“Ah Da?” Looking at Aomomine Daiki on the field, Momoi May under the field couldn’t help but put his hand on his chest, even if he knew the strength of the person in front of him, he didn’t have any worries in the face of the sincere team cultivated by the stone god.

Daiki Aomine on the court did not put the two players he was completely defending in his eyes, looking at the basket in front of him, the corners of his mouth slightly hooked, facing Mitobe Rin Nosuke in front of him, but a sideways turn easily let the person in front of him dodge directly.

What made the audience in front of the audience even more puzzled was that the person in front of him did not mean to drop the ball in his hand at all, seeing that the person in front of him was going to go directly out of bounds, and everyone focused their eyes on the person in front of them.

Looking at the calmness on the face of Aomomine Daiki in front of him, Reiko Aita under the field was already dumbfounded, but the stone god just gently rubbed his chin with his fingers, and the eyes of the person in front of him were even more thoughtful.

What made him not disappointed was that the person in front of him threw the ball in his hand directly in the direction behind him without even raising his head at the moment of appearance, looking at the ball that almost passed by him, the stunned look on Vulcan’s face completely showed his mood.

Looking at the people on the field, except for the stone god under the field, almost everyone can’t believe everything in front of them, the fire god big me on the field can’t help but clench his teeth, the strength shown by the people in front of him is naturally impossible to catch up, but the unwillingness in his heart still has no way to completely let go.

Reiko Aida under the competition field in front of her naturally looked completely in her eyes, her brows had already frowned, and the eyes of the stone god next to her were even more tentative.

“Need to shout a pause?” Riko Aida directly turned to look at the person next to him, but the stone god did not seem to take the words of the person in front of him to heart, his gaze finally stayed on Kuroko’s body, and he only shook his head in response to Riko Aida’s gaze.

“If this is to show weakness, it can only mean that a team like Makoto Rin itself is not qualified to stand in the ranks.”

Ishigami’s words were like ice cubes, Reiko Aida immediately closed her mouth, the game on the field continued, and the gap of only two points that was pulled back in an instant made the sincere players anxious.

The momentum of the Tonghuang in front of him was abnormally high, and he did not pay attention to the excitement of Wakamatsu Kosuke and others beside him, Qingfeng Daiki directly sent his eyes in the direction of the stone god under the field, of course, he understood that if the person in front of him did not play, he could only explain that everything about himself was just a small fight in his eyes.

Thinking of this, Qingfeng Daiki changed his face almost instantly, and the stone god under his emotional field naturally looked completely in his eyes, and Kuroko Tetsuya on the field naturally looked at Qingfeng Daiki for a moment’s loss of concentration, no longer paying attention to what kind of temper the Vulcan Daiki around him had, he directly turned to look in the direction of Hinata Shunhei.

“Let’s let me fight with Vulcan-kun, this is the effective way to score points until the coach is not on the field.”

Compared to the repeated willfulness of the Vulcan Daigo, the method of the person in front of him was obviously practical, Hinata Shunpei’s brows frowned slightly, in order to deal with a monster like Daiki Aomine, he could only temporarily put all the pressure on the person in front of him.

“So now, it’s up to me to serve.” When the words fell, Kuroko walked directly towards the direction of the referee outside the field, and took a deep breath the moment he received the ball, and the next second he directly pushed the ball out of his hand without any hesitation.

The audience naturally focused all their attention on the person in front of them, wanting to know what this weak-looking person wanted to do, and the next second, everyone was stunned in place.

No one could imagine that this beam of light was actually emitted from Kuroko’s hand, rolling with huge power, with the speed of the wind, and the wrapped wind blade was surging towards the opposite basket.

“That guy, this straight trajectory also wants a long pass?”

“It should be speed, the speed is too fast, so that no one will react at all.”

“It’s hard to imagine, how can there be any monster on the court?”

There was continuous discussion in the field, and the ball that passed by him made Qingfeng Daiki instantly frown his brows, and glanced at the person in front of him with deep meaning, and Qingfeng Daiki turned directly without any hesitation.

And the gaze involved the moment when the Vulcan, who had already been waiting there under the basket and directly received the ball at this time with a hard dunk, the anger in his eyes was even more visible everywhere.


The basket in front of him is still trembling, looking at the person who landed steadily, the faces of the audience under the court are naturally full of stunned, and the players of Tonghuang are even more stunned, and the team in front of them can really score from Qingfeng Daiki’s hands!

Imayoshi Shoichi couldn’t help but turn to look at Kuroko in front of him, and the meaning of exploration in his eyes became even stronger, “That person, was he really on the field before?” ”

Hearing his captain’s voice, the players of the Tonghuang on the field only paid attention to the point, and everyone couldn’t help but look at each other, and Suzuo Yoshinori on the side stood up directly without any hesitation, “Then it’s up to me to defend him next!” ”

The ball on the field belonged to Makoto, and Shoichi Imayoshi still didn’t have any hesitation to throw the ball in his hand directly in the direction of Aomine Daiki, even if Hinata Shunpei on the side wanted to intercept halfway, but the oppression displayed by the person in front of him was almost unbearable.

The surrounding air seemed to be solidified, just looking at Aomine Daikei, Hinata Shunping’s spiritual power had been greatly consumed, without any unnecessary movements, Aomine Daiki just took a step directly from Hinata Shunpei’s side.

Looking at the person who was constantly panting in place, Kosuke Wakamatsu on the side snorted coldly from his nose and focused his gaze on Aomomine Daiki on the field again.

Looking at the person holding the ball in front of him, the audience in the field had already boiled, and the Vulcan Dai on the side stepped forward without any hesitation.

The man under the basket is like a wall, and the faint unwillingness in his eyes is that Daiki Aomomine feels inexplicably excited, without any hesitation, the moment he stepped on the free throw line, Daiki Aomomine has jumped directly than everyone expected.

Looking at the person in front of him, the Vulcan Big My brows furrowed almost instantly, and the next second he jumped directly without any hesitation, looking at the two people who took off at the same time, the audience in the audience even widened their eyes to look at Qingfeng Daiki in front of them, for fear of missing any wonderful.

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