For a while, the eyes of the audience under the field could not help but focus on the Vulcan Daime in front of him, and the original Zekerd under the field was even more excited to stand up directly, according to the ability of Aomomine Daiki, even if it was Kuroko’s pass, it was also too late to intercept at this time.

But the people on the court have already taken the initiative to give up such an opportunity, and Tonghuang can naturally only watch the Vulcan big me in front of him directly score a dunk.

Seeing that the coach next to him had already clenched his teeth, Momoi May couldn’t help but purse his lips slightly, and the referee on the side had already blown the whistle in his hand, and the first half of the game was finally over here.

Seeing that even Daiki Qingfeng did not have a point difference that could be recovered, and the discussion of the audience under the field continued to pour into the ears of all the players of Tonghuang, Hara Zekerd’s face had obvious anger.

“Haven’t you done your best yet?”

Listening to Tonghuang’s coach’s questioning, Qingfeng Daiki only slightly hooked the corners of his mouth, turned his head to look at the sincere player in front of him, and his gaze was full of meaning, “The real game is still to come!” ”

At the sincere rest table, everyone looked at the stone god and did not dare to speak, and Riko Aida on the side held the information sheet in her hand, looking at the person in front of her nervously.

“Kuroko can get off, in the second half, Izuki Jun plays as a striker.”

Shi Shen stretched his waist lazily, but the murderous aura in his eyes did not hide anything, “Since Qingfeng is so anxious to let me play, I really can’t sit still!” ”

Thinking that the coach was about to play, Cheng Rin’s morale instantly became high, and he couldn’t sit still during the short break, listening to the referee on the field directly blow the whistle in his hand, and the sincere player who had been sitting stood up without hesitation.

“Let’s show Tonghuang our true strength!”

The second half of the game finally began, and Makoto Rin had already gained the upper hand at the beginning of the jumping ball, watching the Vulcan Dai I directly move the racket in the direction of the stone god on the side, and the audience in the field almost focused all their attention on the field, for fear of missing any highlights.

Reiko Aida and the others under the field looked at the person in front of them expectantly, only Kuroko Tetsuya on the side looked nervously at Aomi Daiki in front of him, and the pride of the person in front of him may be shattered in the next moment.

The stone god on the court was holding the ball while approaching the direction of the basket in front of him, Shoichi Imayoshi’s brows furrowed tightly, and the powerful aura released by the person in front of him made him dare not step forward directly for a while.

“It’s all a bunch of useless bugs.” The look in the eyes of the stone god on the field was an invisible provocation for Daiki Aomine on the side, and there was no hesitation that he had already directly crossed in front of the stone god before Shoichi Imanyoshi stepped forward.

“Stone God, it’s finally waiting for you.” Looking at the corners of Qingfeng Daiki’s mouth and the expectation in his eyes, Shi Shen just smiled contemptuously, and the movements on his hands were not slow.

Bang, bang, bang, looking at the ball that kept falling from the person in front of him, Qingfeng Daihui’s pupils gradually converged, and his eyes were even more sharp, and the sound of breathing like a beast sounded in the ears of the stone god.

“Look!” As soon as Shi Shen’s voice fell, he suddenly retreated, and the speed of the person in front of him made Qingfeng Daiki stunned, and the next moment, the subconscious reaction of his body made him rush forward without any hesitation.

“You are kind enough to let me play with such steps?”

The contempt of the stone god instantly ignited Qingfeng Daiki’s fighting spirit, but the speed of the stone god was indeed difficult to catch up, and coupled with the action that had slowed down by a beat, it was almost impossible to immediately intercept the stone god’s attack.

Although he was prepared in his heart, seeing that the person in front of him was running directly past him after another sudden dash, Qingfeng Daiki’s eyes widened instantly.

The audience under the field completely focused their attention on the field, the wonderful confrontation between the stone god and Qingfeng Daiki in front of them was naturally not expected by everyone, watching Qingfeng Dahui almost instantly turn around and did not dare to have any delay directly towards the back of the stone god, everyone was looking forward to the next result.

Looking at the basket that was close at hand, the corners of Shi Shen’s mouth hooked slightly, and the next second he directly rushed towards the basket in front of him, “The first ball!” ”

The figure in front of him was a stimulus for Qingfeng Daiki in itself, and he also subconsciously jumped directly towards the back of the stone god, and for a while everyone’s eyes were focused on the two people in front of him.

The Qingfeng Daiki in front of him has already clenched his teeth, and there is still no way to face the dunk of the stone god, and the person with both speed and strength in front of him has no way to free himself at all.


Listening to the sound of the basketball landing after entering the net in front of him, the sincere players under the court had already cheered, looking at the figure of Daiki Aomomine in front of him, the face of Hara Zekerd under the court had already changed.

“Who the hell is that person?” Looking at the person in front of him who was once again in front of Qingfeng Daiki, Hara Zekerd’s brows couldn’t help but tighten.

In fact, who is the person in front of him, how can he not know that what he cannot accept is that such a person has left the era of miracles far behind.

The game on the field is still Cheng Rin has the upper hand, and the Qingfeng Daiki in front of him seems to be completely useless, and the audience below can’t help but sigh.

“Is that all?” The stone god was still constantly provoking, looking at the eyebrows in front of him, the blood in Qingfeng Daihui’s body had already boiled, but it was not easy to shake off his defense.

With a snap, watching the ball in his hand be directly cut off by the person in front of him again, the stunned face on Qingfeng Daiki and the unwillingness to be on the court Momoi May seemed to be particularly worried.

“Tonghuang is already six points behind!”

The rhythm of the attack on the court was completely in the hands of Cheng Rin, and the discussion of the audience under the field could only make the hearts of Tonghuang’s players more and more flustered.

Looking at the person in front of him is another mid-range shot, Hara Zekerd under the field has long been unable to sit still, standing up and looking at the referee’s eyes are even more serious, looking at such a posture, Momoi May naturally understands that this is the meaning of calling a timeout.

It’s just that at this time, calling a pause still has no extra effect on Tonghuang, the disparity in strength between the two teams has decided everything, thinking of this, Momoi May bit his lips tightly, and the eyes of the stone god in front of him were extremely complicated.


Seeing another dunk, the audience in the field had already screamed, since Shi Shen came on the court, the continuous scoring of the sincere team in front of him forced Tonghuang into a desperate situation.

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