The atmosphere of the audience in the audience boiled for a while, and Seijuro Akaji in front of him walked unhurriedly in the direction of the basket with everyone’s gaze, like a warrior with a thorn.

“Luoshan, come on! Nakshan, come on! ”

“Lord Akaji, don’t show mercy! The best in Luoshan! ”

“Come on Seijuro Akaji! Come on Nakshan! ”

Listening to the earth-shaking cheers under the court, Reiko Aida couldn’t help but turn around, in such a voice, she looked like a frightened deer, no one could have thought that just letting Seijuro Akaji hold the ball, the hearts of the audience turned to Naksan in an instant, which is unacceptable to sincere players!

“Is that guy so popular?”

Listening to the incredible voice of Shinji Koganai on the side, the serious voice of Kuroko, who had never spoken, reached the ears of the sincere players under the court.

“As the most powerful person in the era of miracles, his status is not something that ordinary people can shake.” Looking at Seijuro Akaji on the field, Kuroko pursed his lips slightly, he didn’t say the following words, but the sincere player easily understood what the person in front of him meant.

Seijuro Akaji’s strength is definitely not just what the audience sees, and it is not easy for Makoto’s team to constantly catch up.

The people on the court are still approaching the basket with the ball in their hands, and everywhere they go, they set off the fear and despair in Rin’s heart.

“If you think that you can defeat the strongest team with just one person, it would be naïve!”

Listening to the voices of the people on the field, Hinata Shunpei, who was still lying to the ground, clenched his teeth tightly, and the Vulcan Daigo on the side couldn’t press his mood, and without any hesitation, he rushed directly in the direction of the person in front of him.

“Vulcan Kun!”

The audience in front of the audience was naturally full of curiosity when they looked at the people in front of them, but there was an obvious mockery on the corners of Luoshan players’ mouths, if the people in front of them really thought that they could turn the tide just by relying on their own strength, all that could prove was that he definitely didn’t have a long brain!

Kuroko in the audience also stood up directly, of course he knew how untimely it was for the Vulcan Daigo to rush forward directly at this time, and like most of the audience in the field, Kuroko’s eyes were completely focused on the two people in front of him.

Seijuro Akaji on the field still did not have any panic, it seemed that the appearance of the person in front of him was also expected, without any hesitation, in the face of the hand directly extended by the Vulcan Daigo, Seijuro Akaji directly slapped the ball in his hand on the other side in disguise.

The situation of two people facing off on the field once again formed, and while the center of gravity of the person in front of him had not yet had time to fully arrange, Seijuro Akaji was another false swing and seemed to be running past the Vulcan Daigo directly with the ball.

The moment he saw Seijuro Akaji’s action, the subconscious reaction of his body made the Vulcan Dai I directly reach out and want to directly intercept the ball in Seijuro Akaji’s hand.

It’s just that the person in front of him naturally won’t leave him such an opportunity, the cold breath swept this court with the fall of the basketball in his hand, and I can naturally feel the boldness of the person in front of me, and I haven’t fully adjusted myself, and the weightlessness under my feet comes again.

Only the shouts of the audience remained in his ears, and seeing the distance between the eyes in front of him and himself instantly widened, the Vulcan Dame had obvious unwillingness in his heart, but there was still no way.

With unwillingness and loneliness, the Vulcan Big Me inevitably fell to the ground, and the sincere players were nervous, but the players on the side of Luoshan just gave a sigh.

Looking at Seijuro Akaji in front of him, the person in front of him is undoubtedly the brightest star on the field at this time, Shibu Reiyang also focused his attention on the person in front of him, and the moment a bad premonition in his heart came, Shibu Reiyang subconsciously turned back, but he could no longer capture the figure of the stone god.

Looking at the basket in front of him, Seijuro Akaji in front of him shook his head slightly without any hesitation and jumped directly on the ground, since he already had the certainty of scoring, Seijuro Akaji naturally did not want to spend much more time.

The atmosphere on the field instantly became tense, and everyone focused their eyes on the person in front of them, waiting for the next ending.

Seijuro Akaji directly shot the ball in his hand without any care, and everyone’s eyes were focused on the basketball in front of them, and at the moment when everyone thought that the person in front of them would definitely be able to score, the figure of the stone god suddenly crossed out on the court made everyone widen their eyes.

“Stop him Captain!”

Yi Yuejun on the side shouted directly to the person in front of him, with the ardent hope of all the sincere players in the field, and looked at Shi Shen with absolute expectation in his eyes.

“Are you making me a decoration?” With full anger, the stone god directly dragged the action under the cover in front of him without any mud and water, and the ball in front of him directly changed the original trajectory at the moment of contact with the stone god’s hand.


The ball in front of him with the wind blade directly passed by his ear and then fell heavily behind him, looking at the scene in front of him, the audience in front of him instantly boiled, and almost no one could believe the scene in front of him.

Yi Yuejun, who was the first to react, ran directly towards the ball in front of him without any hesitation, but his hand had not yet touched the ball in front of him, and the sudden action of Shi Yue Lingyang directly reaching out to grab the ball in front of him made Yi Yuejun couldn’t help but raise his head instantly.

“I want this ball!” Looking at the person in front of him, Shi Wei Lingyang’s eyebrows were all serious, and in the next moment, there was no longer any hesitation, and he suddenly retreated with a turn.

The audience’s gaze was once again focused on Shi Lingyang at this time, looking at the person in front of him without any hesitation and directly retreating, the audience under the court did not doubt that the next action of the person in front of him was to shoot.

Reiyo Shibu in front of him has become the focus of the court at this time, and his eyes looking at the basket are equally resolute, looking at the person in front of him without any hesitation in the next second, he directly kicked up one by one, and Hinata Shunpei on the side had already frowned.

“Beyond the three-point line is my home court!”

Looking at the smile on the corner of the mouth of the person in front of her, Reiko Aida couldn’t help but widen her eyes, and the anxiety in her heart was not concealed.

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