Yayoi Aida opened his mouth and smiled.

As a reporter for the Kanagawa Sports League, he arrived at the stadium early to watch the match between Buri and Kaisejo.

After all, Kaito’s lineup is not Ryota Huangse, who had one of the “Miracle Times” last year.

The era of miracles, known as the most talented player in recent years, naturally attracts the attention of many people.

“Sister, I heard that the contestants of the “Age of Miracles” are all very powerful, and they can be compared to the senior of the Immortal Dao, is this true? ”

“That’s right, but the strength and talent of Immortal Dao should not be underestimated!”

As a fan of Sendo, even though Yayoi Aida Jue’s “Age of Miracles” is highly talented and strong, he still feels that Sendo is the No.1 in his mind!

“The yellow-haired one?”

“That’s right!”

The two looked at each other seriously, in large quantities.

“Senior Amu~, isn’t it Hai Chang’s competition? What’s so beautiful, the “Age of Miracles”, in my eyes, is far worse than yours! ”

At the same time, two Mu Shenyi, wearing the uniform of Hainan University, “one old, one young”, and Kiyota Nobunaga walked into the arena.

Kiyota also cursed with disdain, despising the Age of Miracles.

Hainan Daiju, as last year’s Kanagawa No.1, champion winner!

Their first round of knockout was bye.

Nevertheless, Mu Shenyi had to bring him to watch the “Age of Miracles” game.


Mu Shenyi punched Qingtian’s head with a black face, and said in a deep voice: “How many times have you said it, don’t underestimate any opponent, you know?” ”

“Got it~!”

Kiyota replied aggrievedly.

HaiChang dressing room.

The group changed their jerseys!

Everyone is energetic for the upcoming tournament, with Buri being last year’s semi-finalist.

Although Takeuchi looked down on the other party a little, Kasamasu, Hayakawa and the others did not dare to be careless.

“Ryunosuke, you will also play in the first game, and cooperate under the formal training, after all, the official match is different from the training match, and considering that you have too little experience in the game…”

Takeuchi, who held his chin in deep thought, thought before and after, or decided to let Ryunosuke play.

Ryunosuke’s eyes were stunned, and he laughed softly: “Don’t worry, I won’t steal the limelight from Huangse.” ”

Huangse’s eyes widened: “…..”

“However, Ryunosuke, you are not only our Haichang’s dark horse, but also the dark horse of this prefectural competition, don’t be too sharp!”

Kasamatsu instructed seriously.

Ryunosuke nodded: “OK, I know how to do it!” ”

Haichang’s team is very cooperative.

However, since Huangse and Ryunosuke joined the team.

The rhythm of the game began to take the ace as the core, and launch the attack and defense.

“For Ryunosuke’s point guard skills, coach, let Ryunosuke play point guard in this game!”

“Playing point guard~? No problem! ”

Ryunosuke readily agreed.

Takeuchi nodded and said seriously: “Kasamatsu’s suggestion, very good, can avoid letting the opponent discover your accurate three-point shooting percentage, retain the edge, and also hone your skills!” ”

“It’s almost time to warm up, the first game, everyone is full of firepower, except for Ryunosuke!”

Ryunosuke: “…..”

The group stepped into the court through the players’ tunnel.

“Wow, it’s really exciting, the other party looks strong!”

Hayakawa stretched out his hand, slapped himself twice, and rushed to the court, starting an exciting pre-match warm-up.

Buri’s players with ace Imamura as the core have begun to warm up!

“Haichang may be the dark horse of this year’s prefectural competition, Yanichi, pay attention to it.” Yayoi Aida instructed.

Hiko nodded, “I see! ”

As the basketball manager of Lingnan, he still has this awareness.


PS: Let’s take a look at today’s flowers and tickets, are there still them? Yes, vote for the brother, the reward is not forced, quality assurance, update and stability four changes, the plot will be more and more exciting~!

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