In the Tokyo 2nd Gymnasium.

Teiko vs Hiraishi.

At the end of the first quarter, the score:


At this time, the basketball was quickly transmitted from Di Guang's outside line, and the sound of passing the ball through the air, mixed with the friction between sneakers and the floor, formed a harmonious chorus.

Suddenly... under the defense of Pingshi Middle School, Nijimura made an easy breakthrough and once again attracted double teams.

In the process of a large crossover.

The moment when the ball was pulled and levitated... bang~.

It was exactly the same as when Akito Shigure passed the ball to him before. The player who pulled the ball changed from controlling the ball to gently flicking the ball, using the back of his hand lightly, from the crossover, making a continuous move. 's becomes a pass!

Amazing and beautiful!

Reiji Fukaya, who caught the ball, already raised his hands!

The insider pounced in panic...


Shooting fake!

Drop ball!

Behind the scenes!

An instant burst of catching and connecting action!

Although the space for the three-point shot has been completely opened up, Reiji Fukaya did not choose to shoot it, because after Nijimura and himself continuously attracted opponents to cover up, the inside line had been infiltrated into a sieve.


Pass the ball!

The black-named Shinji has been completely let out!

After catching the ball and dunking, with a body size of 192 centimeters, Kurono Shinji's dunking style is full of Shigure Akihito, but it doesn't have that amazing bounce at all, it's all about height... a tomahawk dunk!


Taking advantage of his weight, Shinji Kuromei also made the basket scream miserably!



In the audience.

A player from another team let out a sound of surprise, but the surprise was not because he was surprised by Shinji Kurenai's dunk. What shocked him was Teikou's terrifying defense and overwhelming, clear offense!

The terror of defense comes from Shigure Akito's 'ultra-wide defense'. Although Nijimura's steal performance on the defensive end has been terrifying so far... but... the players of each team looked to the sidelines, and now they have The score became 41:0.

Sure enough...

Akito Shigure, who blocked the entire three-point line, was even more terrifying!

That was really a risk, with the free throw line where he was as the core, completely covering the flight path of the ball!

They watched Hiraishi Middle School work hard, passing the ball, switching between internal and external offenses, pick-and-rolls, fake moves, but no matter how they played...

In the end, they would be chased by that Shigure Akito with incomprehensible speed and bounce. Come on, cover!

From the back of the figure wearing the No. 5 jersey, I don’t know when, all the other junior high school players seemed to see a burning, shadowy green light!

And on the offensive end...


overwhelmingly strong in all directions!

Everyone can see that when the two of them let go of their swords, no matter who they are, they can punch through the opposite Pingshi Middle School!

But these two monsters...

what a team they fought against!

Akito Shigure's 18 skills, from the center circle to the basket, it seems that every inch of space has no blind spots for attack, but he is also strangely keen on passing the ball and assisting, and he is very rhythmic.

After several rounds In the past, one would come up from time to time.

And Hongcun is simply blooming everywhere.

Wherever he goes, everyone's eyes will follow him.

Staring at him without distraction? Good guy...

If you don't pay attention, you won't know where the ball is passing.

Most of the"clear" parts of Teikou's offense are dominated by Nijimura Shuzo.


Looking at Shigure Akito and Nijimura Shuzo in the field, Naoto Sanada held a note recording the data and couldn't help but excitedly said to Supervisor Shirogane:

"The team's integration is quite perfect. This should be the strongest and most complete team in Diguang's history.' 「!"

Supervisor Platinum stood on the sidelines with his arms folded and said with a smile:


"Looking at this miraculous team, we always feel that all we need to do is stand in front of the bench and watch them deal with it, and that is enough."

Our Teikou's... brain... and heart.

Hearing Supervisor Shirogane's words, Sanada Naoto couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. Without any sense of entertainment, he suddenly said:"The coach must sit on the sidelines."

Platinum Farming:"……"

"Haha, I just feel sorry for you, Sanada, you still don’t know how to joke as before."


"Feel sorry."

Thinking about it carefully, Naoto Sanada felt that he could completely understand what Supervisor Platinum was thinking at this time.

"I understand what you mean. Although Nijimura and Shigure are still in second grade, in terms of strength, they are already out of the junior high school level. They are completely high school, or even beyond the high school level."

