“Shunping, what are you doing? Pass the ball! ”

Shinji Koganai was obviously a little anxious, but in fact, the people in the first team were a little anxious after Ishigami scored consecutive points.

After all, this is just the beginning, not even a minute.

Hinata Shunpei couldn’t say it bitterly, and when he was advancing with the ball again, he saw the stone god on the defensive end from a distance, and he already had some apprehension in his heart.

He felt as if there was a giant standing in front of him, exuding an aura that made him tremble a little.

Instructor…… Too strong!

Just standing up, he felt a trace of pressure, and even faintly sweated on his forehead.

What kind of deterrent is this?

“How to fight? How exactly to fight? ”

Hinata Shunpei who had just pushed the ball through the half, without the slightest plan in his heart, subconsciously passed the ball out.

He was scared!

He didn’t dare to break through at all, he felt that if he rushed out, he might be cut off by the stone god.

“Psychological endurance is really poor!”

Seeing Hinata Shunpei’s actions, the stone god couldn’t help but shake his head silently, because the distance was far away and did not reach the successful distance of making a steal, so the stone god did not make a move.


In the end, Shunpei Hinata still passed it on.

This sudden pass obviously caught Shinji Koganai a little off guard, but he reacted extremely quickly, just a little stunned for half a second before immediately jumping out.



The hasty shot was accompanied by good luck, and the basketball bounced inside and out three times on the basket before falling vertically into the net.

5-2, the first team finally ushered in the opening of their scoreline.

However, this goal did not bring any joy to the members of the first team, who knew that this goal was just Shinji Koganei’s luck.

What’s more, now it’s the offensive moment of the second team, no, the offensive moment of the coach!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

It was still Shi Shen who advanced with the ball, and the first team members who had lost the ball twice before seemed to be nervous about Shi Shen’s breakthrough ability, so that they no longer pulled away the defense like before.

Instead, five people are densely packed within the three-point line, each of them does not care about the player opposite him, and only the stone god who enters his own half with the ball in his eyes.

“How could I not see that these guys had such a low basketball IQ before?”

Shi Shen felt very strange, he looked at the five people who were like a great enemy, and he really didn’t understand why they thought they had to break through?

Even Hinata Shunpei, who had defended himself quite well before, was now more than half a meter away from himself.

Isn’t this a problem with basketball IQ?

They took the initiative to put a defensive distance from themselves, isn’t this simply defending themselves from shooting?

“Have you forgotten that you have such a thing as a three-pointer?”

Ishigami looked at Hinata Shunpei five in surprise, standing outside the three-point line, and jumped directly, “Or, do you think my three points are very inaccurate?” ”

Ishigami’s words immediately woke up Hinata Shunping, who realized what kind of mistake they had made, but it was too late.

The stone gods had already struck, and the basketball crossed over their heads to draw a perfect parabola in the air.


The basketball and the net rubbed out a pleasant crisp sound, and the hollow fell into the net, 8-2!

This one-pointer once again extended the score, and the mentality of the first team seemed to have gone into question.

Hinata Shunping, who attacked with the ball for the third time, looked heavier, and the whole person seemed to lose vitality.

“Captain Hinata, pass the ball to me!”


“Trust me!”

Vulcan’s expression was very serious, “Don’t forget that the game has just begun!” ”

“yes, the game has just begun…”

There was still half a sentence that Shunpei Hinata did not say, the game had just begun, but it already seemed like it was about to end.

As the captain, Hinata Shunpei couldn’t say that kind of demoralizing words, so he still seemed to be awakened by the Vulcan, and his eyes lit up, “Good!” Then the offensive end is left to you! ”

With tactics, Hinata Shunping’s movements seem to be much smoother, and when facing the stone god, the psychological pressure seems to be reduced.

Vulcan moved quickly and plunged straight into the basket, while giving Hinata Shunpei a knowing look.

Hinata Shunpei immediately noticed, opened a relatively safe distance with the stone god, and threw it directly into the inside line, and the ball accurately fell into the hands of the fire god.

“Do you have to rely on Vulcan’s impact on the basket to hit the inside?”

Shi Shen finally got a little satisfied with these guys, “I finally know how to cooperate, but is it useful?” ”

The ball-wielding Vulcan Daigo faces Koichi Kawara’s defense, like entering no man’s land, compared to these people, he is indeed too talented and physically too prominent.

Even though Hiroshi Kawahara crossed his hands in front of his chest to resist, he was still directly pushed away by the violent jump of the Vulcan, and the brutal force directly cleared the way in front of the Vulcan.

“You are indeed strong, but I will definitely defeat you!”

Vulcan jumps with the ball in both hands, and he wants to open up the situation for the team with a big dunk!

In front of the basket was the basket, and when the dunk was dunked, a familiar face jumped in front of the Vulcan.

“This guy again!”

The fire god looked at the stone god who was almost close to his face, and was surprised that the stone god came extremely quickly, and remembered the scene of being buttoned by the stone god just now, and his heart was even more determined to dunk this ball.


The deafening dunk sound, Hinata Shunpei and several people were stunned by this scene, and in the face of the defense of the stone god, the Vulcan completed this angry dunk.

However, before entering the basketball, it was directly slapped with one hand by the stone god frontal!


A textbook cap!

Only the basketball was accurately fanned between Vulcan’s hands, and there was no suspicion of causing a foul at all!

And the basketball that was fanned flew straight to the other side, and while most people were surprised by this scene, the basketball was carried by the flag-lowering light tree waiting outside the three-point line and rushed into the basket and easily completed the layup.


Less than a quarter of the time the game began, the second team directly played a small climax of 10-2!

And what makes the five people in the first team feel terrifying is that 8 of the 10 points of the second team are won by the stone god alone, even if it is the layup of the flag light tree at the end, it is directly related to the cover of the stone god!

Shi Shen’s position this time was shooting guard, but he completed the alignment of five positions against the team alone!

Is this something that humans can do?

“Got it?”

Falling back to the ground, the stone god indifferently looked at the unwilling Vulcan, “Dunk, it’s such a hat!” ”

“Back to defense!”

Shi Shen turned his back and led the team back to his own half with a small jump.

The Vulcan was still kneeling on the ground looking at his pair of red palms, and the words of the stone god continued to linger in his mind, and a pair of hands couldn’t help but tremble.

“Damn it!”

Clenching his fists fiercely, Vulcan slammed hard into the floor, “Why! By what! ”

“It’s too strong!”

Even Rinnosuke, who had been silent, had a face full of gloom, and Hinata Shunpei sighed, “The strength of us and the coach is not at all a level, how can this be fought?” ”

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