Ishigami didn’t want to make a promise, he really forgot about the ball, and it was only after returning to the apartment after a day of supervision and training with Hinata Shunpei in the basketball club that Ishigami remembered it.

Although he felt that the other party would leave early even if he came in the evening, Shi Shen still walked to this side of the court after dinner.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually waited until now, seeing the clear Tonghuang school uniform, Shi Shen did not expect that the basketball master in Huang Mao’s mouth was actually a person from the Tonghuang basketball department.

“Sincere school uniform, really a sincere person!”

The appearance of the stone god immediately attracted the attention of everyone on Tonghuang’s side.

“Shi Shen, I said yesterday that I would invite someone to fight with you, and you actually made us wait for a whole afternoon!”

Segawa stood up, perhaps because he had the strongest strength of the Kirihuang school team behind him, and his tone unconsciously rose when facing the stone god.

When Segawa said this, the people of Kirito finally understood that Momoi had brought them out to fight with this guy.

Thinking that the stone god made them wait for so long, the eyes that looked at the stone god became less friendly at the moment.

“May, what’s going on?”

Aomine, who was sitting on a bench on the side and looked at his phone, obviously heard Segawa’s words as well, and Momoi’s lie using Kuroko as an excuse was naturally punctured, and he looked at Momoi, his brows furrowed deeper.

“I didn’t want to lie to you, Ada.”

Momoi stuck out her tongue embarrassedly, “But how can I let you come over without Kuroko-kun deceiving you?” The sincere stone god may be a very powerful player, and I want Ah Da to help me see it together…”

Before Momoi’s words were finished, Qingfeng stood up directly, glanced at Shi Shen, and then turned and left, “I’m not interested.” ”

“Ah Da!”

Momoi knew that Qingfeng had such a reaction, and directly reached out and grabbed Qingfeng, walked to him and took out his mobile phone, “You take a look at this first.” ”

It was the video of Ishigami playing ball copied from Segawa’s mobile phone.

Ishigami listened to Segawa’s righteous rebuke, his face was slightly impatient, he suddenly took a step closer to Segawa, and the tall body of 195 was so frightened that Segawa involuntarily took a step back.

“I made an appointment for the venue, but did you say the time?”

Ishigami looked calmly at Segawa, who almost subconsciously shook his head, “I didn’t say the time, what’s the problem with me coming over now?” ”

Segawa suddenly felt that the confidence he had just now did not know where to go, he did not dare to speak, and looked at the seniors behind him with a help-seeking look.

“Your name is Stone God, right?”

In the crowd, Wakamatsu Kosuke spoke, “Since you said let’s fight you, then don’t talk nonsense.” ”

The people of Tonghuang were already unhappy, seeing that Shi Shen’s tone was still so proud, he couldn’t wait to educate Shi Shen.

None of them had seen the video, and although the stone god had a tall figure, no one put the stone god in their eyes.

“But you’re only alone…”

Looking at the six people on his side plus Aomomine, who didn’t know what Momoi was talking about, Wakamatsu Kosuke hesitated.

“It’s okay, just two people give me a team, 3v3, no problem, right?”

Shi Shen waved his hand, but in his heart he was thinking about the reward of this ball.


This guy, so casual?

Wakamatsu Kosuke looked at the stone god blankly.

Aren’t you afraid that we will beat him 1 out of 5?

“If you think so, you can try!”

The stone god seemed to see through Wakamatsu Kosuke’s careful thoughts, and an unfathomable smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Just start fighting with Tonghuang, and Tonghuang seems to be coming as a team today, this should not conflict with the official match against Tonghuang in the future, right?”

“Is there still a reward?”

The stone god was concerned about this problem.


After deciding to play a 3v3 half, Ishigami randomly selected Segawa and Ryo Sakurai as one team, and the other team consisted of Kosuke Wakamatsu, Yoshinori Susa and Shoichi Imayoshi.

For Qingfeng is not involved, the stone god who understands Qingfeng’s psychological state is not surprised, but he feels that it is a pity, according to the situation with Vulcan and Aita Keihu solo, fighting with Qingfeng Daiki must also be a hidden task, if Qingfeng does not fight, then this reward can only wait until later.

Seeing that the Ishigami and several people had already come on the field and were ready to play, Qingfeng was still watching the video without saying a word, and Momoi was a little anxious.

“Ah Da…”

“Very average.”

Before Momoi spoke, Qingfeng threw the mobile phone directly to Momoi, and after watching the video, there was not the slightest wave in his eyes, and those three words seemed to be his evaluation of the stone god.

However, to Momoi’s surprise, Aomine did not continue to stubbornly leave, but sat back lazily on the bench and set his eyes on the court.

“Then Ah Da wait for me to finish watching their game together!”

Of course, Momoi knew that Aomemine had already developed a little interest in the stone god, and she did not say anything, sitting quietly next to Aomomine and watching the 3v3 that had begun on the field.

At the beginning of the game, Segawa did not pass the ball.

However, Shi Shen directly reached out and the basketball reached into his hand.


Segawa that angry, this guy even grabbed his own teammate’s ball?!

The distance between the 3 counterpoints on the field is stretched wide and almost triangular.

This posture seems to be to let the stone god come to single, and the stone god who discovered the intention of the Tong Emperor is undesirable, and the one who reigns with him is the small former Susa Yoshinori of the Tong Emperor.

An all-round player has a balance of all his abilities, but that means he doesn’t have any outstanding points.


Ishigami holds the ball and faces Susa Yoshinori’s close defense, and instantly accelerates at the moment of dribbling!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

That made Peter Pan feel ashamed of himself, and the stone god took the ball directly across Susa Kadenori’s entire body.

There is no trace of hiding at all, just dribble the ball so directly.

It is completely an absolute crush in strength.

Simple, and crude.


Susa Yoshinori’s whole person was stunned, and the other people also had incredible looks on their faces.

“So soon?!”

The stone god in front of him suddenly disappeared, and Susa Yoshinori could only catch up with the back of the stone god with the afterglow of his glance, but it was completely too late to chase.

Several other people who saw this scene were startled at the same time, and they suddenly realized that they had made a serious mistake in the beginning.

How could someone who could let Momoi bring them specifically to the game not be a top master?

“This speed is almost the same as Ah Da!”

In Momoi, outside the field, seeing the breakthrough of the stone god, such a strange idea appeared in his heart.

She guessed well before, but yesterday Shi Shen really didn’t exert his full strength!

This ultra-high-speed dribbling breakthrough speed is simply comparable to Qingfeng!

It was too late for Kosuke Wakamatsu and Shoichi Imakichi to react when they were pulled away on the court, and they threw away the defenders from their respective bottom lines to make up for the stone god who entered the basket, but as soon as the footsteps were taken, the stone god was already charging at the free throw line.


The powerful and heavy clasp made the basket scream like a burst!

As soon as the game began, Shi Shen had already scored a goal first!

The three of them exchanged a look with each other, and they all saw an unconcealed solemnity in each other’s eyes, such a feeling was not unfamiliar, and they experienced such an experience the day Aomine joined the basketball club.

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