"Shen Gu, who is in the same grade, also has a black name……"

"Although not as strong as them……"

"But they all revolve around the functional play styles of the two. In terms of adaptability, the four people who experienced last year's 'Ten Schools Competition' also have a first-rate understanding.……"

"The addition of first-year Akashi has also integrated well."

"Especially considering that Hongcun is controlling the rhythm of the game, judging from the scene, the level of tacit understanding will be even stronger."

"Plus Shigure……"



"So comprehensive that he was nicknamed 'The Technician'. Whenever the ball is in his hands, it is reassuring, without a doubt.……"

"This is definitely the strongest team in the history of Emperor Guang, and even the entire junior high school basketball team!"

Hearing this

"The strongest...?"

Shirogane Kozo was silent for a moment, and suddenly shook his head under Naoto Sanada's puzzled gaze. The following words made him even more surprised.

"Not necessarily yet……"

"These two people are still in the process of growing up and have more potential to tap."

"Especially that child Shigure……"

���To a certain extent, in one crucial aspect, Reiji Fukaya was already ahead of him."

Naoto Sanada:"!?"



The eyes focused on the excited Akito Shigure on the court. His terrifying talent and ability allowed him to once again complete the block from the free throw line to the penalty area.

Seeing the excited smile on Shigure Akito's face, Kozo Platinum I couldn't help but reveal a smile

"Shigure enjoyed the victory on the court and the pleasure of defeating his opponent. Reiji risked everything in his desperate pursuit and also allowed him to experience a rare pleasure similar to the one he had against Hagioka Kasayuki last year."


"He is not like Reiji Fukaya yet……"

"Wait until the moment you fall in love with basketball."

Having said this, Shirogane Kozo turned to look at Murasakibara, Midorima, and Haizaki on the bench.".¨ It's very important to like basketball, no matter how fast Shigure's strength evolves and how strong he is now……"

"We still have to wait until that time……"

"This is the moment when his 'talent' can truly blossom and bear fruit."

Murasakibara: What are you looking at, old devil?

Haizaki: Humph, blossom? What are you talking about? Idiot, do you want to look at the score on the field before you speak? That monster is already too strong now, right?!

Midorima: I like it....Basketball...?

Qingfeng: What...Why did you ignore me?

Seeing the confused looks of several first-year students, Director Platinum turned his head back and focused on the court again, but there was a trace of satisfaction in his eyes.


Nijimura and Shigure's growth has completely exceeded their expectations, and even the sense of accomplishment in watering and cultivation has been obscured by their own competition with each other, but the same is true for these children. , the same future is limitless.

Maybe the regretful emptiness can be found in these children. When did I start thinking like this

? There are a lot of problems, I'm afraid it won't be as easy as Nijimura and Shigure. Let's take our time to cultivate and grow this group of first-year students. Before Shigure and Nijimura graduate, they will have to meet them. Qian Zhao’s (Qian Zhao’s) flowering moment, otherwise I wouldn’t have failed too much as a coach... Thinking about it this way, after passing the exam this year, I have a lot of work to do. But before that.


"Although I don't know where it was first initiated, the name 'Emperor Light Twin Stars' is really appropriate."

Shirogane Kozo's eyes lingered on Nijimura Shuzo who launched a fierce attack on the field, and then turned to Shigure Akito who suddenly stopped in the middle circle.

The next second, the ball was passed from Nijimura's hands without any pause.

Shigure Akito suddenly stopped in the middle circle.

Yu Qiuren catches and shoots, from the sudden stop to the catch and shoot, one has obviously gone deep and the other has stopped in the middle circle, but in such a special offensive composition...

the tacit understanding between the two is still incredible.

Nijimura Chuan. There was no hesitation.

Shigure seemed to be sure that the ball would be passed, and he was so smooth that he followed the exaggerated midfield three-pointer and said in a low voice.

"The current Nijimura Shuzo and Shigure Akito, as long as they are on the court, Teiko will never have the possibility of becoming a champion."

"This is not confidence……"

"But be convinced!"


The three-pointer was hit!

With the whistle at the end of the first quarter, the score was fixed at a terrifying...


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