Seeing Kuroko’s performance, even the teaching assistant was a little stunned on the side.

He’s seen some untalented kids love basketball, but he’s never seen it!

Some people love basketball and have a talent for it.

Some people don’t have this talent, and they like basketball and can play it well.

Like Kuroko, he likes basketball, but in this regard, he is like a beginner, dribbling is poor, shooting is not good, and passing is soft.

I have to say that before developing their own abilities, whoever sees Kuroko will probably have to give up!

Since he likes basketball, let’s put it in the three armies and let it go!

The teaching assistant has already made arrangements for Kuroko.

“It’s okay if you make a mistake, just call back!”

Gu Changfeng shouted, causing everyone to come to their senses.

Kuroko’s expression was a little low, and Gu Changfeng walked over and patted his head and smiled

“It’s okay, it’s just that those NBA celebrities will make mistakes, don’t take it to heart, come on!” If you’re not very good at dribbling, you can pass the ball! ”


Kuroko looked up.

Gu Changfeng nodded, and then said seriously

“yes! Passing, basketball is not only a scorer, assists are also an extremely important part, if you can pass a good ball, the team’s scoring efficiency will be greatly improved! ”

Gu Changfeng only nodded, and did not elaborate.

Kuroko listened very seriously, carefully thought about his feasibility, and then gathered his spirit to face the next attack.

Gu Changfeng stood inside the three-point line and looked at the opponents coming towards this side, while the other teammates stood lazily one by one.

“It doesn’t matter, we can’t show anything with him.”

“yes! He can do it alone, we don’t work hard or not! ”

“Who can see that in the face of such a genius, we don’t have the slightest light to speak of.”

Although the three of them were whispering, Gu Changfeng still heard it.

Turning his head to look, he saw that the three of them were all in a messy look.

This is similar to the other teammates of Miracle before, Miracle is the focus of the whole audience as soon as he comes on the field, and everyone else is just a tool for them to shine themselves.

In contrast, Kuroko is a little more passionate than they are.

The opponent just began to attack, and Gu Changfeng simply said it out loud.

“Let’s face your opponents with your spirits! At this time, any complaints are useless! There are people on this court who will eventually be the protagonist, and you think why can’t this protagonist be you? Did you try? Did you burn yourselves? If you do all this, everyone will become their own protagonist! ”

Hearing Gu Changfeng’s words, his teammates looked up one by one.

“Since everyone came to this stadium for the same goal, did not sweat and did not burn themselves, will you not regret the poor result in the end!”

“Since you are here, since you have a dream, let’s burn yourself to your heart’s content! Let youth leave no regrets! ”

When Gu Changfeng finished speaking, he found that his teammates all seemed to have beaten chicken blood, and his fighting spirit came up in an instant!

Seeing this result, Gu Changfeng smiled gratifyingly.

In fact, even if he does nothing, he can still achieve the final victory on his own.

But that’s not interesting.

What is the meaning of a dead basketball court, basketball wants a passion.

Play basketball with a group of passionate people to bring basketball to life.

Needless to say, a group of newcomers crazy defense, crazy attack.

Although there are not many participants, but the attitude is there!

Even if the dish, the brave of the dish, dare to fight and grab!

Shirogane Genzo watched the situation on the field in the corner and laughed.

“What a funny little guy…”

The final result is self-evident, Gu Changfeng led the team to victory.

Although the teammates did not touch the ball much, they gasped one by one and left the court with an excited face.

Touching the ball is at least Kuroko, and he is also very happy, he has not played a game like this in a long time!

Running, defending, blocking, etc. all give them a sense of participation, and the final result naturally has their share of efforts in it.

After the final combat assessment, the teaching assistant began to announce the final results.

“Well, everyone’s results have come out, I believe you also know that no matter where there are different treatment, good results enter a better team, receive stronger training, poor results are naturally to enter the general team, you need to work harder!”

“Next, I announce that I am on the list of the three armies!”

Hearing that the teaching assistant began to announce the roster, the trainees standing below became nervous.

“I hope to enter the second army!” Only by entering the Second Army can there be hope to go further! ”

“I heard that it is difficult to enter the second army when you first enter the department, and you usually enter the third army.”

“Can’t you enter the First Army? I heard that only by entering the First Army can you become a regular candidate and represent the school in various competitions! ”

“Hey! You don’t know anything about Diguang! In the history of Diguang, no one can join the First Army just after entering school! ”

“That is, I heard that the captain who is currently being selected, the top power forward in the country, Hongcun senior, only entered the first army in the second half of the year!”

The students below quietly discussed one by one, and the teaching assistant in front of them constantly read out the list of students.

“Matsumoto Tsurugaoka!”

“Tetsuya Kuroko!”

“Okay, the list of the three armies is announced, go to the team over there to assemble, and bring it back later!”

Gu Changfeng heard Kuroko’s name, and sure enough, he entered the three armies.

Kuroko was unwilling for a moment after hearing his name, and then he was relieved.

In terms of his performance, he is indeed at the bottom of this group!

“Still can’t! Three armies are three armies, as long as you can play basketball, but it is a little difficult to complete that agreement. ”

Kuroko thought and walked to the team of the assistant teacher.

The assistant teacher continued: “Okay, let’s announce the list of the second army!” ”

The people who had not been named before were all excited, which showed that the rest of the people had entered the Second Army!

“Yay! It worked! ”

“I finally joined the second army, this is the second army of Diguang!”

“Hahaha, the signed sneakers that the old man promised can’t run away now!”

“Come on! This is the first step, the next goal, enter the first army, and then become the main choice! ”

The teaching assistant and other official members looked at the excited looks of the students below and smiled, and did not stop it.

Entering the Second Army of Emperor Light is a happy thing, isn’t it!

Diguang, a basketball giant, entering the second army shows that he has this talent!

Soon, the teaching assistant read out the list of the second army.

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