Orange’s Specialty Skill – Dynamic Vision!

This skill is equivalent to further strengthening his physical fitness on the basis of the body of Yakuzu.

“When observing moving targets, capture images, decompose, perceive moving target images, expand your field of view and penetrate observation!”

This is equivalent to turning your eyes into a high-speed camera with X-ray function!

“In that case, Kuroko this guy… It must be difficult to play his role, right?! ”

The arrival of this skill can make the effect of Shi Shen Liwei more easily realized, “Then completely, kill the game!” ”


The game continues.

Hinata kept the tactics he had just decided on in his mind, and as soon as he held the ball halfway, he began to use the afterglow out of the corner of his eye to find Kuroko’s position.

“There… Hey, weird. ”

Hinata received a look from Kuroko, but was surprised that there were no defenders beside Kuroko, “Why is there no one to defend him?” ”

Strange, Hinata knew that the unguarded Kuroko was in an almost perfect time to strike.


Hinata did not hesitate to pass the ball directly towards Kuroko, and the defenders who saw this scene were shocked.

“When did that little guy appear! Why is there no one to follow suit? ”

The opposite flag-lowering light tree was even more annoyed, and his negligence released a perfect shot, although he really didn’t notice Kuroko.

Lowering the flag Mitsuki quickly followed the defense, and even Koichi Kawahara, who was anxious, pulled out to supplement the defense, and the inside line was transferred two defenders in an instant, and the Vulcan was completely liberated!

Everyone thought that Kuroko had such a perfect opportunity to choose to shoot directly, but an even more amazing scene appeared.

When Hinata’s ball was already in front of Kuroko, Kuroko did not catch the ball, but hit it sideways with his palm accurately.


Kuroko’s hand is like a racket, making the basketball in flight refract… And with faster speed!


Kuroko shouted, and the basketball went straight through Mitsuki and Koichi Kawara, who wanted to keep up with Kuroko, and soared towards the rebound.

And under the basket, there is an unguarded Vulcan, ready to jump to complete the air relay!

It’s a ghostly tale!

“So it is!”

Reiko Aida noticed the ball and was equally surprised, “Relying on his meager presence, he distracted the defenders, and he himself became a stopover in the constantly swimming passing route!” ”

“The pass was very precise and fast, the passing route was unexpected, and the extremely short touch time resulted in an almost perfect pass!”

“Misdirection! The technique commonly used in magic shows to induce the eyes of others, this is the role of his meager presence! ”

Reiko Aida is still a person who has experience as a coach, and in an instant she has a vague idea of Kuroko.

Kuroko’s special passing method not only shocked the opponent, but even his teammates did not expect it.

“Nice pass!”

The Vulcan who responded under the basket jumped up decisively, this empty connection, he is bound to win!

The Vulcan, who had originally looked down on Kuroko in his heart, finally had a trace of recognition at this time.

They didn’t expect that it was just a pause to come back, and the team actually had such a change and could play such a wonderful cooperation.

Looking at the basketball flying towards the hand of the Vulcan, Fukuda Kuan could only look at the ocean and sigh.

“Can’t stop it…”

Is it really impossible to stop it?!


The Vulcan, who was about to complete the empty connection, saw a flower in front of his eyes, and then a black shadow appeared directly in front of him like lightning.

The stone god quickly swept by, but the basketball that seemed to be about to be in hand was ruthlessly taken away by the black shadow.


“It’s a coach!”

Everyone saw this strange scene, no one knew when the stone god came to the basket, and no one knew what the stone god jumped from.

All they saw was the lightning-like figure of the stone god, rising in front of the fire god, faster than the fire god who jumped earlier, copying the basketball into his hand in the air, moving clouds and flowing water, and dashing to the ground.


Kuroko stood in place and watched all this in disbelief, his pass, was actually snatched!

After Shi Shen completed the steal, his action did not pause at all, and the dragonfly landed like water, directly threw off the defender, and rushed to another rebound.

“Your ball path has been seen through by me!”

When the stone god accelerated with the ball and passed by Kuroko, Kuroko seemed to hear the words left by the stone god in his ear.

He watched Shi Shen jump up with the ball in both hands, his body completed a 180-degree rotation in the air, and he backhanded upside down!


The deafening dunk sound pierced through everyone’s eardrums like thunder, and with unimaginable force, they saw the body of the stone god hanging back, and actually pulled the basketball hoop abruptly bent over!

“It shouldn’t be!”

Kuroko’s eyelids jumped, and he saw the meaningful look that the stone god threw towards him after he landed.

“Even when I was still in Diguang, those guys couldn’t steal my passes.” Kuroko gritted his teeth, unable to figure it out, “Why was he able to do it?” ”

“Come again!”

Kuroko didn’t want to believe it, he preferred to think that it was just an accident, if he would even get a pass steal, then why was he called the “Phantom Sixth”?

The first team organized the attack again, still Hinata Shunpei holding the ball, and Mitsuki naturally ignored Kuroko who was supposed to be defending.

Another good opportunity for no one to guard against sunspots!

Hinata passed to Kuroko, who turned around beautifully and passed back, and the basketball bounced off the ground and once again passed the two defenders, heading straight for the Vulcan on the inside!


A familiar scene repeated, the Vulcan was ready to catch the ball, and it was the stone god again, suddenly cut down from the side, the wind swept by, directly took the basketball away in front of the Vulcan, and turned away.

Another steal!

This was accompanied by a team of unguarded half-timers.


Big windmill-style dunk!

In the face of Shi Shen’s successive dunks, the shaking baskets all seemed shaky.

Attacking again, Kuroko continued to pass the ball, still being tackled by Ishigami on the way.

Reverse, crotch, direct pass…

Not once was the basketball successfully passed by Kuroko to the hands of his teammates, and without exception it was stolen by Ishigami halfway!

What followed was the fancy dunk of the stone god again and again like no man’s land.

A five-person game has become a personal dunk show of the stone god!

After Ishigami’s last tomahawk-style slash into the net, Reiko Aida blew the whistle towards the end of the single quarter.

End of the first quarter, overall score: 36-2!

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