"Nan Yong Feng..."

In a daze, there was a wistful call in my ears.

"Nan Yong Feng..."

"Nan Yongfeng!"

"Nan Yongfeng, you wake me up!"

The call became louder and louder, and finally, Nan Yongfeng opened his eyes with difficulty.

"What's wrong?"

Nan Yongfeng rubbed his sleepy eyes and asked the guy who woke him up unpleasantly.

"Really, it's almost time for you, you can still sleep peacefully."

"Almost to me? What's coming to me? "

Hearing this guy's words in the clouds, Nan Yongfeng became more and more confused.

"Hey, you don't even know what my name is, do you?"

Nan Yongfeng raised his eyes full of knowledge and looked at the guy who had been chattering on the side.

Cyan broken hair, dark skin.

I have confirmed the look in my eyes, but I don't know the beautiful boy.

"Who are you?"

The black-skinned boy's right hand slapped his forehead fiercely, and his face was speechless.

Although the two have just met, where are the talents who have introduced themselves to each other and forgot about it soon after turning their heads!

"Listen! My name is Daiki Aomine, my favorite food is teriyaki burgers, the type of girl I like is plump breasts, my hobby is basketball, and Asami Horikita's photo! "

Looking at the metamorphosis mixed with XP in the self-introduction in front of him, Nan Yongfeng's sleepiness instantly dissipated.

Nan Yongfeng stood up abruptly and looked around.

You will be greeted by a huge basketball hall and a dense crowd of students.

At the same time, strange memories poured out of Nan Yongfeng's mind like a dam that had opened the floodgates.

Nan Yongfeng, born in the ancient country of the East on the other side of the island, temporarily lived on this small island due to his parents' work.

And where he is now is a school called Diguang Middle School.

If the name of this middle school is called Diguang by accident, then on this small island, the middle school called Diguang, and the black-skinned boy named Qingfeng Daiki in front of him.

If this kind of accident is put together, it is not accidental!

Kuroko's Basketball.

Although Nan Yongfeng has not seen this anime, its name for "science fiction films" in its previous life is thunderous.

So much so that Nan Yongfeng has also heard a little.

And the place where he is at this moment is the Diguang Middle School mentioned in the anime "Kuroko's Basketball"!

Fortunately, Nan Yongfeng in his previous life did not have much concern, so the sudden reincarnation did not make Nan Yongfeng feel too sad, but suddenly arrived in a strange environment and was a little lonely.

And everything in front of him also washed away those Xu loneliness in an instant.

Diguang Middle School, freshmen, basketball club, Qingfeng Daiki, and Nan Yongfeng glanced over to see those colorful hairs.

Although Nan Yongfeng didn't know anything about the plot of this anime, he still knew a little about the colorful hangings and bs when Nan Yongfeng heard about this anime.

If Nan Yongfeng guessed correctly, he should be in the same grade as the protagonists of "Kuroko's Basketball" now!

And those colorful guys are exactly [Generation of Miracles]!

"Hey, do you remember?"

The impatient voice pulled Nan Yongfeng back to reality.

"Hello, Qingfeng Daiki, my name is Nan Yongfeng."

"Okay, I haven't lost my memory, I know your name, it's your turn to test soon, you better hurry up and prepare."

Saying that, Qingfeng Daiki no longer took care of Nan Yongfeng, and made preparations on the side.

At this time, Nan Yongfeng was still a little confused.

After all, anyone who crosses into a new world will be confused.

What should I do after crossing over?

Be a copyist and set off a bloody storm in the entertainment industry?

Or rely on predicting the future, engaging in investment, and turning the tide in the financial circle?

Nan Yongfeng was confused.

Right at this moment.

"Next, Nan Yongfeng, ten two-pointers, ten three-pointers, please prepare."

Hearing the words of the assistant in charge of the test, Nan Yongfeng stood on the court in confusion and obeyed the order.

The senior on the side handed the basketball over, and Nan Yongfeng mechanically took the basketball.

Looking at the basket in front of him, Nan Yongfeng decided not to think so much anymore, first get the things in front of him, other things, and then think slowly.

Nan Yongfeng bent his legs slightly, lifted the basketball, and after finding the angle, he gently jumped up and threw the basketball out.



The teaching assistant on the side nodded.

The posture is more standard, the aim is also good, although it is only a two-point shot without defense, but if this accurate head is explored, it is also a good seedling.

After one ball is thrown, the next ball is handed over by the senior.

Nan Yongfeng didn't say much, just repeated the shooting action.

One, two, three....

Until the last ball.

"Two-pointer, perfect score, please step back outside the three-point line."

The teaching assistant instructed while taking notes.

Hearing the words of the assistant teacher, Nan Yongfeng also showed a smile.

It seems that his body has become smaller, but his ball skills have not changed much.

You must know that Nan Yongfeng in his previous life was not a professional player in basketball, but he was also good among amateur players.

Nan Yongfeng retreated outside the three-point line and took the basketball handed over by his senior again.

It's still the same standard shooting position.

The basketball came out.

But this time, the basketball didn't fall into the basket as steadily as before.

Instead, it hit the edge of the basket and then circled above the basket.

One lap, two laps....

In the end, the basketball still fell into the basket with difficulty.

However, Nan Yongfeng showed a strange expression, raised his hands and carefully examined them.

"What's wrong?"

The teaching assistant asked with concern.

"No, no, nothing."

Hearing the assistant's words, Nan Yongfeng quickly waved his hand and continued to shoot.

And yet....

In addition to the thrilling first shot, Nan Yongfeng's next eight consecutive three-pointers were just right to send the basketball to the basket!

It's all hollow!

Not a penny!

Nan Yongfeng showed a strange expression again.

At this time, because Nan Yongfeng's performance exceeded ordinary people, the players who were watching the assessment in other stadiums around gathered one after another.

"What's wrong? Nan Yongfeng-san? If you're worried about a missed shot, then you can rest assured that your current score in shooting is currently the highest, even if the shot is missed. "

Hearing the words of the teaching assistant, Nan Yongfeng raised his head.

"Well, teacher, can I be a little further back?"

Nan Yongfeng said embarrassedly.

It's not that he wants to show the limelight or something, it's just that he is too curious at this time!

Originally, although he was good in basketball, he was just good!

But now, he feels like he can do everything!


The teaching assistant didn't say much, after all, age is here, and the idea of wanting to be in the limelight is normal.

Nan Yongfeng, who was licensed, took the basketball handed by the senior again, and then walked back.

"Hey, is he still stopping?"

As Nan Yongfeng moved farther and farther away from the three-point line, the people who gathered around were more and more shocked.

This guy in front of him shot 10 of 10 from two-pointers, 9 of 9 from three-pointers, and all but the first one was hollow!

This was enough to shock the players present.

Now he is actually engaged in some kind of trouble, taking the initiative to ask the assistant coach to pitch the ball farther away.

And this distance ....

Nan Yongfeng stopped.

"What a joke!"

"Is he here to make us laugh?"

"It's too arrogant!"

As Nan Yongfeng stopped, the surrounding players suddenly broke out into a riot.

No wonder these players are not calm, it is really what Nan Yongfeng has done is too outrageous!

He went to the middle line!

At present, these freshmen don't say, even the old students, have never seen such an exaggerated scene.

Midline shot!

Are you kidding!

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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