Chapter 105 recoups the point difference

“Bang”, seeing that the ball in front of me was directly shot by Qingfeng Daiki on the side, the eyes of the Vulcan Daiki instantly widened, and the stunned look in his eyes naturally did not hide anything.

Reiko Aita stood up directly, and had to admit that the instantaneous ability shown by Daiki Aomomine had already surprised her.

“This can’t be!” Listening to the whispers of the people around him, the stone god snorted coldly from his nose, what could be impossible?

In Shi Shen’s opinion, the so-called impossibility is only the strength of the Vulcan Daego in front of him, and there is no way to compete with the current Qingfeng Daihui.

“Coach, do you want to sit still?” Listening to the voice around him, Shi Shen just shook his head slightly, such a level of catching up would not force him to play, not to mention that his original plan was to use the oppression given by Qingfeng Daiki to let Cheng Rin first psychologically get rid of his dependence on himself.

Thinking of this, Shi Shen’s eyes naturally looked more calm when he looked at the field, if there was really no way to resist Qingfeng Daiki, it would always be time for him to play again!

The game on the field continued, watching the ball return to Tonghuang’s hands again, the cheers of the audience under the field were naturally uninterrupted, and the momentum of the field made the atmosphere on the field more tense.

In the face of Qingfeng Daiki’s attack, at the moment when Vulcan Daiki did not catch up, Cheng Rin had no one to resist at all, watching the person in front of him break through several times and then a relaxed shot, Cheng Rin on the field only felt that the pressure was heavy for a moment.

In the short playing time of Daiki Aomine, the score of the team in front of him was instantly pulled back to 10-4 by the unrestrained man on the court, and Hiroshi seemed to have no way to fight back, which made people nervous.

“Is that all right?” Watching the person in front of him slowly turn around, leaving only a simple side for himself, the Vulcan was even more angry, and his teeth were even more gritted.

“Vulcan kun, it’s better to…” Listening to the opening of Kuroko beside me, Vulcan Dai naturally knew what he was going to say, but to accept Kuroko’s help at this time was obviously to admit the fact that he was inferior to Aomi Daiki.

This is naturally not allowed for a proud person like Vulcan Daigo, looking at the defiant eyes of Qingfeng Daiki in front of him, Vulcan Daiki said word by word, “I can defeat him alone!” ”

Looking at the almost obsessive appearance of the person in front of him, Izuki-jun and Hinata Shun on the side looked at each other, and before they could say anything, the referee on the side had already signaled to serve.

Izuki-jun didn’t have any words, the moment he took the ball in the referee’s hand, looking at the expectation on Vulcan’s face, Izuki-jun threw the ball in the direction of the person in front of him without any hesitation.

“Wow, it’s a confrontation between these two people again!”

“Vulcan is not Aomine Daiki’s opponent at all, okay?”

“That’s it, it’s a waste of effort!”

The discussion under the field continued to pour towards the field, and the Vulcan Dai I naturally listened to these voices in his ears, looking at the person in front of him, his brows furrowed tightly, and the stone god under the field naturally saw it completely.

“It’s obviously impossible to change personality problems all at once.” The corners of Shi Shen’s mouth turned up slightly, just listening to the tone in front of him, he couldn’t judge the mood of the person in front of him, and the moment he touched the sharp look in Shi Shen’s eyes, he could naturally easily see the coldness in his eyes.

“You won’t have a chance.” Looking at Qingfeng Daiki’s lazy expression, a flame was burning in Vulcan Daiki’s eyes.


As the ball in the hand of the person in front of him landed directly to the ground, the eyes of the audience in the audience were completely focused on the two people in front of them, and Qingfeng Daiki’s eyes instantly became sharp.

The silence of the last second was quickly broken by the sudden painting style, watching the Vulcan Daigo Tiger attack behind him, Aomine Daiki did not pay attention to this level of attack at all.

The same step by step is already an oppression for the Vulcan Big Me, looking at the person in front of me, the Vulcan Big Me is constantly thinking about ways to attack.

After a large disguise, the center of gravity of the person in front of me was clearly placed on the left, and the Vulcan Dai concentrated my strength completely under my feet, followed by a sudden dash.

“It’s over!” Reiko Aida and the others, who had been paying attention to the people in front of them, involuntarily screamed when they saw the performance of the Vulcan Daigo in front of them, and the excitement in their hearts was naturally self-evident.

And in the next second, Makoto in the field could easily know how boring his cheers were, and the Qingfeng Daiki in front of him did not act, but the Vulcan Daiki stopped his steps in an instant.

Looking at the stunned face in front of him for a moment, the audience in the audience was even more stunned, the ball that was still in the hands of Vulcan Daime last second was actually in Qingfeng Daiki’s hand at this moment.

The atmosphere on the field seemed to be frozen, and everyone’s eyes were focused on the body of Qingfeng Daiki in front of him, and the stone god narrowed his eyes even more.

In the next second, the static field began to operate again, and the eyes of the Vulcan Daime naturally burned with unwillingness, watching the person in front of him turn around and run directly towards the direction of Qingfeng Daiki, and the atmosphere of the audience under the field burned again.

“Come on! Come on! ”

“Tonghuang will win! Qingfeng beef batch! ”

“Come on! Snatch the ball back! ”

Looking at the chase of the two people on the field, whether it was the Tonghuang player or the sincere player, they all frowned, they were like excluded players, and these two people alone had already supported the entire game.

“Don’t think about scoring anymore!” Listening to the roar of the Vulcan Daiki behind him, Qingfeng Daiki did not pay attention to the person in front of him at all, looking at the basket that was getting closer and closer, a hint of teasing appeared at the corner of Aomine Daiki’s mouth, and his heart was more like he had made exclusive plans.

Vulcan Daiki naturally put all his energy on the person in front of him, and in the next second, seeing a sudden stop from Qingfeng Daihui, Vulcan Daigo’s face was also stunned.

Before reacting, the inertia of the body had prompted him to rush directly to the front of Qingfeng Daiki, and the moment he turned around and confronted the person in front of him again, he saw that Qingfeng Daiki had already jumped, and the Vulcan Daiki was also not to be outdone.

The figure of the person in front of him was completely expected by Aomine Daiki, he still had a playful smile on his face, but his movements did not have any stagnation.

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