Looking at the confusion that flashed on Qingfeng Daiki’s face and the subsequent stunnedness, Hara Zekerd was naturally more sure that the scene just now of the person in front of him was definitely not accidental.

May Momoi on the side couldn’t help but purse his lips slightly, turning his head to look at Hara Zekerd beside him with more inquiry in his eyes.

Yuan Zekerd did not respond immediately, the eyes of the stone god on the field were a little more complicated, the game continued, and the stone god in front of him did not hesitate to dribble the ball.

Everyone’s eyes were focused on the stone god, and Kurozi Tetsuya under the field stood up directly, and had to admit that the person in front of him was the focus of the field at the moment, and the light emitted by his body was enough to cover everyone on the field.

For Daiki Aomine, such a cognition is enough to disintegrate all his pride in an instant, looking at the figure that is getting farther and farther away from him, he can be sure that the person in front of him is already incomparable to himself!


With a heavy slam, the basket in front of him emitted a mournful and continuous vibration, and the audience in the field was already stunned, and no one could imagine that there would be an unbelievable gap between the people in front of them and the era of miracles.

The game continued, looking at the stone god in front of him, Qingfeng Daiki did not have any expression on his face, and there was a nervousness in the eyes of the person in front of him that no one realized.

The mind of the person in front of him Shi Shen also looked in his eyes, but what he responded with was only a smile on the corner of his mouth, the ball finally returned to Tonghuang’s hands, but Tonghuang’s players did not have any joy, everyone focused their attention on Qingfeng Daiki, even if he was regarded as the best hope of the entire team, the gap between the person in front of him and Shi Shen was still understood by everyone.

The moment he took the ball, Imayoshi Sho still chose to throw the ball in the direction of Aomomine Daiki after thinking slightly, but before the ball could even pass out, the sudden figure on the side once again attracted everyone’s attention.

Qingfeng Daiki also looked at the person in front of him with wide eyes, but Shi Shen did not give him any chance, and he easily scored with one shot.

“But if you are careless, you can’t have it.” Watching the stone god turn his head and look directly at himself, Qingfeng Daiki couldn’t help but clench his fists fiercely, and the original Zekerd under the field could not sit still, and directly shouted a pause without any hesitation.

Listening to the referee’s “beep”, the audience in the field looked in the direction of the referee, “Tonghuang asked for a timeout.” ”

The players on both sides walked towards the court, but the difference was that the face of the Kirito player had obvious frustration, the corners of Aida Riko’s mouth involuntarily hooked, there were only six or seven minutes left before the end of the game, if the situation can continue like this, the victory will eventually belong to Rin!

“Coach, let me play.” Shi Shen just picked up the water cup, and the voice of Kuroko Tetsuya behind him made him turn his head and look at the person in front of him with a serious look, and Shi Shen turned his head slightly.

On the opposite side of Cheng Rin, the Qingfeng Daiki in front of him just wrapped his head with clothes, and the corners of Shi Shen’s mouth couldn’t help but hook slightly, and he nodded directly, “Then you and the Vulcan exchange.” ”

There are only six or seven minutes left before the game, and at this time, Kuroko’s gaze guidance will not have any problems, not to mention, the problem between the two of them has always been clear to him, so take advantage of this time to let the proud person know that he is no longer the light of this era!

On the other side, the atmosphere of the Tonghuang is obviously not so calm, looking at the few players in front of him, Hara Zekerd is already trying to suppress his emotions, and Imayoshi Shoichi does not dare to respond.

Whether before or after Qingfeng Daiki came on the field, Tonghuang still did not have the upper hand, which was a great insult to Tonghuang, who was known as a “new tyrant”.

Looking at Daiki Aomine, who still didn’t have any response from the person in front of him, Hara Zekerd frowned tightly, and finally fell his gaze on the body of Momoi May on the side.

The person in front of her also bit her lip, of course she understood that Aomomine Daiki, who had entered the ZONE state, had already performed at the highest level, and the only thing that was different from the budget was that he ran into the stone god.

Before he had time to say more, the referee had already blew the whistle in his hand, looking at the Qingfeng Daiki next to him directly pulling the clothes on his head, the players of Tonghuang even focused their eyes in the direction of the person in front of him, and Yuan Zekerd breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the person in front of him did not give up, Tonghuang could still see hope.

Although he already knew that the power of the stone god in front of him had surpassed anyone in the era of miracles!

The players on both sides walked towards the field, watching the game start again, the audience on the field still looked passionate, and for Daiki Aomine, the moment his eyes touched Kuroko, he was obviously stunned.

The ball still belongs to the emperor, with the experience of the last goal, Imayoshi Shoichi naturally does not dare to have any delays, his eyes touch the stone god who is still far away from him, and Imayoshi Shoichi directly throws the ball in his hand in the direction of Qingfeng Daiki.

The thoughts in his mind flashed like a flint, and before Qingfeng Daiki could say anything, the ball in front of him that was obviously flying in his direction changed its original trajectory in an instant.


Everyone in the field heard such a sound, with the trajectory of the ball, everyone’s eyes were focused on the stone god on the side, looking at the smile on the corner of the mouth of the person in front of him, Qingfeng Daiki frowned tightly, and the players of Tonghuang would not dare to step forward directly for a while.

“As I said, there can be no distractions.”

Listening to the voice of the stone god, Qingfeng Daiki did not have any expression on his face, and in the next second, he ran directly towards the direction of the person in front of him without any hesitation.

Looking at the speed of the person in front of him, the audience in the audience instantly widened their eyes, and the stone god looked at everything in front of him with even more interest, looking at the person who came directly in front of him in an instant, and the stone god once again opened the distance with Qingfeng Daiki with a sudden retreat.

The game on the field continued, but the eyes of the audience under the field were reluctant to take a minute away, for fear of missing any wonder, and Yuan Zekerd did not dare to have any negligence, and his eyes looked at Shi Shen more and more focused.

Looking at the distance between himself and the stone god, Qingfeng Daiki did not dare to make any rash moves, his brows furrowed tightly, and there was a deep vigilance in the eyes of the person in front of him.

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